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(L,F&E Interlude) Wild Things


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<That night>


It was the talk of the planet. The long lost daughter, recently found, would attend her first ball tonight. Most attendees had been waiting for the event with anticipation. One had not.


Natasha was trying. it was obvious she was trying to have a good time. But it was equally obvious that she was out of her depth and while her face held a smile, it was almost as if it was plastered on. The ball had been going for two hours and she had been introduced to a number of people, people she was absolutely certain that she would never remember. When her mother had proposed this whole torturous ordeal, her first thought had been 'Hell no!' and her second to run and hide. But now, she was here, and stuck. And so was Ahrissa. The thought of her guardian made Natasha look to where the Jedi was standing and speak quietly. "Ahrissa, you okay?"


Ahrissa never did well in large and crowded space's, she was always a farm girl, which was one of the reason's why she was never trained at the large temple on Coruscant, the bright lights and sea of patrons was simply to much for her to bare. Even now, so many years after did she stand with the calm demeanor of any well trained Jedi. But inside she was guarded and tense, stretching out with her senses in search of threat as well as continued peace from the force. Blue eyes settled down at the girl sitting in front of her, it was a the opening feast before the night's festivities, and Ahrissa stood behind like any faithful guard, abstaining from eating until after the party. Leaning forward so Tasha could hear, Ahrissa smiled calmly “I'm okay Tasha” she whispered. “Though I should be asking you the same thing, I sense your discomfort.”


Natasha actually smiled naturally for the first time that evening. Her eyes, however, showed she knew of Ahrissa''s discomfort. But if Ahrissa was willing to shoulder her burden, well, so was Natasha. The young girl nodded and turned back to the long line of people who had received invitations to this, her first ball. Apparently, there had been such a long list that the secretaries who had received the RSVPs had been forced to work overtime to try and fit everyone in. Natasha sighed, just a little. When she spoke it was for Ahrissa's ears alone.


"Only for my mom, Ahrissa." The princess said quietly. "That is the only reason I am doing this. I promised her no adventures and I would 'try' and act like a princess. But..."


Ahrissa nodded, which was only a slight tuck of her chin. Princess' weren't supposed to ideally chat with there guards after all, not unless it was of some security purpose “Keep your eyes and mind open princess' grand parties such as this one is common for royalty. It teaches you many thing's about your kingdoms people, and there allies” Blue eyes flickered up to glance at a rather large and heavy set individual dressed in blacks and red's, he had been giving Tasha various looks, like a vulture eyeing a carcass “That man there for example, keep your eyes out for him and be cautious with your words. He seeks opportunity”


Natasha didn't nod, but her eyes noted the man, and her mind cataloged him. He looked at her and then away. "Yes, indeed. “ She focused on another area. “What of those two young men in the corner?" She didn't motion but her head turned towards a pair of young men, neither of whole could have been older than 18. Both looked away when they saw her looking at them. "Possible suitors?" Her voice was dry.


Ahrissa smiled “It would appear so, you will find many tonight, and will be asked to dance by all of them.” Ahrissa chuckled “It would be un-wise to refuse”


"Right." Natasha didn't scowl. But it was fairly obvious from up close that she wanted to. "It's expected." her voice was deft mimicry of her mother, luckily no one but Ahrissa could possibly be close enough to hear her.


Ahrissa chuckled as she cleared her throat "Tell ya what, when this is over the two of us can find an exit out the back door and retreat to our little island. something to look forward to"


Natasha bit back a grin. It wasn't seemly for a princess to grin so openly, she had been told. Repeatedly. "I will hold you to that." She said out of the corner of her mouth as the queen glided towards them both. Ahrissa nodded and stood up straight, returning back to her duties as guardian


Queen Firalia walked up to Natasha and nodded to her. "How are you holding up, Natasha?" She asked quietly. Natasha nodded to her.


"I will not dishonor our family, Your Majesty." Natasha said formally.


"I know." Queen Firalia smiled sadly. "I know you won't Natasha, but... now we have our duty. The dance floor awaits."


Natasha nodded and took her mother's hand. The Queen nodded to Ahrissa and then the Queen and her daughter walked towards the dance floor, where a long line of men of various ages waited. Ahrissa followed and stationed herself near the door where she could watch the entire dance floor and keep eye's peeled for any threats. The queen took her first dancer and Natasha followed suit, trying to remember the steps that she had been taught.


The first dance was a slow one and luckily, the man Natasha was dancing with was skilled enough to make her look good. When no one could see he smiled slightly. "It's okay princess, we were all beginners once. We all learned." The kind words buoyed her up and she smiled back as he led her back towards the line of waiting men.


An hour later, Natasha was starting to droop a bit. Ahrissa swept into the room and stepped up beside Tasha with a slight bow "Perhaps M'lady, it is time we rest" she nodded towards the large podium where the queen was sitting and watching the event


Natasha nodded to the last dancer and then shook her had to the remaining people in line. They nodded to her, many showing dissappointment. Natasha followed Ahrissa to the podium, when she sat with more speed than grace.


Ahrissa waved to a servant to bring Natasha a glass of water before stationing herself behind the princess once more Natasha took the glass and sipped daintily. She looked at her mother with an obvious question in her eyes and the queen leaned close. Natasha's words were quiet. "How can you possibly not be exhausted by that?"


The queen smiled and shook her head. "Who says I am not? I just fake not being exhausted better than many." Natasha stared at her mother and then grinned slightly.


The Queen grinned back and then spoke quietly. "We have done our duty then. Another ten minutes and we can retire. When you go to your island, please let the guards know." Natasha's eyes went wide at that.


Ahrissa's lip twitched into a slight smile as she cleared her throat "The guards have been alerted, M'lady" she spoke so only the pair could hear


Queen Firalia smiled slightly. "Good. And Natasha, well danced." Natasha turned a bit red at that, but brought her face under control quickly. They both rose together. All activity stopped on the dance floor, and then resumed when Queen Firalia nodded and smiled. The queen took her daughter's hand and they walked off towards their quarters. Behind them, the ball continued, if a bit more subdued, then no less busy.

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<A few nights later>


Natasha paused at the door to Ahrissa chamber and knocked politely.


Ahrissa placed down her data pad and looked up, she was lounging on her bed with several files scattered around her "Come on in Tasha" She commented softly


Natasha smiled as she entered. "I wanted to say good night, Ahrissa. Thank you for the workout today. It was marvelous. Your shoulder is less stiff I think." The massages she did seemed to help a bit, the girl hoped so anyway.


Ahrissa smiled as she sat up and folded her hands "It still has a long way to go unfortunately. But I have enjoyed our practice together, you are a quick learner"


Natasha smiled, no this was a grin. "You don't survive long learning slow among the Bladeborn. But thank you for the compliment." She hesitated for a moment, then embraced the Jedi. "I know it is not right for Jedi to form attachments, but... I can't help it. And I am not a Jedi." Her grin was wide.


Ahrissa returned the hug, but a frown flicked across her face while Tasha wasn't able to see, but was quickly replaced by a loving smile as she pulled away and tucked a strand of hair behind the girls ear "No, your not. But I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing"


Natasha sighed as she released Ahrissa. "I know... I know... Uncontrolled emotion can a bad thing. I have seen it." She winced in memory. "But I can care for you. And you for me, as long as we don't go too far." For a moment, her face was far, far older than her nine and a half years. But then it smoothed back into her normal features. “But I think its time I went to bed. See you tomorrow morning, we have that session on the Gungan tribes tomorrow I think...” It wasn't like she had studied everything in the book she had been given in the two days she had possessed it. Not at all.


Ahrissa chuckled as she squeezed the girls shoulder some "Go on you, off to bed now!" She commanded in a teasing tone, if one didn't know any better she almost sounded like a mother speaking to her daughter


Natasha smiled as she obeyed. "Yes Ma'am." She joked as she walked back to through the door and shut it. As she walked to her bed she smiled. Of all the things she might have expected her life to turn out as, this was not on the list. She froze at the bed and sighed. It used to be that she would just collapse into her bed. But now, things were expected of her. She walked towards the refresher and never noticed a shadow that seemed to lengthen on the wall nearby. She would have been horrified at the thought of such laxity. But she hadn't been given any reason to fear here. The guards were competent and Ahrissa was right nearby. So a bit of laxity was not unheard of, even in a former Bladeborn.


