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(L,F&E 56) Dancing on the Edge of a Blade


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((OOC, Jedi Master Jina Darkstorm has been captured by large insects again. For a full explanation see A Memory Mystery. But things are not as they seem. Oh no, nothing is as it seems…))


Jina woke terrified. She focused on her fear and let it pass. It wouldn’t help her. She tried her hands and feet and found them unfettered. She felt… good. She hadn’t expected that. Matter of fact, she hadn’t expected to wake up at all, or to wake up in possession of her mind. She cracked her eyes and looked around as best she could without moving. She seemed to be lying on a bed in a standard ship stateroom. Four walls, floor, ceiling, everything said ‘ship’. But the gravity felt normal, and the air was not the sterile sameness that dominated shipboard life. She opened her eyes completely and looked around. She was clad in a white shipsuit that felt strange. Matter of fact… She scanned it with the Force and was astounded to find out it was alive! She stared at the sleeve, puzzled. Why would the bugs clothe her? They wanted her as a brood mother, not…


And then her breath caught as she saw something else. On a table nearby, her armor lay stacked neatly, and beside it… She summoned her lightsabers to her hand and they came, igniting in midair. Both slapped into her palms and a quick check showed both fully charged. She sat up, hissing as pain came from deep in her abdomen. She stared at herself and, after deactivating one blade, touched where it hurt. She could feel something underneath the suit, and it felt like chitin. Jina bit back a sob, but she knew what she had to do. She put the emitter of the unlit saber under her jaw and took a deep breath. But something stopped her, a voice.


“Please don’t do that, Ma’am.” She spun out of the bed onto the floor as something unfolded from near the door and entered her field of view. The large bug, very similar to the ones from her nightmares, didn’t approach, which was wise of it. Her blades hummed as she took a guard position. She froze solid as four physical blades, apparently vibroblades from the hum they exuded, materialized in the four largest of the bug’s hands. It didn’t seem to move at all, the blades just appeared. “Ma’am?” The voice was polite, and it was coming from the bug! Jina blinked as the room spun a bit, but then focused herself. The being was blocking the door. She felt tingling in her hands and feet now, but… She had to get away, she had to… “Ma’am, you are still weak. Please… we mean you no harm.” She wanted to move, to fight, to…


How had she gotten on the floor? Her lightsabers were no longer in her hands. They had fallen from her fingers and deactivated. She bit back a scream as a shadow fell over her, but the claws that touched her were gentle and... gloved? The blades had vanished to wherever they had come from. The large hands picked her up with no apparent effort and laid her gently back on the bed. Then the form withdrew back to the door.


"I apologize for frightening you." The insect spoke again. “I understand the ordeal you went through. I can only imagine what you are thinking at this moment, but we are not your enemy, and my hive is sworn not to harm you.”


Jina forced her mouth to work. Her voice was low, but intelligible. “You didn’t want to hurt me before. Just make me a mother to your race. Against my will. So you have…” She could have sworn the bug looked sorrowful, but that was impossible.


"You are wrong, Jedi." When the insect replied, it was quiet, kind and gentle. “The healers removed the eggs that were inside you. We were in time, none had gestated. It’s an organic bandage, not part of you. Look at it…” Jina felt something odd and blinked as the shipsuit opened over her abdomen. That had to be the weirdest thing she had ever felt, but then she stared at the chitin that was now flaking off her body. She slid a fingernail under it and it came off easily. Under it was soft, pink human skin. And it hurt when she poked it. The bug spoke again. “Please don’t do that, the healers get angry when beings pick at their repairs.”


Jina couldn’t help it, she laughed. But then she convulsed as pain came strong. From her abdomen among other places. She focused on it, trying to pass beyond it and after a moment, she did. She breathed heavily for a moment, and then focused on the insect near the door. It was subtly different from the ones she had seen before, and the one that had paralyzed her in her ship. For one thing, its scales were bit lighter. For another, its head was smaller, and the antennae larger. Its thorax and abdomen were marked with lighter colored banding as well, whereas the others had been pure black.


"I don't believe it." Jina shook her head. “You are one of the ones who hurt me before. Why should I trust the race who was trying to impregnate me?” Just the memory hurt.


The insect made a human sounding sigh. “It was our race yes, but not our hive. We bear responsibility for damage done to you. We didn’t know how badly you had been hurt by the lost cousins, so when we froze you… It hurt you. Words cannot say how sorry we are that we hurt you. We did not intend that.” Jina could feel something that felt like sympathy from the insect. But that made no sense. She sank back into the bed, there wasn’t any way to fight, so… discussion as probably her best choice now.


“I do not understand.” Jina said quietly, trying to get her mind around the fact that’s he was lying here having a polite conversation with a six foot tall insect.


"I will aid in gaining comprehension then." The insect nodded. “I am called Stuiamlanakolatalinecien. But you may call me Ecien. And yes, we have much to talk about.” Jina blinked, then tensed as the bed moved a bit, but then she relaxed as it just reclined, leaving her in a more comfortable position and allowing her to see Ecien without moving much.


She slumped, exhausted by what little she had done. But her voice was clear when she spoke. “I am Jina Darkstorm. I would like to say I am pleased to meet you. But…” She broke off as Ecien bowed. Now that was a sight, an insect bowing formally. But there was nothing funny about it.


When Ecien spoke it was sad. “We didn’t know where the queen of that hive was when you went to Tralus. We would have tried to stop you. The lost cousins were a massive danger. We had been searching for thousands of years, trying to find that hive. To stop them.”


"I..." Jina shook her head slowly. “I don’t understand, I thought Will destroyed them all.”


"He did." Ecien sighed. “He destroyed them as a group, yes. And when you see him again, give him our thanks.” Jina stared at the bug, was Ecien happy that her kin were dead? Ecien saw her scrutiny and shook herself. “You cannot know what it is like, to have part of yourself… mad. They were of our race, and we could not hear them. To be unable to talk to them… We tried so many times to speak to them, but they would not hear our words.”


"what?" Jina blinked in confusion at that. “I heard them just fine.”


