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Strategy for Combat Medic Commando


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Depending on your level, you want to do something like getting 30 stacks of combat cell first, preferably in out of combat. Then once I start doing the heals, I might do a bit more of the non costing basic shot. Then I'll use advanced medical probe to proc medical prob, then use it. Then I'd use supercharge cells to get better healing and then use kolto bomb on the group, which means they will get a 5% defensive shield and a boost to healing when you heal them. Then I'd continue with giving the advanced mp and mp combo topping up with the basic non costing attack.


Before the fight would have started I would have given the tank the trauma probe, and replace it everytime it's low on charges. I'd also use bacta infusion asap as it is a free heal to whoever needs it most.


I'm not an expert but this has been working for me quite well. Plus I haven't had to use recharge cells all too often, or be rather dependent on it, or the other skill that negates 1 move without costing ammo, or that self heal kolto infusion or w/e it's called that comes with the trooper.


I've done WZs and flashpoints with my character and I'd like to think I was doing a good job. I've noticed a lot of it has to do with the tank tanking properly as well. If you have dps rushing in they go down really fast and it's often difficult to heal them up quickly. So your tank has to be smart and hold aggro, and your dps can't attack CCed mobs and whatnot.


Of course the rotation is a bit on the go, so when I see that everyone is 80-90% I'll use my basic attack on the enemy to get more combat cell stacks or some high hitting attack if I have a lot of ammo.


It's important to pop supercharge cells immediately after you get 30 stacks (save for the very beginning) because not only does it help with healing, but it also gives one extra cell back.


Also using field aid on the tank or others is also important, it can get rid of some DOTs and if you've specced for it, slightly heal them. It's a good move to use if the tank has been knocked down and slowed and needs to get closer to reaggro.


EDIT: my commando is level 44 and currently fully specced into the medic tree. This is my spec right now: http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/trooper/commando/#::f2e2f17e2fe7fe2ce6f18


And I plan to hit 50 with this: http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/trooper/commando/#::cfe2f6ef5ef4e2fe7fe9f18:

Edited by MasterFeign
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