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Master Strike, Is it really ininterruptible?


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Hello, here's a combat sentinel and i was wondering wether or not you get this sad feeling that even when your best attack should be uninterruptible it can be pushed back by any class cancelling it in the process.



I wonder what bioware means by ininterruptible because this skill can easily be stopped by bounty hunters, agents and Inquisitors (and republic mirrors) wich is kinda misleading since this should not be suppossed to be cancelled.


It's even worrying when you see that whenever you cast master strike it gives you a buff for the duration of the skill named UNSHAKEABLE if im not mistaken and in the description it says this attack cannot be interrupted, pretty much like any BOSS NPC with whom your spells wont work at all, but somehow it does not work properly or the description is misleading again.



All i want is a claryfication or a confirmation that this is a bug or a misleading buff.


TL;DR.Master Strike casts a buff that makes it ininterruptible, nevertheless it can be interrupted by pushbacks.

Edited by DarthAgonny
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You can't use an interrupt cast to interrupt it, only knockbacks can interrupt it, which is fine. If you're going to want it to be truly uninterrupted then it shouldn't be able to hit people like 10 metres away.


oh, and in some cases i've even been hit round corners so I see it as fair.

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You can't use an interrupt cast to interrupt it, only knockbacks can interrupt it, which is fine. If you're going to want it to be truly uninterrupted then it shouldn't be able to hit people like 10 metres away.


oh, and in some cases i've even been hit round corners so I see it as fair.


Thing is, it can be interrupted, doesnt matter if you use a skill that stuns or a knockback skill, it should work as intended and not half as intended.


Nevertheless i agree with you, master strike should have only a 5mts range no more than that, i even have the skill to also Root the target so a nerf/fix should not be worrying me either.

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The thing is that there are different ways to interrupt a cast.


There are interrupts, stuns and knockbacks. Unshakeable only protects you from interrupts. It doesn't protect you from stuns. It also doesn't make you immune to knockbacks.


To us "humans" it seems reasonable that if an ability cannot be "interrupted" anything that can interrupt the ability shouldn't affect us. The truth of the matter is that as far as the "game" is concerned knockbacks and stuns are not interrupts. The "interrupt" is a secondary effect of the knockback/stun.


As an example: a Mercenary/Trooper can use his talented knockback to interrupt you, but they cannot use that ability to interrupt a boss's interruptable ability because a boss is immune to knockbacks.


Hope that made sense. ;)

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Master strike is fine as it is & working as it should be.

If commando puts on his shield which makes his cast uninterruptible he can still be stunned/ pushed back.

Also once your resolve is full you don't have that issue anymore.


I think you were just assuming that uninterruptible meant: Lol, i win button, which as explained is not the case

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Maybe l2p?


Get unremitting, and people can't push you back.


...Unremitting is a Guardian only talent. He said he is Sentinel.


Perhaps you, sir, should "L2P." Especially before acting like a jerk to people on the forums, it is uncalled for.

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...Unremitting is a Guardian only talent. He said he is Sentinel.


Perhaps you, sir, should "L2P." Especially before acting like a jerk to people on the forums, it is uncalled for.




Thank you sir, i had no idea what was he talking about.:rak_02:

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