Ecien slumped. “It is… difficult to explain in your language… may I… May I touch you?” Jina stiffened in immediate resistance, but then she relaxed. It wasn’t as if she could stop the huge insect. But Ecien shook her small head. “Too much has been done against your will. I will not harm you further by doing more without your permission.” The insect’s words were kind, gentle and compassionate and against her will, Jina felt herself warming to the large bug. She nodded. Ecien moved slowly towards the bed. “I swear to you this will not hurt or cause harm.” Then Ecien was right beside the bed and Jina tensed, but then forced herself to relax. To let Ecien touch her.


Instead of a claw though, one of the insect’s antennae came down and brushed Jina’s face softly. And she felt…


Pain, sorrow, loss, fear… Loneliness, horror (this was directed at Jina, no at what had happened to Jina), compassion, and a hint of envy. An image of the black carapace insects. Pain, fear, loneliness, silence where there had been song, determination. Fear, and then sad understanding. And then… loss…


Jina felt all of her energy leave her body as the feelings flowed through her. But then the feelings cut off as Ecien withdrew. And Jina felt revitalized. Ecien withdrew towards the door, but she stopped as Jina raised a hand.


“When Will killed them, you felt it, didn’t you?” Jina asked, horrified. Ecien bowed again, her form conveying measureless sadness. “I am sorry.”


"We are not." Ecien sighed, an amazingly human sound. “He freed them from their slavery to what that Jedi did to them so long ago. It is… lamentable. Our songs are sad now. But they are free of their curse.”


"Wait..." Jina shook her head slowly. “If they are all dead… then who attacked me on my ship?”


Ecien shook her head. “They are not all dead.” Jina felt all the blood leave her face. Ecien hastened to reassure her. “They will die out, and they are dying out. Without their queen, they have no means of reproducing.” Jina tensed, but Ecien shook her head. “And you cannot be that for them now, I am sorry, your reproductive organs…” Ecien looked away but Jina nodded slowly. “The eggs within you had taken the form of your reproductive organs. We had to remove them. I am sorry.” The insect was sad.


Jina nodded again, her face thoughtful. “I don’t understand, Trugoy said…” She broke off as Ecien stilled. “What?” She asked quietly.


Ecien sounded angry now. “He lied to you. It is what he does. We do not know exactly what he did to you, but he did not remove the eggs, he put them in some kind of stasis. They would have come out eventually and killed you eventually. Or worse.”


"But..." Jina shivered, but then she sighed. “I… I couldn’t get my mind around some things I discovered, but if he lied to me, then things become clearer.”


"Yes." Ecien nodded. “It’s what he does. He lies. Even when he intends to tell the truth, he lies. And he betrays. A good Sith.”


Jina blinked at that. “He is not a Sith, he is…” She broke off as Ecien seemed to swell.


“He is not Bladeborn.” Ecien shrank a bit and one of her arms came out, showing a mark on it.


"Wha...?" Jina tensed. “You are?” She asked, incredulous.


Ecien nodded. “We are. Let me tell you a story from long, long ago…” Ecien's words were quiet, but easy to understand and Jina sat back to listen.

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<A long time ago on a planet far, far away>


“Lania… Something is wrong… Can’t you feel it?” The worried voice flew around the large room, but only one being was there to hear it. The human female who sat in the sole chair on the dais shook her head as one of her chief advisors struggled to clarify her distress. Her four arms moved in odd patterns as she tried to convey her worries. “He has fallen…”


The human woman shook her head. “Jili, come on… He is one of our greatest. He is your friend and mine. Why do you say these things?”


The huge insect looked at the small human and shook her tiny head. Her antennae fluttered in obvious confusion. “You are the queen here, Lania. But you must listen…”


She stopped talking as the human sighed. “How many times Jili? How many times must I tell you? I lead the Conclave. I am NOT a queen…” The female insect abased herself, and Lania sighed deeper. “Now don’t do THAT…”


The insect know as Jili shook herself. It was a genetic imperative for her to follow the ruling female. Even when the ruling female wasn’t her own species. When she spoke it was quiet, calm and matter of fact. “You were not there. You didn’t see what was left of that camp. He slaughtered them all. Half of them had no weapons at all Lania.” Jili had tracked n outpouring of power that had led her to a scene of devastation the likes of which she hadn’t seen since the Wars had ended. Every living being in a large encampment, dead. The beings in the encampment had survived disease, starvation, drought, and attacks by marauders. They had survived the devastation of the planet by the battles fought between the followers of Ashla and Bogan. But something had entered the gates, taken them completely unaware and slaughtered them all like food animals in a pen. Jili shivered a bit in memory. She had seen far too many scenes just like that during the Wars.


"Jili..." The leader of the Bladeborn Conclave shook her head slowly. “There must be an explanation. Did you sense any Bogan there?”


"No." The insect shook her head. “There was great power nearby, but only residue. Ashla and Bogan, mixed. Like…”


"Ah?" The leader of the Conclave stiffened. “Like us… Jili… He wouldn’t do that. Not without a good reason.”


"Lania..." The insect shook her head slowly. “Then at least disarm him when he enters. That is within your prerogative as Leader of the Conclave.”


Lania shook her head. “No.” The insect stiffened in rebellion and Lania spoke sharply. “You would sacrifice courtesy in the name of security?” Jili slumped. She shook her head in silence. “I need you to check the northernmost watchtowers. Something was seen moving in that area. Possibly a demonspawn beast.” Jili bowed her head and turned to go. Lania spoke gently now. “You will see, Jili. It will be ok.” The insect left without another word.


<Two days later>


Jili limped back towards the cave and tried not to sigh. It had been one of the demonspawn. A powerful one. Not that they actually were demons. The followers of Bogan hadn’t limited their cruelty on each other and their enemies, but had applied their evil to every around them as well in the pursuit of their power. This poor creature had apparently been a large cat of some kind before being changed by the horrors of Bogan energy. It had preyed on a small village until Jili had arrived. And the battle had been fierce. Stealth, claws and teeth augmented by poisons against blades and the power of Ashla. It had been a close fight, but in the end, Jili had emerged triumphant. She had burned the corpse of the creature where it had fallen. They had learned early on not to assume that any Bogan creature was dead simply because it had ceased to breath and bleed.