The assassin waited until she was sure her quarry was occupied with her hair. If she could, she wanted this to be silent. As well as being paid more for an untraceable killing, having a Jedi in the next room was nervous making, but she wasn't paid exorbitant fees for being an amateur. She readied the hypo of expensive poison. With no known antidotes, the concoction had served her well in the past. A perfect tool for a plausible death by natural causes. All she needed was one clean shot. It would be easier if she could do it silently though, so she readied her sedative as well. Knock the girl out, then do it and get away. Simple. If she could just... get... close... enough...

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Ahrissa watched as Tasha silently left the room, the door clicking, only to crack open once more. She had gotten rid of locks. If anything were to happen locks would be a hindrance, The door was already not ideal...but she figured privacy was needed, even between a Guardian and her charge. Sighing Ahrissa picked up a datapad, reports and news from Dantooine scrolled up on screen and a sense of nostalgia overtook her. It had been about a month since she had seen or spoken with Arik Vandar... she was whisked away on this mission with no chance to really catch up with her old friend at the academy.


The council was doing there very best to keep them apart, it was as plain as daylight. They knew very well about there feelings for eachother, despite there strained attempts to keep it a secret.


Placing the pad down, Ahrissa stood from her bed and moved to a small, temporary computer terminal installed in the corner of her room. What would it hurt to give him a quick call and see how he was doing? The council and the queen never said she wasn't aloud to stay in contact with the outside world after all.


Taking a few moments to plug in the desired commands, Ahriss slipped into the chair just as a familiar face came up on screen. Ahrissa sighed and smiled warmly, how good it felt to see his face again


"Hello Arik" she purred


"Hey!" Arik exclaimed, He was always happy to see her. His expression quickly became more concerned however "Are you ok ? You look like you took a beating."


Ahrissa grinned as she rubbed a hand across a faint blue bruise on her chin "The Princess, is tougher then most might think, she'd make a good Jedi" she chuckled, but then after a moment she sighed a little frown tugging at those rose lips. She had yet to tell Arik about her medical situation "Actually” she huffed “I do have some news"


Concern deepened on Ariks face as he sunk into his own chair, preparing himself for the worse "What is it?"


Ahrissa sat up bravely "Ive been visiting the medic's weekly since I got here.” She informed. She knew Arik would remember the injuries she suffered before she was sent here to Naboo “It seems the shoulder Injury I received on Felucia has caused some permanent damage" Blue eyes seemed to fade as she shifted uncomfortably in her chair, she hated making Arik worry about her, he did worry a lot...


Arik frowned even more as he studied her “What do you mean permanent damage?" he questioned, pushing for more information


Ahrissa sighed almost reluctantly "They say that I will no longer have the same strength in my shoulder as I used to...They suggest that I consider applying in something more...'suitable' for my condition..." Ahrissa's blue eyes faded for a moment as she aloud Arik to fill in the blanks


"That's nonsense," Arik retorted stubbornly, "That just means you have to focus more on speed than strength," He thought for a bit" Makashi would be perfect."


Ahrissa grinned at Arik's stubborn confidence "I wont..." Ahrissa suddenly paused as she tilted her head slightly to the side and narrowed her eyes


"Why?" Arik responded "Because they say so?! How can you win any battles if you admit defeat this easily?"


Ahrissa blinked as if confused for a moment before shaking her head "Oh no...not that...I just thought I felt something..." She trailed as she leaned forward and tapped at a control panel in front of her, Blue eyes diverted from the main monitor as she studied security cams set up in Natasha's room as well as the near by hallways and the garden outside. The only danger, if one could call it danger, were a pair of guards bickering with each other, one looking a bit intoxicated... "I.... must be hearing things." Ahrissa finaly settled as she returned to Arik, flashing him a comforting smile "Anyways...I was going to say that I WONT give up that easily, the force will guide me through this...and I have you for support"


Arik smiled "Always."


"I miss you...Arik...I could use your company here you know.." Suddenly there was the sound of something crashing in the next room, and the Jedi Knight was instantly alert, springing to her feet and rushing to the door, the chair toppeling over in her rush knocking the monitor and sending it into static

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<A few minutes earlier>


Natasha sat and fussed with her hair. It still felt odd. It was too long for one thing. It was a pain to take care of. But she had to admit it was pretty. She wasn't really focusing on the mirror. She had her eyes half closed as she worked a few kinks out of her long tresses. It worked so much better to do it before she slept than when she woke. It was expected...


Her thoughts broke off suddenly as a hand clamped around her mouth and nose, the cloth in it smelled odd. Then she felt something hit her arm, it felt like a...


Trained reflexes had her in motion. Her head slammed backwards and connected to something. Her right hand grabbed the wrist of the hand that held her face and twisted. Strength mattered a lot in many cases, but most bodies joints only went a few directions. Bladeborn were trained a lot in hand to hand fighting, both with and without weapons. The hand that covered her mouth and nose moved a bit and she could breath. She spun out of her chair, with more luck than skill connecting to the hand that held the object to her upper arm. She heard a hiss, but nothing hit her. Then the blade that she hid in her hair was in her hand and she was fighting for her life. She had apparently inhaled enough of whatever had been on that cloth to be clumsy though.


The assassin, that is what she had to be, didn't waste time with words, she pulled another hypo out of her bodysuit and stalked towards Natasha with it at the ready. Natasha dove away from the approaching woman and into her bedroom. She skidded all the way to her bed but then she couldn't make her body react. She could only watch as the black clad woman approached. She didn't need to be told that the hypo held her death.


Ahrissa slammed open the door, Deactivated saber in hand as she paused, spotting the assassin she wasted no time, raising a steady hand she sent out a push through the force, pulling the hypo to her, about halfway she threw the hypo towards the bed and charged the assassin, who was already running. but not towards the door. No, the black clad woman dove for the window. And instead of a crash, something ripped and a hole appeared where the woman had gone through. Then the black clad woman was gone. Shouts came form the hall and two guards came running in, weapons drawn.


"Protect the princess!" Ahrissa shouted in a commanding tone. And before the guards had a chance to respond, Ahrissa was in pursuit.


Natasha could only watch as the Jedi took off almost right through the window. The two guards took in the situation at a glance and one came towards Natasha as the other started calling on his radio.


Jen opened her helmet as she bent over Natasha. "You ok, Princess?"


Natasha looked at Jen and had time to say "No..." before darkness claimed her. Jen cursed, but then checked Natasha's vitals and relaxed as she found the girl breathing. A quick, practiced yank and the Princess was in the guards arms and they were moving to a safe location. The alarms started now as Jen and her companion ran towards the medical wing.


That scum won't get away, not with a Jedi on his tail.

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Ahrissa leaped onto the window, balancing herself up on the ledge as blue eyes pierced the darkness, desperately in search of the the threat that had attempted to cause harm to her charge. The force rippled with danger as Ahrissa spun around and looked up, the shadow was scaling the wall! Cursing Ahrissa clipped her saber to her belt and began to carefully place fingers into the stone cracks that made up the castle walls, wincing as she began to pull herself up hand over hand. Her shoulder screamed out in protest but Ahrissa merely gritted her teeth and forced herself to continue, the pain was not important, nor was her shoulder...catching the threat however...was.


Using the force to put speed and strength in her efforts Ahrissa climbed, allowing herself only short moments to look up and keep an eye on the assassin a few feet ahead of her. About the third glance up, the Assasin expertly pulled herself over the roofs edge and vanished in the shadows.


“Oh no you don't” Ahrissa growled as she finished her own climb, pulling herself over the ledge and drawing herself up onto her feet, searching once again for the assassin.


Once she found her target, Ahrissa darted toward the assassin. The smooth terracotta tiles made it difficult for her to find her footing. Nevertheless, she was able to climb up to the side of the building. Once at the top, she scanned the area once again. It only took her a second to find the assasin. By now she had made it to the next roof. Forcing Ahrissa to jump for it. Using the natural momentum running downhill, she leaped across at the last moment before the roof dropped off.


She made it, but only just barely. Half of her body dangled off the ledge. Her arms barely keeping her from a very nasty fall. Her weaker shoulder felt as if someone was pulling and stretching it. As if any moment if could snap right off. Some how though, she pulled herself up into a crouching position.


