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Msbmosh art: A SWTOR/Pokemon Saga


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Hello I'm msbmosh. I'd like to show you some of my art. I've been drawing every since I was little but I'm an all around newb when it comes to art programs and swtor....star wars in general. I mention art programs because its true. I've only just started playing with it and I've been experimenting a lot, which is why each picture has a different style. I must say, I love the change from traditional art.

Anywho, I hope you enjoy my art :) I wish to do more crossover art in the future.


Bulbasauriss lvl 9 Jedi Consular






Heat seeking light saber :-p




If you are interested in seeing my progression with corel painter, here is my deviantart. Something else I'm a newb at hehe.

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Not to bash your art, because it's quite good... but you do realise, you've just bashed the entire starwars world by combining it with Pokémon... then end the thread with a Twi'lek doing a Vulcan hand pose - not good :p


To avoid flames or negative postings, I'd suggest changing themes.

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Not to bash your art, because it's quite good... but you do realise, you've just bashed the entire starwars world by combining it with Pokémon... then end the thread with a Twi'lek doing a Vulcan hand pose - not good :p


To avoid flames or negative postings, I'd suggest changing themes.


Thanks for the compliment :D


I don't intend to bash Starwars. I just like doing crossovers. I think Pokemon and Star Wars is pretty awesome but to each their own I guess.

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Nice artwork., and I see you are Begeren Colony, maybe we could group up some time. My Pub alt's name is Rithon lvl 11 Scoundrel.


Thankyou :)


That would be great! I haven't met a lot of people in the game at my low lvl.

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