It was a measure of her fatigue and pain that she didn’t realize that the sentry hadn’t challenged her as was proper. She was looking forward to seeing the healer, and then maybe getting a good rest, so she had actually entered the cave before she realized something was wrong. She tensed, but nothing was out of place, just… no one to challenge or greet her. She shook her small head slowly and moved further into the cave that her strange hive called home. And then she smelled it. The scent came into her olfactory glands and she stopped short.


“No…” Her voice was soft, horrified. The smell was one she recognized easily. Blood. She followed the smell and found what she had feared. One of her brothers. A young human named Frab. He had been the guardian, the sentry. He lay as he had fallen. She closed his staring eyes and examined his body. Then her inhuman gaze went hard. A sword had killed him. And whoever had wielded it had been short, even by human standards… She followed the trail of corpses until it led her where she had feared. She shook her head as she walked, her swords out and ready. But the blood had congealed. Whoever had done this was likely long gone. And each corpse was older than the last. Then she saw them… Two small swords… Broken. She didn’t need to look. She knew what she would find before she opened the door to the conclave chamber.


“No…” Her voice was quiet, sorrowful now as she entered the large room and found devastation. Bodies lay every which way. And on the dais… She bowed her head and knelt before the body of her friend. Lania had a look of horrified surprise frozen forever on her face. The female insect could feel the weight of pain and grief around her now. “Why didn’t you listen…?” Her voice held measureless pain now.


"Oh Jili..." A voice answered her. “I wish I had.”


Jili looked up into the eyes of a specter. Followers of Ashla who died with oaths unfulfilled were known to return as ghosts. To guard, avenge or instruct. Jili shook her head slowly. “What… What can I do? What… What must I do?”


"You must leave, JIli." The ghost nodded. “You must follow him. You must stop him. You are the only one who can, Jili.”


"But..." Jili shook her head. “I have to… The dead… I must…”


"No, Jili." Lania shook her head. “You must go. Now. Seal the cave. Return if you can. We… We can wait. He must be stopped.”


Jili bowed her head again and a blade appeared in her hand. It cut deep into an elbow, one of the few weak spots on her exoskeleton. “I will find him. Justice will be served.” Her blood dripped down to join with the pools on the floor. Then she turned and left the room, and her past, behind.


<The present>


Jina sat back in her bed and tried to get her mind around what Ecien had told her. “You mean to say you are…” She broke off, unable to get her mind to acknowledge the sheer time involved.


Ecien nodded. “I am a descendant of Kolpajanuteraljujili. She knew she could not find him alone, although she tried. Eventually she returned to her people, and recruited likely beings to aid her, and so the Order continued. Eventually, we will find him, and when we do…”


Jina nodded, but her gaze was thoughtful. “So… He betrayed them, slew them, and…ran? That doesn’t make sense…”


"I know." Ecien nodded. “We don’t have all the information. But what we do have is damning.” Jina nodded. But then she yawned. She was very sleepy now. “You should sleep.” Jina tensed, but sleep was coming for her now. Ecien nodded. “No one will harm you while I live, I swear it.” Jina took those calm clear words into slumber with her.


Ecien waited until she was sure the Jedi was asleep before moving to the bed and covering Jina with a blanket. Then she laid the two lightsabers back on the table and resumed her post.

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<A day later>


Jina was sick of this. Recuperating under healer care was nothing new to her. She got hurt a lot it seemed. Too much for her liking. But since most ‘normal’ people, non-Jedi normal people anyway, would have died from many of the things that hurt her, she considered herself fortunate. And these beings had helped her, a lot. But Ecien was… just too much.


“Come on, Ecien, I can move under my own power now.” Jina said with a glower as the large insect carried her through the halls of the ship.


"Of course you could." Ecien nodded. “I know you can move, the question is how fast can you move in this direction?”


And Jina had to admit that was true. Where on a Republic ship there were corridors, compartments and other things that humans in space took for granted, on this ship there were walls. And lots of open space. Jina looked down from her cradle in four of Ecien’s arm and bit back a gulp as she looked down, and down, and down. As far as she could see, and her eyesight was superb, there was nothing but space and wall. Each wall was pockmarked with holes, each apparently just the right size for Ecien’s feet to fit. Jina had been startled when Ecien had run full tilt at the wall in front of her and had been unable to hold back a yelp when the insect had run UP the wall as opposed to into it. Jina was sure she had felt a bit of amusement from Ecien at that, but then the insect’s mind had hardened with concentration and Jina hadn’t distracted her. Ecien was taking the wall at what was probably a slow jog for her. Already three dark blurs had passed them. And all around, movement showed. Lots of bodies moving in the shadows, all with purpose. What that might be, Jina had no idea. But no danger impinged on her senses. Well, besides the fact that she was dangling in the arms of a large insect who knew how far above solid bulkheads?


“Point.” Jina said as she sat back in the cradle Ecien had formed of her arms. It was surprisingly comfortable. But then again, this whole thing was surprising. “Where are we going?”


“Medical.” Ecien replied quickly. “They need to check you out again, and then Majistrona wishes to speak with you.” Jina nodded. Ecien turned and Jina didn’t flinch as the insect went at other wall, but she gulped as this time, Ecien went down instead of up. Ecien’s voice was regretful. “Sorry Jina, the guest quarters really are not convenient to the rest of the ship. Not long now.”


Jina closed her eyes carefully, her inner ear telling her she was falling, but the pressure on her body saying she was secure. “Whoa… This might take some getting used to…” Ecien laughed at the dry humor. “I have one question. How do you speak Basic so well?” Ecien looked at her with one set of eyes and Jina shrugged. “You speak well, better than I would have expected if you were isolated for so long.”


Ecien shook her head. “We are not isolated. We just try and maintain a very low profile, especially since what happened to the lost cousins. We do have some conduits for information, people we have helped over the years. They get us information, news and such. You will see our archives eventually.”


"Oh?" Jina smiled, she loved to learn. “I look forward to it.”


