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Simple changes that would make a big difference in PvP


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- Power Shot 1s casting and can't be interrupted (reduce dmg by 20% to compensate)

- Interrupt ability with 8s cooldown

- Group buff (same type as Sent / Mara) with 3 options: 5% elemental protection for 8 sec, 10% white dmg protection for 8 sec or cc invulnerability for 5 sec



These simple changes will make Pyrotech more mobile and also give some group utility .


Arsenal would require too many changes to be viable for PvP.

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- Power Shot 1s casting and can't be interrupted (reduce dmg by 20% to compensate)

- Interrupt ability with 8s cooldown

- Group buff (same type as Sent / Mara) with 3 options: 5% elemental protection for 8 sec, 10% white dmg protection for 8 sec or cc invulnerability for 5 sec



These simple changes will make Pyrotech more mobile and also give some group utility .


Arsenal would require too many changes to be viable for PvP.


Would rather see Muzzle Fluting lower Missile Blast heat cost by 8 in addition to its current lowering of PS cast time.


And rather than an interrupt, I'd like to see our base cleanse remove all roots and snares.

Edited by Phrase
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I agree with the missile blast idea. Lowering the heat cost to 16 would add a bit more mobility to both Pyro and Arsenal, and having a talented ability deep in the Pryo tree to give MB a 100% chance to apply the CGC DoT would be great as well (somewhat even footing with PT/Pryo's with that). Getting an interupt would be great, but would rather see it on a 6s CD than an 8s CD, but wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth if we got one on an 8s CD. As for the Cure idea, that would be great, but I could live with Cure in it's current state if they added one of the following:


- Jet Escape: Allow's Bounty Hunter to rocket to a friendly teammates position. 30 meter range, 45s CD

- Afterburner: Increases Mercenaries speed by 150% for 2s. Mercenaries are also immune to all movement imparing abilities while under Afterburners and for an additional 2s after ability is over (or something like that)

- Slow ability (named whatever): Slow's target by 50% for 6s. Non-cleansable, 10s CD (12s CD would ok, but anything more than that would be a bit much.)


I can see other classes complain that this would make us OP, but I'm pretty sure that if us Mercs got a bit more utility in the way of an interupt and a better cure or added escape ability, we'd be a bit more balanced in PvP.

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