Picking up the trail, Ahrissa spotted the assassin running behind a smoke stack. Oddly enough, she didn't come out from the other side. As Ahrissa ran towards the target, she found out why. Just behind the smokestack, a latter descended down the side of the building into an alleyway down below. Seeing as it was too far to jump, Ahrissa climbed down.


As she cleared the alley, Ahrissa found herself in a market. Scanning the area, she couldn't find any trace of the assassin. She nearly gave up hope, when out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a crowd of people, Within the crowd, one person stood out. She kept her head low, avoiding eye contact with anyone. If the crowd of people hadn't have opened up at that time, Ahrissa would have missed her.


Picking up the chase again, Ahrissa pushed and shoved her way through the crowd. Realizing that her cover was blown, the assassin took off. Along the way, she threw crates in the Jedi's way to throw her off her trail. The crowd was starting to panic. The assassin knew that she had to get away from them if she had any hope for escape. She spotted a stack of crates at the entrance of a arced passageway. Wasting no time, raced towards them and climbed up. The passageway was lined with boards near the ceiling that across the length of the archway. The assassin jumped from board to board like a cat, bypassing the crowd. She was nearly at the end when she stepped on a board that was rotted. Causing her to crash into the street below. It happened so fast that she didn't have time to control her fall, causing her ankle to twist violently.


Ahrissa was on her in moments, saber activated in hand as she held the deadly blade at the assassins throat, both panting to control there breathing from the chase earlier. A crowd started to push it's way around them, gasps and exclamations of awe and excitement, causing sharp blue eyes to glance up at the face's surrounding the dueling pair. Sighing at the curiosity of patrons, Ahrissa rose her voice, putting the force behind her words


“Continue about your evening, There is nothing to see. Jedi Business”


It took only a moment before the whispering crowds began to separate and continue about their day, curious eyes glancing back every now and then while Ahrissa deactivated her saber and reached down to aid the assassin up on her feet.


“Common now...”


Ahrissa commanded calmly as she took to steering her captured quarry down the street and back towards the palace, the assassin limping with every other step, head bowed and shoulders haunched in defeat.


They were within site of the palace, posted guards shouting when they saw them approaching as they took up arms and rush to aid the Jedi. They would never make it in time... Ahrissa felt the assassins head snap back, taking her by surprise as the back of womens head caught her harshly in the jaw. Taking action, the assassin grabbed ahold of the Jedi's wrist and spun on her heals, twisting the Jedi's body as she kicked out with her foot.


Ahrissa gasped as she felt the womens boot connect with ribs, fighting desperately to keep onto her feet while the assassin stepped back and followed through with another round kick to the side of the knights forehead, a small blade embedded in the assassins heal slicing skin as her kick hooked and forced the Jedi to loose her balance.


Ahrissa tucked herself forward rolling awkwardly out of the fall as she came up on one knee, blinking blood from her right eye as she searched for the assassin, who was running in the opposite direction hoping to take cover in the shadows. Raising a hand, Ahrissa reached out with the force, causing the assassin to trip and tumble forward


“Really...” Ahrissa panted as she stood up and went to retrieve the victim “That is quite....” Ahrissa however never got to finish her sentence as the assassin turned and looked right up at her. The grin plastered on the girls face was enough to make blood run cold.



((ooc: A huge thank you goes to Arik Vander for his help in this post!! ))


((Posted by Trisskar))

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The assassin grinned, and then laughed. An eerie sound,a terrifying one. And, not feminine laughter either. No, this giggling and laughing was distinctly masculine. The woman's mouth opened , but a male voice came out.


"You think you have won Jedi? You have won nothing except death." The laughter continued, increasing in pitch and volume, until...


A dazed look came over the assassin's face, then a look of horror. Then she... exploded. Blood and more horrible things splattered everywhere. The guards who had been running to Ahrissa's assistance immediately hit the dirt, then rose to see what had happened. One looked at the pile of meat that had been an assassin and started retching, the other pulled his radio and called for backup. Then he walked to Ahrissa.


"Are you ok, Ma'am?"

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Ahrissa didn't have anytime to run away from the horrid end of her previous victim, only having enough time to shield her face with an arm as the remains of the would be assassin rained on her, and everything else surrounding the area. After several long moments of silence, Ahrissa slowly lowered her arm, white and green robes now crimson with the victims blood. Wide Blue eyes starring at the spot her quarry had once been. A guard managed to work up enough courage and step up beside her, speaking softly as he tried to avoid looking at the mess before them, a hard task indeed. Shaking herself Ahrissa swallowed, forcing herself to not loose her stomach as she nodded


“Yes...I am fine...” she muttered in a shaky breath. Even after many years of training, nothing could prepare any Jedi for this. Silently, Ahrissa averted her eyes from the scene, there was nothing left for her to do here. The guards would search the city, that was to be expected. But the Jedi Knight knew that...for now...the threat was over.


Numbly Ahrissa walked past the guards and returned to the palace, she needed to check on Natasha and make sure her charge was safe. Not to mention a really long retreat to the showers... she would have to report this to the Jedi Council. The threat had now gone past her own training, she was going to need help.


When Ahrissa managed to make her way back to the princess's chambers, she found Queen Firalia sitting beside her daughters beside, her face was bleak as she looked up at the Jedi. There was a long pause, Ahrissa couldn't blame the queen, she must of looked horrid. After awhile the queen nodded


"I am glad you were not hurt, Jedi Ahrissa."


Crystal blue eyes, now clouded over from the previous experience glanced from the queen and then down upon the sleeping Princess. She sighed, grateful to see the girl was stable and un-harmed. She didn't speak though, merely nodded in silent response to the queens gratitude. The queen nodded to a table nearby, where a hypo lay. Her voice, while quiet, was filled with rage. "The doctor said that it was filled with a fast acting poison, one that would have broken down within minutes. We will find who did this."


Ahrissa glanced at the hypo and shuddered as she forced herself to find her voice "Somehow... I fear it wont be as easy as that."


The queen nodded slowly. It wasn't everyday assassins self detonated after all. But the queen's voice was still quiet. "We have to, I won't have Tasha put in danger. This is partly my own fault. I assumed she was safe here. Silly."


Ahrissa frowned, she hated giving bad news, speciously to a mother protecting her child "I'm afraid there is no true safe place in the galaxy M'lady, we can only do our best to avoid the worst. I will do what I can to ensure that"


The queen nodded. "If one assassin can get in here, more can. We need to find someplace safer..." She broke off as Natasha groaned, the girl was speaking, in low tones. A long string of profanities.


"Tasha!" The queen spoke, just a bit sharply. but with more relief in her voice. Natasha's eyes shot open and she froze on seeing her mother and Ahrissa looking at her. Natasha looked from her mother to Ahrissa. And then she smiled. "You got the lousy scum." It wasn't a question.


The queen shook her head. "I keep forgetting who you were training with before you came home. I don't even know what some of those words mean.," But she was grinning as she took Natasha's hands in hers. "I am glad you are ok, Tasha." Tasha nodded.


"Stupid lousy Schutta took me by surprise. Was anyone else hurt?"


Natasha questioned, glancing over at Ahrissa. "Besides you that is” she then turned back towards the queen “Mother...?" The queen smiled and helped Natasha out of bed. The queen made a waving gesture and Natasha walked to where Ahrissa was standing. "I seem to be fine. YOU need some looking after. Come on..."


Natasha stated plainly starting off towards the exit, aiming to lead them all to the medical bay. Ahrissa however bowed her head and took in a deep breathe, she knew the princess's wasn't going to like what she was going to ask of her. Still, it had to be done, she needed a few moments to herself...


"The best help you can give me princess is by remaining with the guards.” She informed gently, turning to look at the girl who froze mere inches from the door “...At least until I get a chance to get cleaned up."


When Natasha turned back to Ahrissa, there was anger on her face. "Like the guards are going to let me go to the refresher again alone anytime soon?" She slumped. "I'm alive, you are alive. That is a win in my book."


Ahrissa sighed and gave the queen a quick glance before bending down Tasha's level "I am fairly positive that for tonight we are safe. But.." Ahrissa nodded towards the queen "...your mother is still concerned for her daughters wellbeing, do it for her? It wont be for more then a few hours.."


Natasha looked rebellious, but then she looked from the Jedi to her mother and sighed. But instead of accepting Ahrissa's request, she merely spun around to face the guards "When can I get a report on what happened?" The queen shook her head.


