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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will SWTOR Ever Make a Togrutan Race?


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Seems inevitable. They fit the rules of Bioware by speaking basic, character models already in game, and finally all they need to do is make a social ability.


While I agree that it is inevitable that we will get them, there is a bit more to making them a race than just adding a social ability. They would have to add in face customization options also as I believe right now there are only two face models for the race(generic one and Ashara's) with a couple of skins for both. I imagine they could probably use most of the generic face customization options other races have, but they might have to tweak some to make them look right. They would have to add additional skin patterns, and then I would think they would add in some variety to the.....horn things, but I guess they might make them universal like Lekku are. *shrug*

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well, judging by the togruta we have seen, there is only really one major 'style' for their montrails. (what their head tentacles are called)


but i would totally like this, because togruta are my favorite species, followed closely by the sith pureblood.

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it would make sense if they were there as a playable species i mean they could fit in as both Jedi classes and could be Smugglers and Sith Iquisitors too i mean that does make sense and a Togruta would fit very efficiently in the Sith Inquisitor's Light Side story line if you think about it and Togrutas are often amongst the Jedi Order and they would make cool smugglers and they would have something in common with Twi'leks because of there Montarils they wont be seen with hoods up and many head pieces would have to be completly invisble i mean it would fit perfectly Edited by sunrobber
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The size. The pain. Kill me.


That's what she said.. (sorry, far too easy)


Do they still pull the whole "we can't do alien species because then our modeling team wants to murder us for having to design helmets to fit" thing? Or is that no longer a response?

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well, judging by the togruta we have seen, there is only really one major 'style' for their montrails. (what their head tentacles are called)


but i would totally like this, because togruta are my favorite species, followed closely by the sith pureblood.


Montrals are actually the horns on their head. The tentacles are called lekku, just like Twi'leks are. :)

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I'm thinking they'll be playable after an expansion pack. Cathar are a freebie used to make fans happy and get a read on how introducing a new species will go over and what percent of people will roll them. With that info they can better decide how high a priority new races will be.
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