"You say that now." Ecien laughed. “Wait until the Archivist gets hold of you.” Her voice changed to an older human sounding querulous. “ ‘You did what to my record?’ ‘And what do you mean you lost that planet? Go find it.’ “ Jina couldn’t help it, she laughed. And then she coughed. Ecien quickly became all business. “Are you all right?”


"Yeah." Jina nodded. “It still hurts, but less.”


Ecien nodded again. Then she sounded sheepish. “Um… One thing…” Jina tensed as Ecien slowed. They were approaching another wall. This one had a recognizable opening on it.


“What?” Jina asked quietly as Ecien took the up wall and darted into the opening. Ecien stopped and lowered her arms to let Jina get out of them, which the Jedi did gratefully.


Ecien's voice was rueful. “Our master healer is old, and he, well… He is good at what he does; just… don’t take anything he says personally please.” Jina stared at the insect and then she nodded. Ecien started off and Jina followed, bemused.


<An hour later>


Jina lay on the table and tried not to flinch.


Don’t take it personal… Sheesh… Of all the bugs I have to get as a healer…a racist one…


The green scaled bug was speaking a harsh tone. “And I swear you humans are a menace! Always mucking about in things that don’t concern you. Better if all of you just went as fertilizer…” The gray carapaced insect waved a threatening looking thing in her direction, and Jina didn’t flinch. She could feel dislike from the healer, but she had to admit, he knew what he was doing. His voice may have been acerbic, but his manipulators were gentle.


Jina might have been determined to keep silent, but Ecien was anything but. “Healer you may be, and old you may be, but threaten my ward at your peril, Hpilon.” The ancient bug’s antennae and eyes turned to Ecien. And his diatribe changed.


He snarled at Ecien. “Larvae these days… I tell you, when I was a larvae, no one dared to talk back to their elders. No discipline anywhere anymore. Stupid know it all brats…” He grumbled as he continued to scan Jina, then he made a sound a lot like a human snort and turned away. He walked from the room, leaving Jina to stare after him. Ecien made a sound that was something like a recycler.


Only when Jina looked through the Force did she realize that Ecien was laughing softly. “He is done, and your scans are clean.” Jina sat up, realizing that the healer had put a new bandage on her abdomen, which hurt less now. And the chitin of the bandage was more flexible. Hpilon had cursed for ten straight minutes when she had arrived without the bandage that she had taken off the night before. She had honestly thought he was going to hit her at one point and even Ecien had almost drawn a sword.


Jina shook her head. “Is he always like that?”


Ecien laughed sourly. “Yep.” Jina shook her head, but got off the table and stood up. For the first time, her head didn’t spin. “He has reason to dislike humans. Sith humans mind you, but he doesn’t make any distinctions between humans at all. Come on, the queen is waiting.”


Jina nodded and followed the insect ou the door and smiled as she realized that they were walking down a ramp. “No wall running?”


Ecien looked at her and there was teasing in the insect’s voice. “We can if you want to.”


Jina raised a warding hand. “No thanks! I’m good…”

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Jina was sagging a bit as Ecien led her into a large chamber, but she kept her feet steady as Ecien led her towards one end of it. To Jina’s eyes the chamber looked like a cave. And spaced around it were dark shadows that moved. Jina’s breath caught as she relived her own personal nightmare, but then soft lights came up and she relaxed as she saw that most of the shadows were… Wait a second? Beings at control consoles? Spaced around the cave at regular intervals, something that simply wouldn’t happen in nature, beings of various races sat and worked. A few of them looked at Jina before returning to their work, and Jina shook her head slowly. Now that she hadn’t expected. She spoke very quietly to Ecien.


“I thought this ship just had your people.” Jina mused. Ecien shook her head minutely, measuring her steps carefully so as not to tire her ward.


“No, we have lots of space, and… well, we find people occasionally." Ecien explained. "Beings who fall through the cracks. Castaways, refugees, colonists left behind when Sith fleets move on after bombarding planets. We have to be very careful about who we bring here of course, but we try and help when we can, as we can.” Jina nodded slowly at that.


“And some of the people you have helped…” Jina said, comprehension dawning. Ecien nodded again.


“Like to help us in turn. Yes.” Ecien had a smile in her voice now. Jina shook her head slowly.


“I don’t see how you have managed to keep this secret." Jina said dubiously. "All it would take is one disaffected being, one missed in a sweep, and the secret is out.” Ecien shook her small head.


“Jina… These people would have all died." Ecien said sadly. "We helped them. But…” Jina stiffened as Ecien’s sadness came through the Force. Her face was a study of shock, fear and… Ecien hurried to continue. “Most of them genuinely want to help. And we offer them a better life than most have had. Only a few have ever tried to leave, or betray us, and…” The large insect slumped. “We can’t allow that. We are too few.”


“The needs of the many?” Jina asked quietly, fighting for calm. Ecien made soft noise of disagreement.


“I am not saying it was the right thing to do." The bug said slowly. "Ashla knows I have made my own disagreement heard often enough. But if the actions of one, or two threaten everyone, what is the better choice? Throw them out an airlock? Or try and rehabilitate them?” Jina tensed.


“Rehabilitate how?” She remembered how Ecien had shown her things straight to her mind. Ecien stopped in mid stride.


“Do you really believe I could do that? That any of us could?” The insect’s voice held sorrow. “And even if it were ethical to tamper with someone else’s mind, would it change the underlying problems? Anything we might do would likely cause more problems that it solved.” Jina thought about that and bowed in apology. Ecien was quick to apologize herself. “I am sorry, I… We sequester beings who cause problems. They are kept comfortable and we try and help them. We… We can’t always. We don’t want to keep them imprisoned, but what choice do we have?” Jina nodded. “Don’t think I and my people haven’t been tempted at times to change some beings minds. But it would be wrong.” The calm matter of fact sincerity in Ecien’s voice humbled Jina who bowed again.


“I understand." Jina said soberly. "Just because we have the power to do something doesn’t make it right to do it.” Ecien nodded.


"Agreed." Ecien said quietly. "Most of the beings we rescue are ones no one will miss. Occasionally, we find an escape pod, but usually we are too late.” Ecien’s voice was sad now and Jina started walking again. “Sometimes we will move the pod to where it can be found, never opening it. We do what we can.” Ecien turned towards an opening and beckoned Jina to follow. Jina did, perplexed. And when they got to the opening, Jina blinked as she saw three human children and two very young Twilek girls playing in an area with several small versions of Ecien. Jina turned to Ecien.