"Tasha..." But Natasha was not going to budge.


"I bet I know more about assassins than either of you. I trained with one. I may be able to find something."


Ahrissa smiled at the girls stubbornness "Tell you what, give me time to recover...safe with the guards...and I'll tell you everything that happened"


Natasha looked Ahrissa square in the eye and nodded slowly. "As you wish." She walked back to a chair beside the bed and sat down. The guards at the door relaxed just a bit. Natasha grinned sourly at them. "traitors..." They grinned back. Ahrissa breathed a silent sigh of relief as she pushed herself back up onto her feet, her body weary from the the chase and her mind clouded with the visions of the assassins gruesome end. Silently Ahrissa took her leave, mulling over the event's and the Queens confidences that this wasn't the last they had seen of this threat. Natasha couldn't stay here, but...where could the princess go that was....safe?



------- Back in the Princess's chambers-------



"Tasha, I am sorry. I have been lax. I should have..." But Natasha rose and went to her mother. Instead of speaking, she enfolded her mom in a hug.


"It wasn't your fault mom. Or Ahrissa's. Although she is likely to blame herself. And what happened to her to get her all..." Natasha froze. "Oh no..." The queen looked at her.


"What Natasha?" The queen asked. Natasha looked at her mom and for once, there was naked fear in her eyes.


"The assassin blew up." It wasn't a question. "I know who probably sent her..."



(Posted by Trisskar))

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<Two hours later>


The queen entered the room and stood by the door. Queen Firalia's agitation was easy to see, let alone sense. She did wait politely while the doctor finished his stitching.


Ahrissa sensed the queens presence in the waiting room. Sighing, Ahrissa closed blue eyes enjoying the last moments of silence in the doctors office before turning her gaze on the doctor "Thank you" she offered a smile, but it was weak and distant with memory


The doctor smiled at Ahrissa, but his toone was tart when he spoke. "Please try and be a bit more careful, Jedi Ahrissa. I see way too much of you." His tart tone almost hid the worry as he looked at the queen, then discretely took his leave, shutting the door to give them both privacy.


"Jedi Ahrissa?" The queen asked as she looked at Ahrissa. "Are you..." She broke off. "No, of course you are not okay... Neither am I."


Ahrissa sat up straight and folded her hands, pulling her legs up in a meditative position as she looked upon the queen "How may I be of service, your Majesty?" She questioned gently, jumping straight to matters


The queen shuddered a bit, but when she looked at Ahrissa, her stance was straight. "We almost lost her today. If not for you, we would have. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you."


Ahrissa sighed, a slight frown tugging across her features "To close for my taste..." she muttered, it was more to herself then anything "I should of gotten to her sooner"


The queen sighed. "You stopped the assassin and caught her. What happened next was not your fault. It was the fault of the man who sent the assassin. A man Natasha thinks is a Sith. She recognized the method of killing the assassin. I have to admit, it’s... distinctive."


Ahrissa nodded "Yes, I am more then positive it was sith" Her tone hardened as she sat up straight, no other could devised such a horrible thing, and the voice...only a sith could do that


"Agreed." Queen Firalia sighed and continued. "Natasha thinks it was a Sith named Ravishaw. Apparently, this Sith and the Bladeborn have a... history."


"Him?" Ahrissa rose a brow as she turned to look at the queen "Many have 'history' with that man....But why the princess?"


The queen shook her head. "I don't know. What little I have been able to determine through my own sources say he is insane, but why he would come after her I have no idea at all. Maybe he was affiliated with the one who had her prisoner for so long?"


"Perhaps..." Ahrissa mewled in silent thought "In either case I suggest she not stay here...She is no longer safe out in the open"


The queen nodded. "But anywhere I send her, the same thing can happen. Here at least we have guards. For all the good they did." She shook her head. "I do them a grave disservice. It wasn't their fault, and they blame themselves. But..."


Ahrissa tapped her fingers together for a few moments before taking in a deep collective breathe "Your Majesty, Might I suggest a different alternative?"


The queen looked at Ahrissa and her eyes were guarded. "What do you propose?" Her voice was careful.


"Your Majesty...The Jedi are more then experienced with battling against the Sith. Might I propose allowing Natasha to go into hiding amongst the Jedi?" Ahrissa spoke carefully. "New name, alias, look.... She would be among other children her age and are just as capable in the skills she loves. Plus surrounded by Masters far more experienced and capable then myself....I...would have to consult with the council...but...I believe she would be safer amongst my kin...then here."


"You?" The queen's eyes went wide. Very wide. "You can do that...? She... She doesn't have the Force. Won't..." The queen shook her head slowly. "Won't someone suspect?"


Ahrissa chuckled "Your Majesty, one does not need to be adept in the Force to learn about our ways. We have many about the academy that aren't force sensitive. She would never be one of us, but she would be safe....for a time."


The queen was obviously thinking hard. "For how long though? I... I just found her again. I don't want to lose her. I know it’s selfish of me. That I should just consider her best interests. But... That was what I did right before she was taken before. I sent her away. And look how that ended up.” The queen slumped.


Ahrissa sighed "I can't guarantee anything, the future is always in motion, and her destiny won’t be an easy path. Sometimes...we have no choice but to make...sacrifices for the protection of others." The last of her statement sounded heavy with experience, for a Jedi always had to make sacrifices in order to protect those unable to protect themselves.


The queen stood up straight then. "You shame me Jedi. Here I am thinking about how losing my daughter again would make me feel. When it is Natasha's safety that is the true concern. And I do understand about making sacrifices. Truly I do..." This last was very quiet. "My question then, is this: Would Natasha accept this course of action? I will not willingly do anything against her will." Again. She murmured almost sub vocal.


Ahrissa unfolded her legs and slipped down from the table "She is not one to run and hide. I'm afraid that if you decide to do this, and the council agrees...she will have to accept wisdom over stubbornness. I won’t lie to you M'lady. After tonight, my ability to protect your daughter here is of little use. I will need help. Whatever you choose"

The queen nodded slowly. That made sense, as loath as she was to hear it. "I suppose that... If she were to do this... That I wouldn't be able to see her at all... Until it is safer for her."


Ahrissa sighed, blue eyes gazing into that of the queens "That is not my decision to make, M'lady. I am merely a Guardian in yours and your daughter’s service. The details lie in your hands and that of the Masters"


Queen Firalia bowed her head. When she spoke it was quiet. "How soon can you get an answer from your Masters?"


Ahrissa clasped a hand on the queens shoulders, something she would never do in public "Soon...I hope. I will do everything in my power to keep her safe."


"Anything I or my subjects can do to help. You have but to ask, Jedi." The queen suddenly looked Ahrissa in the eye and with a quick movement embraced the younger woman. Then she stepped back and anguish shone from her eyes. "Take care of her... please..."


Ahrissa nodded once she stepped back from the embrace. Bowing formally, Ahrissa took her leave in silence. She had work to do. The queen sat heavily in a chair and wept.

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It was going to be a long night...


...That much was for certain - she wouldn't rest until she had at least some kind of action plan. She may of won this round, if you could call an assassin blowing up in front of you a win. But what about next time? Generally she wouldn't be so uptight, she was a guardian Jedi after all. Assassination attempts wasn't anything new, and it was what she was trained for. But she couldn't shake the urgency she was feeling, and that voice...that dark and sinister laughter that spoke through the unfortunate female Assassin....something grated on her, causing hair's to stand on end. What was worse... every time she closed her eyes, she could see an inferno swell up around her. It had been years since she had been haunted by these memories. What had been different about this encounter then any other she had faced in her years with the Jedi?


Shaking herself Ahrissa glanced up at one of the side monitors and shook her head. Natasha sat on her bed with several different weapons that she had 'acquired' during her return to Naboo, carefully little hands peaced through each of them to make sure they were all in working condition. Whatever the answers were, it was enough to frightened Natasha. No little girl should feel hunted...not like this..not ever...


A beep sounded, diverting her attention back to the larger screens that flickered to life. Ahrissa was in a private communications center, designed specifically for the queen and her more...special...guests. She had been waiting for her closest friend and companion Arik Vandar to pick up on the other end, she figured he must of warn a hole in his chambers with worry by now. Her exit with there last conversation had been so abrupt she wouldn't be surprised to hear he had gone 'borrowing' another one of the academy ship and was on his way to her. Still, to her relief he soon picked up, scrubbing hands through hair as he tried to make himself look less of a mess then he actually was.


