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Sending Crew on Missions via SWTOR.com


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I know that there are times that I cannot be playing when I want to send my Companion on a crew skill mission especially when you take into consideration the amount of time later missions take. I think it would be extremely beneficially to allow those who have an active subscription to send crew members on missions via SWTOR.com as well as a record of how many credits you have. What do you guys think?
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I think they need to add a set of missions for each grade/mat where you can prefund it for X number of hours.

When you cancel it, the cost for any hours unused is refunded. Otherwise it gives you results for each hour that passed, calculated on a "per hour" basis. (crits/efficiency would work as expected)


That being said, at least this post had the decency (IMO) of not simply suggesting a smartphone app, but rather something everybody could access, even those with no real use for a smartphone. (and no, I'm not going to buy a dataplan for my phone simply to send my companions out on missions. And yes, I have a smartphone. And yes, I cancelled my dataplan over a year ago because it wasn't worth the cost.)

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Agreed, a Smartphone app would also give clear restrictions to some players, and you also raise a very good point. That would be something that I would like to see in this game! Also, I think you should be able to stack crew missions (not crafting, but Archaeology and Treasure Hunting etc.)
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I think they need to add a set of missions for each grade/mat where you can prefund it for X number of hours.

When you cancel it, the cost for any hours unused is refunded. Otherwise it gives you results for each hour that passed, calculated on a "per hour" basis. (crits/efficiency would work as expected)


That being said, at least this post had the decency (IMO) of not simply suggesting a smartphone app, but rather something everybody could access, even those with no real use for a smartphone. (and no, I'm not going to buy a dataplan for my phone simply to send my companions out on missions. And yes, I have a smartphone. And yes, I cancelled my dataplan over a year ago because it wasn't worth the cost.)


This wouldn't require any actual playing of a toon for some time. I could just dump a ton of credits on one of my shelved toons and let them gather UWT, Slicing and Scaveging mats for a week (change time frame if necessary). An Voila - money wasted. Because everyone and his grandmother would do this on their alts and prices for everything would go down. While this wouldn't be bad for player that already have large money reserves, it would be harder for new player (do they exist?) to get alteast some money from the still profitable missions/crew skills.


I do agree with the OP though, having the possiblitiy to send toons from the website would be nice. Logging into 7 accounts to start crew skills is tedious work.

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This wouldn't require any actual playing of a toon for some time. I could just dump a ton of credits on one of my shelved toons and let them gather UWT, Slicing and Scaveging mats for a week (change time frame if necessary). An Voila - money wasted. Because everyone and his grandmother would do this on their alts and prices for everything would go down. While this wouldn't be bad for player that already have large money reserves, it would be harder for new player (do they exist?) to get alteast some money from the still profitable missions/crew skills.


I do agree with the OP though, having the possiblitiy to send toons from the website would be nice. Logging into 7 accounts to start crew skills is tedious work.


It would level the playing field for those of us who can't play at work, though :p. I know lots of people who just have the game running in the background and occasionally queue up some missions.

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So very true. I have a MAC so I can't really play the game while trying t do other things, this would be very fun. Those who are level 50 are more likely to be playing almost all the time anyway so they wouldn't really notice.
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This wouldn't require any actual playing of a toon for some time. I could just dump a ton of credits on one of my shelved toons and let them gather UWT, Slicing and Scaveging mats for a week (change time frame if necessary). An Voila - money wasted. Because everyone and his grandmother would do this on their alts and prices for everything would go down. While this wouldn't be bad for player that already have large money reserves, it would be harder for new player (do they exist?) to get alteast some money from the still profitable missions/crew skills.


I'd counter argue mat prices are rediculously high, and bringing them down can only help. Back when the game was young, the "mission" cost of mats was more a price cieling than completely ignored, and many had no problem getting money. Probably because the new player is just as likely a buyer of mats as a seller. Crafting low level stuff should be profitable for low level characters by selling to low level characters, not just a means for lvl 50's to get their neglected skills up.

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This would make it easier to craft items, would mean more of them, but it would not increase access to buy crafted items. Supply goes up, demand stays the same, and prices drop. So while I like the idea, I think it would be bad in the long term, and this cannot support it.
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i agree with this thread it can be interesting.... and useful ofcourse

but i think they should focus on more important things as compability with every computer ( we know about that, that on costumer service is very much threads about it )... better optimalization etc. etc. after this and any other problematic things they can do this...

my opinion

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