“Children?” Jina asked, unsure. Ecien nodded.


“The one thing we do not tolerate is slavers. Especially after what happened to the lost cousins. We tend to… overreact when we find slavers.” The cold hard tone brought Jina up short, but then she nodded. “These we found in a depot, no sign of parents, and no records of them. Two of them, the twins...” Ecien made a small arm movement towards the Twileks and sighed. “…We are helping them deal with what happened to them all. But of all of them, we hope and pray that the twins can get past what happened to them.” She turned to go, but one of the children saw her.


“Ecien!” One of the girls came running up and Jina could only watch in awe as the child literally swarmed up Ecien’s back to stand on her thorax and give her a hug. Ecien’s voice was happy, but with a trace of worry.


“Ola… be careful… My spines are sharp.” Jina had to smile at teh tone of 'worried Mama' in Ecien's voice now. The girl laughed and suddenly all of the young, insect, human and Twilek were surrounding Ecien and Jina. The girl, Ola, scowled, but slowly climbed back down. Ecien lowered herself so she was looking the girl in the face. “You know you shouldn’t do that.” Her voice was sad and Ola nodded, her face working. “But I am glad to see you, youngling.”


“We have all missed you." The child, Ola, replied with a smile. "The doctors say we are making good progress.” The five non-insects nodded and Ecien nodded back, her voice was happy.


“I am glad. Come, I want you to meet someone.” Ecien made a motion and the children looked at Jina who smiled at them. “Children, this is Jina Darkstorm, a guest.” All of the children bowed to Jina, who bowed back. Ola looked from Jina to Ecien.


“Is she one of the Seven?” Ola asked. Ecien froze and Ola slapped hand over her mouth. “I’m sorry…” The girl seemed to wilt, but then Jina realized the girl was bending over as if to accept a beating! Ecien shook her head slowly.


“Ola, you know I won’t hurt you.” The insect’s voice was calm, gentle and careful. The Twilek nodded.


“We should get back to the… I mean… I…” She winced as if in pain and Ecien extended a manipulator and the Twilek child took it in a firm grasp.


“It’s all right Ola. Go back to what you were doing.” All of the children bowed to Ecien and Jina before returning to their game. A few of them looked occasionally at the insect and the Jedi, but none spoke. Ecien led Jina away and a long sigh escaped the insect. Jina spoke carefully.


“What happened to them?” The Jedi asked, although she had a good idea. Ecien shook her head.


“We don’t know all of it." The bug replied. "All we know is that they had… things inside them when we found them.” Jina stiffened. That sounded too familiar. “We don’t know why.”


“Inside their brains?” Ecien froze in midstride as Jina’s tone registered. Resignation.


“You have seen this before.” Ecien's words were not a question but Jina nodded.


“The beings responsible have been dealt with, but… Friends of mine are still dealing with the aftermaths. The beings who did this to these children did it to hundreds of others.” Ecien stared at the Jedi and Jina felt hope surge within Ecien.


“They can remove these abominations?” Ecien asked, hope warring with despair in her tone. Jina nodded slowly. “We can’t.” Now there was sadness and Jina moved to touch Ecien on the arm.


“What happened, Ecien?” Jina asked gently. Ecien looked away and when she spoke it was in a monotone.


“There were six children when we destroyed that slaver base. One of them, a young human male, had horrible headaches. He asked us, he begged us to remove the implants from inside his head. But we said we could not. We did not have the skill. He tried to end his existence and failed. He said it was better to die than live like that.” Jina nodded. “So we attempted removal. We failed…” Jina could feel the sadness, the horror, the pain that Ecien hid deep within herself. “You say you have healers capable of doing this?” Jina nodded. “We must tell Majistrona of this, come…She awaits us…” Jina followed as Ecien led off again.

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<A bit later>


Whatever Jina had expected on meeting the leader of this strange group again, this wasn’t it. She shook her head as Ecien offered more tea and sipped what she had. It tasted good, if different. All herbal, no synthetics or chemicals. She shook her head slowly. Here she was, ensconced in a comfortable chair, in a warm, well lit… cave. Drinking tea. On a spacecraft. Talking to a pair of large insects. Another day in the life of a Jedi, she thought with a small grin.


“No thank you Ecien, I have enough for now. Although this blend is very nice. I need to remember this one.” Ecien nodded and moved to put the jug she held away. The huge form of Majistrona moved slightly and Jina turned her head to look where the queen of the hive sat. From the décor, it was next to impossible to realize one was on a spacecraft. For all intents and purposes, they were sitting in a natural cave, complete with dripping water from stalactites. Jina had spent five minutes just watching the water collect in a pool on the floor and had loved every minute of it. It was relaxing, much as the pools in the room of a thousand fountains had been in the Temple on Coruscant. She smiled.”I like the pool.” Majistrona nodded from where she sat.


There was movement all around them as larvae were tended and fed, but for once, Jina was not afraid of the shadows. Maybe it was the fact that she had been talking to the others, or maybe she was finally moving past her nightmares. She hoped that was the case When Ecien had brought her in; she had frozen in fear on seeing the darkened room. It was so much like the cave in which she had been violated, it had been almost physically painful. Ecien had been gentle and kind, getting her to a chair, getting her something warm to drink, and allowing her time to move past her fear. Majistrona nodded again. Jina had to fight to keep from flinching as fear shot through her. Btu she was a Jedi and she would not let fear control her. Ecien seemed worried from nearby, the smaller bug had thought tea might help. Majistrona let Jina deal with her emotions before speaking.


“It helps to clear the mind, to focus on water." The queen bug said gently. "On being like water. Fluid, soft and at the same time, always in motion.” Jina smiled at that. Yes, the teachings were very similar to what Jedi were taught, which stood to reason, seeing as how Ashla was the progenitor of the Order. The survivors of the Force Wars had eventually founded the Jedi Order. "Better?" Majistrona asked kindly.