"Hey, Is everything ok?" he asked, concern heavy in his voice


"For the now..." Ahrissa sighed, before offering a comforting smile, or as best as she could manage considering "There was an assassination attempt." she informed, she knew she could trust Arik with this kind of information, and she needed his help


"Is everybody alright?!" he exclaimed, sitting up in his chair


"Everyone...except the assassin....Arik...she blew up." there was silence for a moment, who could blame him? Hearing the news about someone blowing up wasn't necessarily a common thing


"Blew... up ?" he stuttered, as if trying to understand the words. Ahrissa merely nodded


"There is nothing left of her to ID save for blood and tissue samples, however we do not hope to get very far in the investigation. However...The princess is fairly certain that the assassin was sent by Ravishaw"


"Ravishaw!?” Arik exclaimed, as if the news could get any better, he then stood from his chair and snatched his robe hanging from it's back ”..I Better Tell Master Kumori."


Ahrissa shifted "Actually that is partially why I called. I need to get in contact with the council...Tonight, preferably. I doubt this is the last we have seen him...and the princess's life is in danger"


Ahrissa bit her lower lip "I....doubt Kumorai will treat this with the urgency I require I...was hoping you can help me persuade her to see things from my perspective?"


Arik nodded as he clipped his saber to his belt "I'll talk to her."


Ahrissa smiled "Thank you Arik.”


When the screen went blank Ahrissa leaned back in her chair “Now...I wait.” She waited for half the night before the council appeared on screen and greeted her as was common. The proceedings took up the rest of the night, and the morning sun had begun to shine through the window before the meeting came to a close. They had there reservations, the political affairs of getting involved in something like this was a touchy subject. If the opposing side were to learn of the Jedi's involvement in the queens affairs it could stir dangerous waters and even war. But Ahrissa's argument was solid, and neither one could ignore the fact that a nine year old child was threatened by a dark and dangerous sith lord.

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<a little bit later>


Ahrissa looked distracted, worn, suddenly she looked more her age then she ever had, always having the appearance of youth sapped out of her as she entered the Princess's chambers.


Natasha looked up from where she was going over the workings of a blaster and smiled, but then bent back over her weapon. Several suspicious bulges showed about her person where other weapons were secreted already. "You look like hell, Ahrissa..."


Ahrissa chuckled gently as she waved a hand towards the door. "Meetings..I'll be fine." She then stepped into the room, using the Force to lock the door "Tasha...we... need to talk..."


Natasha nodded and then looked at the Jedi. When she spoke, her voice was soft, but iron hard at the same time. "I will start training again, properly. Next time they come for me, I will be ready."


Ahrissa sat down in the chair next to Tasha's bed and decided it best not to prance around the matter "Tasha...how would you like to train with children your age?"


Natasha blinked for a moment, unclear of what the Jedi might be talking about, and then her face got hard. "No. I won't hide. I won't run away."


"Tasha.." Ahrssa spoke calmly "Your not being sensible. Do you honestly think you have a chance against a Sith lord? Some of the greatest of Jedi Masters has been un-able to defeat them, Ravishaw especially."


At that name, Natasha froze solid and her face paled, but then she shook herself and focused on her weapons again. "And if I run away? If I hide? What will stop him from chasing me? He will follow me. I know that. once he starts sending assassins, he won't stop. There is nowhere in this galaxy where I might be safer than right here. He won't come himself, he never does, unless there is a lot more reason than one little girl." She shuddered a bit, but straightened as she finished putting the blaster together.


Ahrissa rose a brow "And how can you be to sure? you seemed important enough to one Sith lord whats to stop another in taking in the same interests? Tasha, your mother is frightened for you. You are only nine years old, your little guns and stashed away weapons are of no use to you, and you know that."


Instead of responding, Natasha pulled the sleeve of her tunic down and bared her shoulder. She turned so that Ahrissa could see a mark on her shoulder, it looked like a birthmark. From one angle it looked like stylized sword. She turned back to face Ahrissa and pulled her sleeve back up. "Any sane Sith would leave me alone. With good reason."


Ahrissa didn't know what the mark meant, but she could guess who it came from "So your just going to count on the Bladeborn to swoop in and protect you when ever your in danger? Tasha think! They wont always be around when you need them, were they here last night? You nearly died!" Ahrissa shook her head and took a calming breathe. "I've spoken to the Jedi council, and both your mother and the council agrees to let me take you to my home where, for a time, you will be safe."


"Safe?" Natasha sighed. "Will I? You have no idea... None at all. Anyone can be assassinated. Anyone." She slumped. "I don't want to run away. If I am not here, will they go after my mom?" Her eyes when she met Ahrissa's were haunted, but firm.


"How do you know they wont be more tempted in doing so if you remain. Your staying here not only puts you in danger, but your mother, the guards that protect her and the rest that serve here in the palace." Natasha recoiled as if slapped, but then she snarled right back.


"And if I run away? What then? Do I hide under a rock for the rest of my life?" But there was something deeper, something more... something about Natasha that spoke of old pain recently reopened. Something fragile and scared peeked out of the young princess' eyes now.


Ahrissa bit back a growl of impatience, the girls stubbornness was going to get her killed. Something she couldn't allow. "Yes Tasha, you run, you hide, and you learn." Ahrissa emphasized the word 'learn' in hopes to get her point across “Not all battles can be won by a mere show of bravery and stubbornness. Sometimes you must admit defeat, and wait for a better opportunity to present itself. The Jedi Council has agreed to let you find sanctuary among us, and to learn what you can from some of the greatest Masters we have. Don't let your arrogance get in the way of what you know is tactfully best.”


But now, Natasha was angry, although she controlled it expertly. "Do you think I don't know that? That it is more tactically sound for me to run away and hide? I... I guess I should have known better... Every time I start to get accustomed to a place... I have to leave..." She slumped a bit.


Ahrissa frowned and breathed a sigh "Life isn't always fair Tasha, Not all of us get the comforts of a quite life.” Blue eyes seemed to spark with memories of a guarded past “The question is, are you brave enough to fight for what you DO have? Your mother loves you, as do the guards and the people here at the palace. If you remain, you put them all in danger. Is that worth it?”


Natasha stared at the Jedi for a long moment. Then she sighed and relaxed. When she spoke, it was quiet and resigned. "I don't know what I hate more. The fact that you are right, or the fact that I have to run way with my tail between my legs. I wish I were older, better... Stronger..."


Ahrissa smiled "One day you will have all those things, and will wish to be young again"


Natasha refused to smile. "Yeah. I know, but... Ahrissa... Why me? What did I do to deserve this? I was just a kid. I... I have no idea why they took me, why that slime did what he did to me. Why this monster is after me now. I don't know..."


Ahrissa shook her head slowly "Hopefully one day that question will be answered. Right now, for the present moment, your safety is more important. Once that is acomplished, then we can work on the answer."


Natasha slumped. "But will it? I know of this being who is hunting me. He will not stop. Once he fixes on a target, it dies. Period. And he doesn't care how many other people get killed in the process. Do you really want me... Wait a sec... Where did you say?"


"Dantooine" Ahrissa straightened herself up "The place where I was trained to be a Jedi"


Natasha froze. "You want me to be among a group of Jedi... Ahrissa... Bad idea doesn't begin to cover that one..."


Ahrissa chuckled "Oh? And why do you say that?”


Natasha looked at the Jedi, and odd expression on her face. "Um... First of all, I don't have the Force, second, well... You do remember who trained me, right?"


Ahrissa smiled “Not everything taught to the Jedi requires the force, Tasha... surely your Bladeborn taught you that.”


Natasha shook her head slowly."But... all my friends were Sith... What...? What would I have to do?"


Ahrissa nodded. "The only thing required of you is to be yourself. Keep silent about your past background, show up to your class's like any other student, and do what the Masters tell you. You are not being trained to be a Jedi, you are being offered protection, and lessons that may help you face your enemies when you are older."


Natasha slumped back onto her bed. "Kill me now... I have to go to school again, but this time with Jedi...?" She groaned dramatically.


Ahrissa chuckled "Come now, were not all that bad."


