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Biochem and Cybertech make infinite use combat items only they can use...Proposed fix


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Biochem has the unlimited stims, medpacks and adrenals that req Bio 400. Cybertech has grenades...again Cybertech 400. Synthweaving and Artifice have no such things. I can make relics, but anyone can get the same or better from other methods, and relics are already infinite use.


Having infinite use "consumables", for only a few crafts, that give COMBAT advantage is horrific design. This has been talked about quite a bit...


I hate nerfs, so my proposal is to change the requirement for say Rakata stims to CRAFT(400) instead of Bio (400). Same with grenades, same with anything else that is similar (sorry, I have 400 bio, 400 synth, 400 artifice, but Im not fully aware of armstech and armortech).


CRAFT(400) simply means that once you hit 400 in ANY craft, you would be eligible to use things like the rakata stims, or grenades, or whatever. The beauty of this solution is that now, you dont have to let endgame dictate your craft...you can do artifice without feeling like an idiot everytime your grp members load up with infinite use rakata stims, heals, and adrenals. You still have to master A craft, but it can be ANY craft. So the incentive is still there to master your craft, and now there is incentive to really do the one that interests you, as opposed to biochem. I would rather see this happen than biochem get nerfed. Open it up.




tl;dr - Remove specific restriction from crew skills, like Bio 400 on rakata stims. Replace them with a more generic CRAFT 400 so anyone that masters a crew skill can use the highend items from any other...this will promote diversity and restore personal choice to the system, where now it is dictated by endgame usefulness and utility. It will also open up the market for new sales for these skills, instead of coercing players to pick these skills themselves.

Edited by Dyvim
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I must say that I do agree, I find it absurd that Biochem should dictate a type of buff you can get no other way, having it as a fully accessible item that all professions can use would be much more advantageous.

Honestly, at the very least it should be something that could be purchased by all professions similar I suppose to the way raid flasks worked on WoW. I find it quite rubbish that one crew skill can be utilised at a higher standing than the rest.


I suppose I would summarise it like this.

Adrenals for Biochem, only usable at Biochem 400 provide a significant boost to anyone under and only in this profession in an operation or PVP match.


If for example you had Synthweaving instead, at 400 you can craft Rakata gear that you could acquire anyway by running an operation, but as it can be gained without the profession it provides no real significant importance as compared to biochem.

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Really, there just needs to be a reusable Exotech stim/adreanal/medpack that doesn't require anything but lv 50.


The only way to craft one would be to crit on a blue one, not through RE. That way lots of exotech stuff is getting crafted for the non-biochem people, and biochem would have a nice high-end item to sell.

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Bear in mind that Synthweavers and Armormechs can make Rakata bracers and belts -- and both of these items are unavailable via vendors or loot drops. The infinite-use stimpacks are basically a bone thrown to Biochems.


That said, there is a problem with much of the gear that equipment crafters can create -- all but a few of their items are outclassed by bartered gear. A better solution, I think, would be for the devs to take a look at this other crafted gear, and come up with craftable armors and weapons that are on a par with the "end-game" sets. The catch would be that they need special mats obtainable only under the most demanding circumstances.

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Bear in mind that Synthweavers and Armormechs can make Rakata bracers and belts -- and both of these items are unavailable via vendors or loot drops. The infinite-use stimpacks are basically a bone thrown to Biochems..


You are missing the point.. Anyone can get Rakata and use it.. Not everyone can use those infinite use stems.. Those simply need to go or every crew skill need their special little something that makes them unique and awsome!! How about an upgrade to the Relics that Artifice can make?? Artifice needs to make best in game relics that are BOP.. Otherwise the infinite stims need to go..

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Bear in mind that Synthweavers and Armormechs can make Rakata bracers and belts -- and both of these items are unavailable via vendors or loot drops.


Incorrect...rakata belts/wrists have always dropped from HM operations.

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Incorrect...rakata belts/wrists have always dropped from HM operations.

Ah -- well, I stand corrected, then. I hadn't seen any, myself.


But I think this issue touches on a bigger issue: the lack of viable end-game crafted products for the other crew skills. A crafting system in which the only desirable top-end crafted item is a healing item is a flawed crafting system.

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