“Yes. Thank you.” Jina sipped her tea and the two Insects bowed to her. “I don’t know why I am reacting so strongly to this. To you. I thought I was past it.” The two insects looked at one another and Majistrona spoke carefully.


“When did you first feel this way?" The queen asked slowly. "This fear? Was it when the lost cousins had you?” Jina nodded.


"I was terrified the whole time I was awake. The drugs kept me from being able to focus, to move beyond my fear." Jina admitted. “They had me. I was so doped up I couldn’t think, couldn’t focus, couldn’t fight back. It…” She shuddered, but then shook herself and calmed herself. “This doesn’t make sense. I put it behind me. I dealt with the emotions. Why are they coming back so strongly?” Majistrona made a human sounding sigh.


“It is natural that we remind you of the horrors you endured.” Jina shook her head.


“This place is different.” Jina looked around the cave again. The chair she was sitting in might look like a boulder but in a hidden hollow, cushions were quite comfortable. And it was a nesting chamber, with eggs all around. But she felt peace all around her, instead of the malice she had felt the last time she was in a place like this. “I… I don’t understand why I am so afraid… It isn’t right…” She shook her head trying to understand her feelings. The two insects looked at one another and Majistrona spoke again.


“May I touch you?” Jina blinked but then set her tea down and nodded. “I need to use the crystal.” At that, Jina froze. Neither of the insects moved and Jina took several deep breaths. Then Jina nodded and closed her eyes. She felt Majistrona’s presence in the Force approach and then something cold touched her temple. She tensed, but nothing seemed to happen. Then she felt something twist inside her head. And pain came. The last thing she remembered before passing out was hearing herself scream.


<Some time later>


“…and I protest being called here to treat a human of all things.” Jina’s first thought on waking was to wonder why Hpilon was talking so loudly. The second was to wonder why her skull felt wrong. And the third was to pray that the pain in her skull was only temporary. She bit back a groan.


“Jina?” Majistrona’s voice came from far away and Jina forced her eyes open. The healer stepped back from her as she opened her eyes, and left in an obvious huff. Some things transcended species boundaries it seemed. Jina focused on the huge form that sat nearby. The insect queen radiated worry that dissipated slightly on seeing Jina looking at her.


“What happened?” Jina was amazed that her voice was so calm now. She wasn’t afraid anymore. Majistrona bowed to her.


“The fear was not your own. It was implanted. And whoever did so put a compulsion in you as well.” Jina tensed, but the bug continued. “Tell me, Jina. What would have happened, if you had been unhurt the first time you woke, if you had woken to find me standing over you. If you had possessed your lightsabers?” Jina’s eyes went wide.


“I wouldn’t have given you time to explain…" Jina hissed in horror. "But… I…” She shook her head and groaned again as pain lanced through it. Ecien’s voice came from nearby.


“I can’t believe I missed that." Ecin's voice was odd. "My life is yours if you wish it.” Jina stiffened and spoke quickly.


“No." Jina said quickly. Something about Majistrona's posture said that haste would be a good thing. "Not your fault. It was him wasn’t it?” This to Majistrona who nodded, and when she spoke it was sour.


“That means you can eviscerate yourself some other time, Ecien and not in my nesting chamber.” Jina shook herself, feeling as if her head was two or three sizes too small, but the pain was fading now. She turned to where Ecien sat, the female insect’s blades were disappearing into wherever she hid them. Jina blinked. Ecien took her duty very seriously it seemed. The Jedi sighed deeply.


“That is what he intended wasn’t it?" Jina asked, sad. "Me to kill you?” Majistrona slumped.


“Probably." The queen replied sourly. "He has tried it before. And that is how the other traitors control the lost cousins that they have in thrall. These…” She held up a small red crystal to the dim light. “These can do wonders. Or terrors. I personally wish my ancestors had shattered them all. We destroy all the ones we find.” Jina shook herself and nodded. Now the pain was a memory.


“I have so many questions." Jina mused. "I don’t know where to begin…” Majistrona nodded.


“Unfortunately, we don’t have a lot of time." The queen said sadly. "Matters are coming to a head. Events set in motion a millennia ago have finally reached fruition, no matter how we have striven to keep them from doing so. I can and will answer your questions, but we need your help.” Jina looked surprised at that.


“My help?" Jina stiffened. "What can I do that you can’t?” Majistrona sighed.


“You are a Jedi." The huge bug said gently. "You have training we lack. You can do things we can’t. We are soldiers. Defenders. You are more than that.” Jina blinked in surprise.


“I could teach you.” Jina said slowly. Majistrona bowed to her.


“We would be honored, but right now, we must find someone. Her life is in danger from many sources now, some she knows of and some she doesn’t suspect.” Jina nodded slowly.


“I will help you as I can.” Jina promised. Majistrona nodded. “Who is this being?”


“Her name is Istara Andal.”

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Istara was dancing. She had always had an affinity for dance, but the only time she ever had shown it before had been in battle. Now however… The music in her quarters was low, but clearly audible. And she was the rhythm, she was the pulse, she was the dance… She felt free for the first time in, well, ages… Some part of her knew that it couldn’t last, that she had to come back to reality at some point, but for now, all that mattered was the dance. Dimly she felt scrutiny on her, but ignored it as well. Nothing else mattered, just the dance… And the Force that flowed in her as never before when she danced. She emptied her mind, trying with all her heart to just be the dance, swooping and diving, turning and spinning, jumping and crouching, all in to the rhythm that rang through her blood. And for just a moment, she saw…


She came awake lying on her bunk with a cold compress over her head. “Ow…” A voice came from nearby.


“You need to stop scaring me, Istara…” Istara smiled as she turned her head to see Anya sitting beside her bed. “My heart almost stopped when you froze in mid dance and collapsed. What happened?”


“I don’t know.” Istara said quietly, working past her pain as her instructors at the Jedi Enclave had taught her. “That was… weird… I was almost one with the Force. It felt… good… and then… It was like I was brought up short. Or maybe cut off?” Anya looked at her oddly.


“Istara, you become one with the Force when you die.” Anya said in an odd tone. Istara blinked at that and then laughed, rueful.


