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Why I Cancelled


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cut/paste from my subscription cancellation. I hope BW reads cancellaation comments and gives them fair consideration. I want to see BW and this game succeed.


I am a PvPer at heart. I PvE to earn credits to equip my characters. I hope you take the time to read and consider the reasons I'm cancelling my subscription.


Lag in warzones is ridiculous and seems to only affect one team or the other. I know it is not an issue with my computer - my entire team will complain of the lag spikes during warzones. It seems like server maintenance is poorly handled.


Warzones should also be divided/balanced based upon valor levels. Games are rarely an even contest. One team is dominant based upon gear/experience.


Patches lack sufficient content. When the primary aspects of a patch are a new group finder and the ability to wear outfits, the development team is missing the essential aspects of the game - player social opportunities and cutting-edge content. This game does not give players a reason to socialize (other than flaming others in chat).


In sum, this is WoW with a Star Wars skin.


The PvE aspect of the game is boring. This is simply another "grind gear to get to the next dungeon" game with both PvP and space missions being handled as minor secondary game aspects.


I would recommend that you hire real players to play the game and provide you with honest feedback. The game testers that you have are not doing good jobs.


Do some research. Find parts of other games that permit casual socialization (Star Wars Galaxies did this by allowing buff bots in cantinas. I've not seen this implemented sucessfully in another game).


Remove the blandless of crafting. Give resources attributes so people who want to focus on crafting can invest hours upon hours on their trades.


Consider player housing. This is an excellent way to create social areas. Make malls where you can travel and shop. One GTN stacked with mundane items is boring.


In sum, add social opportunities to the game. Improve server maintenance. Make an immersive crafting system so that excellent crafters stand out in a crowd. Find an algorithim to better balance PvP. Make PvE fun (how about random boss mob encounters so that operations group do not need to follow the old "this is how the fight is done" formula").


I ask for much. I know it is significant work. But, focus on these items (instead of lackluster patches) and you will move to the forefront of gaming.


I'd enjoy discussing my thoughts in more detail with you. Please feel free to contact me via email and we can set up a phone call if you desire. I want to see your game succeed. I want Bioware to have a fresh game that moves MMOs to the next level.

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Greetings Rugbyrat,


Rest assured, that we always take feedback, positive or negative, seriously. We appreciate you taking the time to express your thoughts and concerns, but will be closing this thread, as we have an active thread that best fits this topic which you can find here:


If you have a specific suggestion or individual piece of feedback, we encourage you to post in the Suggestion Box forum or to make a thread regarding your issue in the relevant sub-forum.


Thank you for your understanding and we wish you the best!

Edited by Ellvaan
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