"No, not all of you are. You are kinda cool. And Nolikas was nice. " She shook herself, resigned to her fate.


Ahrissa smiled "Just give it a chance. You never know what the future holds. You may be there for awhile, you may only be there until something more suitable is discovered." Natasha nodded.


"I assume I won't be using my real name then?"


Ahrissa shook her head “You must leave all of your past behind you.”


"But..." Natasha's eyes glistened. "How many times will I have to do that Ahrissa? how many? First as a princess, then as a Bladeborn and now.. I have to forget being a princess again..."


Ahrissa frowned "Im sorry I can't do more. But if word gets out that the princess of Naboo is on Dantooine, Ravishaw will find you sooner.”


"I knew that. Somehow I did." Natasha nodded, her head bowed. "Then... if you don't mind... Can I pick a name for myself?"


Ahrissa nodded “A professional will be arriving with the Shuttle meant to take us to Dantooine. He will be helping you come up with a persona to carry to the temple. He has been instructed to allow you to choose whatever you like and feel comfortable with. Although he will offer advice when he feels needed.”


"I..." Natasha nodded, slowly, as if in a daze. “I don't want to do this, but I don't really have a choice, do I?” Her voice was sad now.


Ahrissa frowned "I'm afraid not..."


Natasha nodded, but her posture slowly changed. From the nice, if a bit naive princess, to something very different. "Then we should do it as soon as possible, shouldn't we?" Her voice changed timbre as well, this Natasha was cool, hard and capable of almost anything. Or at least that was the persona she projected now. The nice girl retreated under the shell and a student trained in a hard and merciless school met the Jedi's gaze. "When do we leave?"


Ahrissa stood "Tonight”


"On one condition..." Natasha nodded. "Call me Mira."

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Jedi Knight Ahrissa sat in a silent meditation pose, her eyes closed and she breathed calmly, although inside she was bursting with energy full of excitement to be returning to Dantooine, to see Arik Vandar again, and get back into an age old routine in the temple halls. Even subtler still was her fear's, what if this didn't work? What if he found them here before they were ready? How was she to protect the girl with a killer like that hot on there trail?


A squeaking sound pulled her out of her contemplations. Mira was working hard to hide her discomfort, fidgeting about uncomfortably in her distress and anger until at last she was unable to keep silent anymore


"I cannot carry a lightsaber." A crystal blue eye peeled open to regard the 9 year old slouched in an almost pout-y manner, although her voice was controlled.


"Relax Mira" she said with a small smile, she hated putting the child in this situation. "Its just a training saber, I don't expect you to ever use it...it's...just for looks"


Mira, she refused to think of herself as anything else now, sighed. "A weapon is meant to be a weapon, not a show piece. If its a weapon, then it has one use. If its for show..." Mira quoted as if repeating an age old mantra, her voice an annoyed growl as began to fidget in her seat again. Patting her robes, as if she was checking the fit. Only someone truly paranoid or force sensitive might realize she was checking the positions of her hidden weapons.


"One of the greatest weapons, is the mastery of miss-direction." Ahrissa spoke in a tone very similar to that of a Master instructing a student.


"Easy for you to say. You are coming home. Me, I'm crawling under a rock..." Mira pouted, which caused Ahrissa to frown as she opened both eyes and turned her gaze out the view port. The ship had just settled upon the temples landing pad.


"I wish that were true" she whispered almost longingly before raising up on her feet "Come, the Masters will be waiting"


They had arrived at the dead of night. Thus allowing the docking station to be fairly empty save for one silent silhouette waiting. When Ahrissa descended the ramp she slowly made sure she kept herself in control, walked over to the man and gave him a gentle, hug, one shared among friends "Hello Arik" she purred in his ear before stepping back and smiling, one he returned. While he stood professionally and un-moved by her embrace a light sparked in those brown eyes


"Hello Ahrissa, Everything went alright on the way over here, I assume?"


Ahrissa nodded "It was an easy journey" she then motioned to the girl standing behind her "Meet Mira. Mira, this is Arik Vandar one of the schools greatest trouble makers" Ahrissa's grin was sly and full of memory. Mira nodded. Her hands were at her sides though, and her eyes roved continuously.


"I had a good accomplice," He chuckled then turned to Mira, "Nice to meet you."


Mira might have been carved from stone, and her Force sense was just as dull. As if, whatever motivated her was hidden behind a wall someplace making this situation feel a bit awkward until Ahrissa nudged the girl on the shoulder and smiled at Arik


"Perhaps we better go inside before the kid jumps out of her skin here" she teased.


"Right, Follow me." Arik nodded as he turned to guide them to the counselor's chamber.

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<After a few minutes of walking>


Inside the council chamber sat several Masters silently discussing amongst one another. When the new arrivals entered Ahrissa stepped to the center and bowed "Masters" she commented in silent respect


Mira followed Ahrissa in and stood behind and slightly beside her. Her face was still the stone mask, and her sense in the Force was that of a rock. One of the Masters, a gray furred Bothan looked at Mira and shook his head. A Woman, with black hair and a very calm demeanor stands up and addresses Mira, "I am Master Hisana Kumori, On behalf of the council here on Dantooine. I welcome you to the academy."


Mira bowed formally. If a little sloppy from being out of practice, and her form was... odd. Definitely not a Jedi bow. Melan scrutinized Mira closely.


Her voice was cool and unemotional when she spoke. "I thank you for your courtesy Master Jedi."


"We have taken the liberty of making accommodations for you in the Dormitories. As well as a job helping in the shop here. "


Mira looked at the older Jedi and nodded. "I am honored. Thank you."


"We have little in the way of luxuries here. I trust that will not be an issue."


Mira nodded. "I understand." At that Melan snorted.


"Indeed you do, tell me, is Trugoy still flirting with everything female that moves?" Mira froze solid at that.


Her hands were well away from her lightsaber, but... they were just a hair too still on her belt to be casual. When Mira spoke it was quiet. "I was not aware you knew him."


Melan smiled. "I don't. Well, we met once... Barely got out of that with my fur, let me tell you..." The humor in the Bothan's words had Mira grinning, then she froze again. "Relax, girl..."


Kumori shook here head and addressed the Councilor, "I did not mean to sound threatening Master Emmyth. I am merely trying to assess any problems that will need to be addressed."


Melan sighed. "Of course there will be problems, when are there ever not?"


Emmyth chuckled and nodded wisely "All in due time I'm sure." Her brown eyes then settled upon the girl "Do you know why you are here child?"


Mira nodded. "I am targeted for assassination, by a Sith Lord. I do not know why. My guardian suggested that this place would be safer for me." She slumped just a bit before resuming her fixed stance.


"And we will make every conceivable effort to ensure your safety. But in order to do so, we need to know any information you may have on who wants to kill you."


Mira nodded. "His name is Ravishaw, and he is insane. That is really all I know about him. I am sure your records hold more information. his assassins tend to... well, spontaneously detonate, either after completing their missions or to avoid capture."


Ahrissa remained silent, but frowned at Mira's mention of the assassin, the memory of it still far to fresh in mind


To her other counselors, "We would do well to consult our records." She then turned to Mira, "Rest assured we will investigate this matter to the best of our ability."


Melan nodded. His eyes lit on Ahrissa for a moment, then went back to Mira. He smiled to her. "I don't know how long this might take. But we will do everything we can." Mira nodded back.


Emmyth nodded thoughtfully as well before speaking up "Unless the others have anymore to say I think it is time young Mira got some rest" When a healer spoke, it was generally wise to listen


Melan nodded. "Indeed, everything else we need to say can wait until morning."


"I agree," Kimmori turned to Mira, "We will keep you informed."


Mira bowed formally again, this time almost perfectly.


Ahrissa folded her hands in front of her and bowed "Thank you Masters" straightening herself she placed a hand on Mira's back and lead her out of the chambers in silence. Mira followed, silent.


Back inside the Dantooine Council Chambers


As soon as the girl and her escorts had left the room, Melan sighed deeply. "Oh boy... This is going be... interesting..."


Kumori spoke quietly. "This investigation must be as discreet as possible," She sighed, "Arik should be kept out of this."


Emmyth leaned back in her chair concern for her late student flashed across her withered old face for a moment before she composed herself and glanced over at Kumori "You worry to much Master Kurmorai. Arik is a bright young man, and Ahrissa wont do anything to jeopardize the mission she is placed on"


"And neither will Arik, But even you must admit, discretion is not one of his virtues."