“Then maybe it’s a good thing I stopped, huh?” Anya laughed and Istara joined her. “But I have to admit, it felt good, up until I fell over anyway…” She sat up and Anya handed her a glass of water which she took gratefully. She sipped it and smiled, thinking how much her life had changed over the last few months. From Bladeborn to exile, to Jedi trainee, and now to true Bladeborn. As she sipped, she reflected. “You know I was meditating.” Anya nodded. They had discussed it in detail before Istara had tried this. Moving meditations were nothing new and Istara had always found solace in dance. “I saw… something… Something I have no words for. And a face… No one I know.” Anya tilted her head to the side in query and Istara shrugged helplessly. “Human female. Brown hair, brown eyes. That was all I saw. Before I fell out of it…” Anya snorted.


“You did more than ‘fall out of it’." Anya laughed sourly. "You fell on your face. I am glad I was here. You could have seriously hurt yourself falling from that position.” Istara nodded her thanks. But then her face became serious.


“Anya… I saw where Setie went next.” Istara said with a scowl. Anya’s face lit up but then she tensed as Istara didn’t smile. “And this is not going to be fun.”


“Where?” Anya asked quietly.


“She changed freighters at a spaceport on Dantooine.” Istara said soberly. Anya tensed.


“Dantooine?” The Jedi asked, worried. Istara nodded. The Jedi presence on Dantooine was substantial. The Enclave had been rebuilt after Darth Malak’s attack three hundred years ago, and while the population had waned over the years, the small academy there was still well staffed. The Sith Empire regularly made probes and attacks in the area, but the Jedi repelled them fairly easily most of the time.


“I sensed great sadness from her." Istara said with a frown. "It must have leaked past her shields. The thing is… If I picked it up, likely others did as well.” Anya nodded. “Which means we are likely walking into a trap.” Anya shook her head.


“Istara…” Anya started but paused when Istara shook her head.


“Anya, please… listen… The only reason I got away on Illum was I took the assassin by surprise. He is better than I am. If he is there, he will be ready for me this time. I can handle myself or flee, but not if I am worried for others. I need you to take Ina and Diseree to the academy there.” Anya shook her head and Istara sighed. “Listen, Anya. I couldn’t see what was waiting for me, just that woman that I am sure I don’t know.” Both stopped as the door hissed open and two figures stepped in. Idjit towered over the form of Diseree but both looked worried. Idjit’s voice was calm however.


“Her name is Jina Darkstorm, and she has been missing for two weeks.” Idjit said soberly. Istara looked at him and he shrugged. “You are walking into a firestorm Istara.” Istara nodded as she stood up.


“Won’t be the first time.” The two Jedi and the Sith all stared at her with equal expressions of worry and she shrugged. “Let’s get there and get it done…”


<Two days later>


Istara ghosted through the spaceport, seeking traces of her sister. The few she had found so far were frustratingly vague. Setsuna had been here, that was clear. And she had been very, very sad most of the time. Something Setsuna had said in Istara’s hearing came back. Setie had brought her love here, and they had spent time here… Istara shook her head. No wonder the girl had been sad. She looked around for clues and froze solid. No movement. No droids, no maintenance people, no nothing…


Aw flarg…


She danced back into the shadows as a door opened in the near distance and she froze solid as a small brown form entered. Grandmaster Trugoy of the Bladeborn met her gaze calmly. His voice was quiet.


“This ends now.”

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Istara stood silent as Trugoy approached. Her hand was on her sword hilt of course. His were clasped in front of him. With just a little of her awareness, she looked around the area and noted she was in an unused landing pad. Nothing to get in the way, and nothing to use as weapons or distractions. She nodded slowly as Trugoy stopped a certain distance from her. His voice was sad when he spoke.


“I never wanted this.” He started to side step around Istara and she turned easily to keep him in view. Her voice was just as sad and quiet when she spoke.


“You could have fooled me." Istara said coldly. "When you betray people, it tends to alienate them.” Trugoy nodded slowly.


“It is not that simple, Sharlina.” He replied sadly. Istara nodded.


“It never is." She replied, her face remote. "I could ask you so many questions. But… I can’t trust anything you tell me.” Trugoy sighed.


“It doesn’t have to be this way, girl." The grandmaster of the Bladeborn who had taken Istara in sighed and continued. "I don’t want to kill you.” Istara shook her head.


“Again." Istara retorted. "I can’t trust what you say. You will say whatever you can to get me to drop my guard.” Trugoy didn’t move, not even to blink and Istara sighed. “How many did you bring?” Trugoy smiled slightly.


“Enough.” He said simply. Istara smiled sourly. Bladeborn enough to keep bystanders away, to muddle the issue, to distract the Jedi from what was about to happen.


“You always did like to cover your bases." Istara said ruefully. "You always said it was experience of age versus enthusiasm of youth. This is only going to end one way, you know that.” Trugoy shook himself slightly, but his hands didn’t move.


“I hope we can find another way. I don’t want to kill you.” He said, looking tired and old for a moment. Istara just looked at him. “And I don’t think you want to kill me.” He tensed as Istara reached for her pack and then froze solid as she threw a bundle at his feet. Two small sword hilts peeked out of it.


“What I want is immaterial." Istara said quietly. "They called you 'friend', 'brother', 'champion'. And you betrayed them, slaughtered them. Half of the bodies in the cave had no weapons at hand. I would ask why, but I cannot trust anything you say.” Trugoy slumped.


“It doesn’t have to be like this." Trugoy said, his tone worried. "All I need is an oath of silence on this matter and we can go our separate ways.” In answer a ring of steel was heard as Istara drew her sword. When she spoke, her words were cold and precise in an ancient tongue.


<First you lie, now you ask me to lie.> She snapped in ancient Tythonese. <Choose your fate, traitor.> Trugoy shook his head. When he spoke it was in modern Basic.


“Don’t do this…” He begged her. Istara shook her head slowly. She had learned an awful lot from the few records she had taken from the cave. About things she hadn’t dreamed of. But it felt good to stand and speak as she had. It felt… right.


