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Marauder-Leveling Spec and Keybind questions!


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Well I was considering making a Marauder as an Alt, (Since I do poorly in PvP as a Juggernaut) and had a few questions.

First and foremost, key bindings-how difficult is it to keep everything going? I have a 25 Sent, and its difficult for me to stay alive for long and seems I can barely do anything anymore....but I come from playing my Sage so thats probably why. So is it easy to manage all the key bindings? I've got a 3 button mouse (mouse wheel, 2 buttons on the side, not including left/right mouse buttons) so that can confortably be 6 bindings (Mouse button 3/4/5, Alt+Mouse button 3/4/5). I can also use the E, R, F, C, V keys and Alt+ E, R, F,C. For some buffs, I can feel confortable to use 2 and 3, plus Alt+2, 3. Other things become a hassle....so how difficult is it later in the game, taking 50s specifically.


Secondly, leveling spec. I was leveling my Sent as a Watchman Spec, but I've heard mixed reviews about Carnage and Anni specs. Which one will get me the fastest leveling while keeping up good damage and fair survivability in PvP (not to concered with PvE, since I'll have Quinn).


Also, which body type is better? I've seen upper level Mara gear that looks very similar to Jugg gear, and looks quite awesome on Body Type 3, but 2 is kinda small. Yet, I feel Mara's are made for type 2....any opinions here?

And what provides more interesting story-DS or LS? I had a Jugg with 8.3k DS points, and I basically killed anyone in my way, but it got repetative. Does LS offer more interesting story, or just stick with mostly DS?



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