Melan nodded. "He may be too close to this, but... The girl will need watching. And not just by Jedi Ahrissa. You know who trained Mira. The Bladeborn are..." He broke of trying to think of a proper term. "different." He finally said after a few minutes of thinking.


"I agree, although I do feel that Ahrissa is the best choice for this task."


Emmyth nodded in agreement "Ahrissa has been through much, her injuries are deep...she will need someone she trusts to help in this matter. Even she understands she can no longer do this on her own."


Melan nodded. "There is a connection between Ahrissa and Mira, and not just guardian to protected one. It almost felt like a master/student bond, but that is impossible."


Kumori lowered her head, "Nothing is impossible."


Melan snorted. "True, but... Ahhh... All this young blood makes me feel old..."


"Does this conclude the matters at hand here?"


Melan nodded. "Indeed, I think this does conclude the matter."

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-Just outside Mira's dorm room after saying goodnight to the Princess in disguise -


Jedi Knight Ahrissa Alinar had taken all forms of abuse and punishment, but none could of felt worse then the cold, almost heartless, expression plastered all over the face of a nine year old child. It was as if no life existed within the tiny little shadow, just an empty shell. But then of course Ahrissa knew better then to believe this little girl was anything but 'empty' more like a vicious war head ready to be unleashed at the push of a single, red, button.


And to think, when she was first given this assignment Ahrissa had thought she would be suffering boring tea parties, and giggly little princess's as some form of sick and twisted punishment for failing her previous mission. And all Ahrissa ever wanted was to vanish for a few weeks out to some hidden cabin in the dense forests of Alderaan where she and Arik Vandar could forget, for a little while, about the current war, and 'duty.'


Slumping against the closed door behind her Ahrissa sighed. She looked...old.. her 30 years slowly catching up to her, no longer the bright and vibrant Jedi Knight the residents of Dantooine's Academy knew so very well. The Masters would say she was reaching that peak of her training where she to would soon start passing down knowledge to a student of her own. Ahrissa however could only think of one thing...sleep.


Still she couldn't allow herself to complain much. She got the kid here, that was all that was important right now. At least this way Ahrissa knew she could perform her duty as the child's guardian better then she ever could on Naboo. No assassin could realistically get through the academy walls undetected, not with force sensitives swarming the residence at every corner. Even if they were able to make it through the front door...an alarm would be raised long before they reached the dormitories or any other part of the academy for that matter. By then Ahrissa and her Mira would be long gone, If not vanished completely. But then, only few could pull such a trick off....one of the added benefits of having a mischief companion like Arik Vandar who knew more about the secret passage ways of this academy then the oldest historic keeper.


So....why did Ahrissa still feel as if a dark cloud hung threateningly over her? 'Ravishaw....' it was that name that had her heart freezing solid, and a disturbing voice coming out of a doomed victim, a voice that was not her own.


'...You think you have won Jedi? You have won nothing except death.'


((Posted by Trisskar))

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Arik Vandar sat in his quarters. It was dark now, the light of the twin moons help to illuminate the otherwise pitch dark room. He was sitting behind his desk, littered with several datapads lighting up with various degrees of urgency. Officially, Arik was suppose to be analyzing data recovered from the ruins of the Old Academy. In reality, his mind was elsewhere. Arik has never been able to push his personal concerns to the side.


What concerns him now, is Ahrissa's latest assignment. Ravishaw, Arik had heard that name before. It was the subject of rumors and tall tales told by adventurous Jedi who spent far too long roaming the galaxy. Arik never have him much thought. If he was a problem, the council would send someone to deal with him. To hear Ahrissa mention that name. It made his skin crawl.


After the meeting with the council, Arik spent the remainder of the day looking up all he can about Ravishaw. There was little, if anything on him. Not surprising, since the council makes it a habit of censoring any good Intel. Still, he was able to dig up enough to make him feel uneasy. This wasn't someone to underestimate. Arik knew that killing his assassin would pique Ravishaw's interest. And that was something to avoid at all cost. Not to mention the fact that Ravishaw wouldn't exactly just stop looking for Mira.


In the back of his mind, he did feel a hint of guilt. After the the meeting, he did leave quite abruptly. Perhaps he should have walked Ahrissa to her room. But Arik knew there was little he could really do for her. She right now she needs rest, not companionship. He leaned to one side and took another sip of his green tea. More than likely, Ahrissa would be tasked with protecting Mina. Arik couldn't fault her abilities. But he knew that doing so would throw her into the lion's den.


And he wondered if he was strong enough to pull her out this time.


(Posted by ArikVandar))

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Mira lay in the bed of the quarters she had been given and tried to relax. She knew she was safer here than anywhere else in known space, but… It didn’t seem to matter. Again she felt the cold pressing against her arm, the hand that held the drugged cloth over her mouth and nose… She saw the cold dead eyes of the woman who had been paid to kill her. And not just by anyone, but by Ravishaw…


For a moment, she wasn't a nine year old. She was someone cold, hard and mean. She was Mira, student of the Bladeborn, a fully capable warrior. Then the facade crumbled. She didn’t know a lot about the man, just that he mocked the Bladeborn in everything he did. He killed them when he could, hurt them when he could and basically seemed to have devoted his life to causing as much pain and grief as he could. She had seen the pitiful wrecks that had been left behind by Ravishaw who had been friends, colleagues, trainees…


She slid a hand under the pillow and hefted the comforting weight of the sonic disruptor pistol. Illegal in most places, it was one of few blaster type weapons that a lightsaber was unable to block. Mira sank back into her bed with a sigh. It wasn’t as if she needed it, but, it did make her feel better. And as long as the Jedi didn’t search her stuff, they wouldn’t know just how much gear she had pilfered from the Naboo Militia armory. She promised herself she wouldn’t give them reason to search her gear. No need to worry them after all.


She sighed, there was no way she was going to be able to sleep. She never could the first day on a new planet. So, she sat up in her bed, folded her legs and focused on her breathing. While she didn’t have the Force, meditation helped. It helped a lot. She focused on her emotions, deciphering them, analyzing them, and then moving beyond them as she had been taught. It would be a long night, and she wanted to get some rest. The morning would come too soon…

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The morning bell sounded before the sun was fully peeking over Dantooines plains, leaving a thin, misty fog to settle over the temple grounds. Various Masters and knights were already up and walking about, performing meditation's, daily choirs, and preparations for the day's activates. Students were rolling out of bed, rushing to get dressed and down to the cafeteria before there morning class's started. Leaving the hallways crowded and full as the students greeted each other as always. Friends forming there little groups as they chattered on about homework, tests, and other little nonsense expected of the young.


Ahrissa could honestly say she had missed academy life. Things seemed to be more laid out then, already knowing what was expected of you, and in what order to do it. But alas...as the years go by, things will always change. Except the privacy of your own, bedroom comforts. Her bed, Her blankets, Her pillow's, Her pictures, extra clothes...even her own shower soaps were a welcome pleasure that always stayed the same. Sure, Jedi weren't supposed to have attachments to materialistic thing...or anything for that matter. But no one could begrudge a person for finding some comforts. She had been away for far to long....


Due to circumstance's the residence in the room next to Ahrissa's own chambers were vacated so that Mira could stay in it, effectively keeping Guardian and Protectee within close range of each other. Ahrissa made a mental note to update Mira on her security access codes in case the girl needed, for whatever reason, to come into her room.


Once dressed and ready Ahrissa stepped outside of her room, pausing to let a group of students walk by before stepping out into the hallway. Almost immediately she felt someone rush up to her and wrap arms around her hips. Causing the knight to smile as she glanced down at the young Padawan clinging onto her


“'Rissa!!!” the Padwan exclaimed “Your back!” Ahrissa chuckled as she bent down and wrapped arms around the child in a warm embrace.


“Hello to you too Olivia” Ten year old Olivia had been a student at the academy for several years, her parents bringing her to the Jedi when she was no older then 3 or 4 'the right thing to do' they had said once they discovered her force powers.


Naturally, the Jedi were more then willing to accept.


Olivia pulled back from the hug and smiled widely up at the Ahrissa, it was no secret that the little girl admired the Jedi Knight greatly.


