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Juggernaut Vs Marauder-decision needed asap!


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Well I got my SW to 10, and now have been thinking of what AC to pick. I had a Jugg on my old server, and it was pretty fun and PVP was fairly decent, averaging 5-8 medals, with good games giving around 10-12. I also have a Sent., which can easily hit 8 medals per game, and 10-12+ on good games. Now, I'm stumped. I want to go Jugg, but Mara seems so good as well. Don't see many Juggs in PvP either....Mara's have a lot of key binds which is my only issue with them, but Juggs bring a lot of utility to field as they can Tank....so which one do I pick? I'm torn both ways, but leaning for Jugg....big issue is PvP but it can be overlooked because story is good....so what do I do? I'm gonna go mostly Vengance on Jugg and if Mara probably Anni spec....Need help asap!



Edited by SabreNova
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My general experience with Guardian and Marauder is that Guardian is much more fun to play in a team in PvP - objectives, guarding, taunting, peeling, and being a general pain in the behind.


Marauder, on the other hand, seems to be better suited for soloing. One on one, it's one of the strongest classes in ToR right now. That said, it also has some great group utility, like Predation.

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Mara's are easier to get DPS with. Plain and simple. the actual variance is around 5% or so, in favor of the Mara. Jugg's take a bit more work, but can put out the DPS to be viable. Plus as you noticed, they can Tank.


If your solely doing PvP and want an easier time, I'd say Mara. If you want something more versatile, that can also do PvP, go Jugg. If you want to play what you enjoy, Go Jugg.


BTW, the above statement isn't saying that Mara's can't do PvE...they are top DPS atm. But that's all they can do. But I love having a Mara in my runs...When I run HM BT or Foundry with my guilds Mara, I don't even respec into Immortal...we both run in DPS spec and stuff dies too fast to worry about (I switch over to tank gear for the bosses)

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Well I come from a Balance Sage so I'm used to DPSing. But, in terms of Utility, which offers more to the group? I know (from experience with my Sent.) that Mara's can give small heals via Beserk, movement speed via....the mirror of Transcendence skill, and like 15% boost in damage/heals via that final skill (name escapes me). On top of that, there's the pure DPS they provide. It seems they are glass cannons, but can be somewhat sturdy ones?

I know Juggs have great survivability, and decent DPS, plus they can Tank, so more easy to get into Ops and such (especially using the new group finder) as far as I can tell. I know that they can easily hold Nodes off as well as long as a healer is present. I want to be useful in PvP and PvE, while still actually be able to be good at both! I'm gonna make a Mara to test all this out as well, but any answers are appreciated as well!

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Well I come from a Balance Sage so I'm used to DPSing. But, in terms of Utility, which offers more to the group? I know (from experience with my Sent.) that Mara's can give small heals via Beserk, movement speed via....the mirror of Transcendence skill, and like 15% boost in damage/heals via that final skill (name escapes me). On top of that, there's the pure DPS they provide. It seems they are glass cannons, but can be somewhat sturdy ones?

I know Juggs have great survivability, and decent DPS, plus they can Tank, so more easy to get into Ops and such (especially using the new group finder) as far as I can tell. I know that they can easily hold Nodes off as well as long as a healer is present. I want to be useful in PvP and PvE, while still actually be able to be good at both! I'm gonna make a Mara to test all this out as well, but any answers are appreciated as well!


Juggernauts can shift the fulcrum of a battle in a bigger way than a marauder, due to them having taunts, higher mobility, guarding, etc.

Edited by coldserpent
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I have a rank 64 mara.


I say Jugg:


1) Better Survivability when focused on.

2) Better Group PvP - can fill multiple roles as either tank/dps... plus AoE taunts

3) WAY, WAY WAY more utility: Jump to target, jump to friendly, aoe knockback

4) Great DPS.



1) great single target dps

2) good cooldowns for dmg reduction, but you're hosed afterward

3) Predation x 2 is 4tW as Carnage

4) Force Camo = awesome

5) Roots!

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