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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Instead of pulling out each mod, allow easier way to just swap the gear.


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Sure, pulling each mod should be expensive and costly. Your trying to get a certain play style when doing it.


BUT, what about the players who just want to look a certain way?

It seems pretty backwards when you have to pull out each piece in your armor, then swap it over to another gear JUST to get a piece of gear that you want to look like.





ADD a way for people to reduce the cost by simply merging over all the mods into another piece of gear for people who just want a certain look.


I don't want to spend 150-200k just to look the way I want. Isn't that what 1.3 was aiming for? To look the way we want? I've already gotten Campaign gear and Its too costly to move all the mods to the gear I want to look like.


Heres an example,



Pulling all mods out total cost about 150k (1 piece of gear)



Swaps all mods to another piece of gear for 30-50k


Thanks Bioware!

Edited by PunisherAS
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I agree. Running all the Dailies and then running an Operation, paying for repairs and buying the stuff I need is ridiculous. By the time I am done the Operation, and ready to swap mods I am broke. I have to wait till the next day to run some dailies just to make enough to move some of the mods. I agree that the cost is ridiculous, especially when someone is just trying to find the look that works for them.
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If we're not gonna go for a full blown appearance tab, then I like this idea a lot. Basically you should have a way on the mod bench to transfer mods ala carte (and thus incur a higher cost since this is mostly for min/maxing), and then another option to just transfer mods to a shell since the latter is done purely for appearance sake, and frankly it's kind of silly to charge so much for something like that.
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Absolutely. The price to look the way you want is ridiculous. I didn't spend 50 levels getting a set of cool, matching, moddable gear just to never use it again and have to wear the same ugly gear everyone else has. They put so much emphesis on being able to look how you want in this game, but the price to do so is absolutely insane. This needs to be addressed immediately.

Edited by revan_worshipper
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