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The Appearance Tab: How To Make It Work


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I am aware people have brought up the need for dyes/paint already, but if this game had an appearance tab, I might get back into it a LOT more. And how the appearance tab could work is that it's DISABLED in warzones. I know this isn't exactly the most legit MMO, but the very popular Spiral Knights does that very same thing: appearance tab in PvE and in the general world, then it turns off in PvP.


It'll be great for the RP community, and in general! And if someone from the same faction wants to be able to tell what someone's real gear is they can just inspect them, simple.


If anyone wishes to challenge the potential of this, feel free to. I'm open to constructive criticism on the idea itself.





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I agree that equipment dyes and coloring should be added to the game in the future. But I think the appearance stuff is really going pretty well in 1.3. Since social armor is now adaptive, and since you can augment any piece of equipment, I've been seeing a lot of really great customized armor sets all around. If you haven't given it a shot, check it out!
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I agree that equipment dyes and coloring should be added to the game in the future. But I think the appearance stuff is really going pretty well in 1.3. Since social armor is now adaptive, and since you can augment any piece of equipment, I've been seeing a lot of really great customized armor sets all around. If you haven't given it a shot, check it out!

Oh yeah ! I've met plenty of Rakata, Tionese and Columi set... I completely changed my rakata armor with 1.3, for more customization. Now, I wear an AUGMENTED rakata armor ! Everything so new, so different !


Not everyone is full war hero/campaign with 100K credit/armor piece to have access to customization.


Customization should be granted for free, from lvl 1 to endgame.

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