“Are you going to stay?” Ahrissa nodded and tapped a finger on the girls nose


“For a little while” Olivia let out a squeal of excitement as she took off down the hall to catch up with her friends, wanting to be the first to spread the news. Ahrissa smiled and shook her head as she stood back up onto her feet and leaned up against the wall just outside of Mira's chamber door where she would wait until Mira joined her.


((Posted by Trisskar))

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Mira hadn't been able to sleep, but the meditation had helped. A quick shower and she was, at least on the outside, fairly well squared away. And on the inside? She was cold as stone, an old technique. One didn't need the Force to be able to control, hide one's emotions. She still had them of course, but they were buried deep behind walls that even a Master Jedi would have difficulty finding. of course, she didn't have the Force, so she couldn't do anything else. She checked her weapons again, sighing once more at the lightsaber.


For her to be carrying a lightsaber, even a training saber, was just plain wrong. It was effective camouflage, she had to admit. And she did know how to use it, if a lot more clumsily than any Jedi or Sith trainee, she was unlikely to slice her own arm or leg off with it. Matter of fact, she was much more likely to go for her gun. Small and well hidden, it was also powerful. And she wasn't going to go anywhere without it. The other weapons, she left in her luggage reluctantly. But her persona of a student didn't allow her to carry an arsenal with her.


She moved to the door and paused. No peephole, so she had to open it to see what was outside.A tactical disadvantage. One she would have to rectify as soon as she could, somehow. She squared her shoulders and opened the door, smoothing her face into an expressionless mask. But then she smiled as she saw Ahrissa standing just outside. Her voice was warm as she spoke, trying to get keep the negative emotions at bay.


"Good morning Ahrissa. Where do we go first?"

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Ahrissa smiled down at Mira as the girl exited her room. Pushing herself off the wall she was leaning against with her propped up foot


“Good morning Mira!” She chimmed cheerfully. She knew this was hard on the girl, even if the she managed to bury her feelings deep Ahrissa knew first hand how hard it was to change one life for another. “Hope your hungery” She commented while raising her hand, motioning in which direction they would be heading.


It was going to be a long day. Ahrissa had the task of showing Mira around the academy and getting her introduced to all the Masters that she would be studying with. As well as teaching her the ground rules. Safe amongst Jedi or not...Ahrissa wasn't going to take chances.


In the dinning hall the place was full of students, knights and Masters of varying age. All clamoring away while they moved to gather there tray of food and find a place to sit. While they waited in line Ahrissa was busy introducing Mira to her colleagues as they came in numbers to welcome her home. She was a favorite amongst many of the students, having been around the academy as a sub teacher whenever the Masters were away on duty.


One trays were filled Ahrissa showed Mira around to a somewhat secluded corner table. Resting on it was Arik Vander, his head propped up on his arm beside his tray of food while he slept, ruffled hair askew and unkempt hiding his face.


Ahrissa shook her head with a chuckle. How many times has she found him in this exact position since they were a child? Motioning for Mira to sit down Ahrissa sat across from Arik and placed her tray down rather loudly


“Wake up sleepy head before Master Kumori see's you like this” she teased as she picked up her cup of tea


((Posted by Trisskar))

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Arik walked to the door, and opened it. The cool breeze of the morning air his his face. Beyond him, the sun was just beginning to break over the snow covered mountains into the green valley below. Just beyond the balcony where he stood, the morning mist crept above a small lake. The local wildlife gathering around to catch their breakfast. Another rush of wind blew past him, directing his attention back from the room he just came out of. Ahrissa was still asleep. He thought about walking over and waking her. But he decided against it, she needed her rest. So instead, he leaned over and planted a kiss on her cheek.


Then it all vanished.


Dazed and confused, he looked around. Realizing he was in the cafeteria of the Jedi academy. In front of him, Ahrissa took a sip of her tea. Arik brought his hand up to his eye and rubbed the sand from it. He squinted his eyes, which were still trying to adjust to the light. “Good grief woman, do you ever do anything gently ?” He asked with a mix of frustration and humor om his face.


“And I don't think Kumori should be on the top of our list of things to worry about.” He said, only half joking.


((Posted by ArikVandar))

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Ahrissa smiled warmly over the top of her steaming cup, nothing but affection shone in those crystal blue eyes of her's, a look reserved only for him


“Hmm someones gotta keep you on your toes” she purred with a friendly wink as she took a sip and placed the cup down onto the table's surface.


“Speaking of worrying...Have you heard from your sister recently?” Ahrissa questioned casually, casting her eyes about to make sure no one was listening in. For the past week she had been secretly trying to get a hold of the black haired Sith apprentice in hopes that the girl might be able to provide her with any information concerning the Bladeborn and Ravishaw, but so far she had been... unsuccessful.


Ahrissa cast Mira a quick glance, she wondered if she should of waited to ask Arik about his sister, but she really didn't know when she would ever get some time alone with him


((Posted by Trisskar))

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Mira looked from one to the other, but kept her mouth shut. Instead she managed to appear relaxed as she ate slowly. Only someone truly paranoid might notice that the way she sat was calculated to allow her to keep part of her back to the wall and an eye on each entrance to the dining area.


Her sense in the Force was relaxed as well. At least on the surface. Deep down, she was worried. Ahrissa and Arik obviously had a history. And she knew what could happen when Force users formed strong relationships. She blinked and concentrated more on her food, trying to keep the worry that swelled out of her mind. When Ahrissa mentioned Arik’s sister, Mira looked up, then went back to her food.


That is none of my business.


If there was anything the Bladeborn had taught her, it was that there were times not to pry.

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Arik didn't expect her to bring Triss up. Their last meeting felt like it happened years ago. In reality, it had only been a couple of months. In retrospect, he felt he should have contacted her after he recovered Ahrissa. But He knew it was for the best. If either of their respective master's found out, things could get complicated. Arik hated when things got complicated. The galaxy was complex enough, no need to add to it. Still, Arik had to wonder why Ahrissa would bring Triss up. Did She know something He didn't ?


“Not for awhile,” Arik replied, “Why ?”


Ahrissa took a bite of her food and offered a little shrug


“Nothing really” She muttered casually knowing Arik would see through her lie


“Just wanted to thank her for what she did on Felucia” Blue eyes met with his brown gaze, silently telling him that they could talk about it later when they were in a more private setting. After another bite Ahrissa motioned attention back on Mira


“I plan on taking Mira on a tour of the academy, do you wish to join us?”


Arik smiled. Grateful that Ahrissa changed the subject. He looked down at his datapad, and wiped the drool off the screen. He looked to the side. A long line was beginning to form outside the kitchen. Arik cursed under his breath, as he heard a low grumble cone from his stomach. He quickly refocused on Ahrissa and Mira.


“Sure, I'd be happy to.” He said with a smile.


Mira nodded to both of them as she finished her meal quickly and efficiently. No wasted motion, every action as precise as the last. It was almost eerie the way she focused on what she was doing. She placed her utensils precisely on her plate when she was done, and sat back, looking from Ahrissa to Arik and then back to Ahrissa. Her voice was quiet and her emotions were under control that any Jedi would find admirable. Amazing for a non-Force user.


"Where do we start, Ahrissa?"


To those who don't know the inner workings of Ahrissa and Arik, one would ponder how Ahrissa was able to keep her slim figure while eating as much as she would dish out onto her tray. 2 muffins, a bowls of steaming hot cereal, a small pile of toast, couple strips of meat, fruits and a large pot of tea.


However as Arik sat rubbing sleep out of his eyes, Ahrissa calmly munched on one of the muffins. Pushing the tray over to Arik as she turned her attention onto Mira


“Your mother wants to make sure you keep up with your regular studies while you are here. So I thought we could take a tour around the class's and have you meet some of your teachers”


Ahrissa tapped a finger on the side of her tea mug as she pondered over the days events


“We also need to stop by the library to pick up your curriculum and get you registered into the academies database... Then we have a long day of meeting people...”

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((Mira is a student again. Hiding in plain sight among the Jedi. This was a co-operative fanfic between myself, Trisskar (Sorry I have mispelled your name so often Triss) and ArikVandar. It was a lot of fun. Mira, Ahrissa, Arik and yes, even Ravishaw will be around. Comments or suggestions are always appreciated. Flames... Well, do you want the queen of Naboo mad at you? Huh?))
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