<By your actions I know you, by the Code I judge, by my Oath, I act.> And she was in motion, sword held in a ready position. She struck, but Trugoy didn’t draw a weapon, he simply moved out of the way, fluidly. But he met a solid kick and flew. He landed on his feet with a grunt. Then two lightsabers appeared in his hands and the fight was on.


Back and forth the two mismatched opponents fought. Neither seemed to have an advantage. Istara’s longer reach was negated by Trugoy’s blinding speed. Trugoy’s experience was offset by Istara’s odd style. It wasn’t anything that anyone had taught her, she had cobbled it together from a myriad of other styles. Lightsaber styles, sword styles, even unarmed styles were present in her fighting technique and Trugoy found himself on the defensive. But somehow he found time and breath to speak.


“Nice one. Good parry… What was that? Oh girl, don’t do that…” Istara caught a solid Force punch on the last sentence and flew, but managed to get her feet under her. She hit the wall and sprang off to meet Trugoy in midair. The two combatants exchanged blows, neither seeming to have an advantage. Istara connected with the flat of her blade and Trugoy recoiled a bit, but his voice was calm. “You can’t beat me girl…”


“I don’t have to survive.” At her cold words, Trugoy seemed to freeze for a moment. “All I have to do is stop you. As Lania asked.” Now Trugoy shook his head. Istara attacked again, but his defenses were strong. The small brown form’s voice was quiet still as he shifted from defense to attack.


“I can’t let you undo what I have done. I can’t.” He said soberly. Istara found herself pushed back, but then she shifted styles again, now to Soresu, or a close variant of it, and no matter what, Trugoy couldn’t find a hole in her defenses. “You have improved. A lot.” He jumped back and Istara followed him. But she flew through a cloud that had her wheezing. And why was her vision blurring? Nerve gas!


She focused on her breathing, focused on breath control, and managed to keep from passing out, but now the tide of the fight shifted completely to Trugoy. It was all Istara could do to keep his attacks away from her. Then pain erupted through her body. She looked down to see an overly long silver energy blade punched clean through her abdomen. She swung wildly, but something struck her on the head and darkness claimed her.


Trugoy stared down at the unconscious body of the girl who had been the best pupil he had ever had and sighed as he reset his lightsaber. Dual phase sabers were not common, but very useful at times, if just for the surprise factor. He shook his head. He hadn’t wanted this, but… he had no choice. He raised his saber to end Istara’s life. But when it came down, another silver blade stopped it inches from Istara’s face. Sparks flew as he stared up into the calm face of Jina Darkstorm.


Trugoy jumped back and reassessed the situation. She was fresh, he was near exhaustion. And Istara had connected a few times as well. Jina didn’t follow him, just stood near Istara’s unconscious body. He spoke.


“What are you doing here?” He asked, unsure. She shook her head slowly. “I wasn’t aware we were enemies.” Jina spoke softly.


“We are not, but…" Jina said quietly. Then she waved to the side. "I am afraid she thinks otherwise.” Trugoy turned to see a cargo door opening. He went pale as a large form appeared through the open cargo door. An insect form. Four blades simply appeared in the insect’s claws.


“Well met, traitor.” The insect was in motion, but Trugoy was gone. She shouted. "Run all you want, we will find you!" then she turned back to where Jina was crouching beside the still form of Istara. Their eyes met and they shared a nod. The insect lifted the unconscious form carefully and then they were gone as well.

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<Some time later>


When Istara woke, she was aware of two things. One was a burning ache in her gut. The other was a quiet argument raging nearby. A male voice spoke too low to understand and a female voice replied calm, but not happy. She kept her eyes closed and listened hard.


“I don’t care what you say, if you hurt her, I will take it out of your hide. Clear?” A mutter came and the female voice became cold. “You have done what you can. Now leave.” A mutter again and this time, it was angry. But the female voice cut it off in mid word. “Take it up with the queen, now get out of here before she wakes up.” The angry mutters grew fainter and then the hiss of a hatch cut them off. The female voice was soft as it came closer. “Sorry you had to hear that.”


Istara opened her eyes and was surprised to find the room she was in was lit dimly. Just enough to see easily, not enough to dazzle. She looked around and found the speaker. A woman wearing silver mesh armor. Armor she recognized. And the woman was the one she had seen in her vision. The woman sat beside her bed and Istara turned to look at her, but hissed as pain erupted in her gut. She lay back with a grimace and touched her abdomen. She felt bandages under the sheet. The strange woman -Did Istara know her?- nodded.


“Three centimeters to the left and it would have severed your spine. Are you thirsty?” Istara suddenly found her throat dry as a krayt dragon bone and nodded. The woman held a glass out to her, and Istara took it carefully, sipping slowly. As she did, she looked around. A standard shipboard stateroom. Three chairs, a desk and a bed. There were medical monitors attached to her as well as IVs and a tube that ran under her nose with a cool gas flowing. Probably oxygen. She was wearing a patient gown and the sheet of the bed covered her up to her chest. She finished the glass and nodded her thanks. When she spoke, her voice was low and scratchy.


“What happened?" Istara ordered to make her voice obey and she sounded normal to her ears when she spoke again. "I didn’t expect to survive.” The woman nodded.


“He is bad news." The woman said with a frown. "But you knew that. He hit you with a class three nerve agent, and then got you with his saber. I think you hurt him a bit. It’s likely the only reason he would have run when I showed up.” Istara shook her head.


“I am Istara Sharlina Andal." Istara said formally. "May I know your name?” The woman looked surprised and then abashed.


“I am sorry." The woman said quickly. "I have been tending you for the last couple of days, I sort of…Ah well. I apologize for the discourtesy. My name is Jina Darkstorm.” Istara bowed her head and Jina bowed formally. The woman in silver armor sat back down beside the bed and shook her head slowly. Her tone was sour when she spoke. “Taking him on alone was dumb.” Istara nodded, but sighed.


“He left me no choice, all of my companions…” The Bladeborn blanched. “Wait a moment, my companions…” Jina patted her hand.


“…are safe. The three Jedi went to the Academy on Dantooine. Idjit…” Jina broke off as Istara went pale.


“No… Trugoy will kill him…” She tried to sit up, and when pain exploded in her gut, she just kept trying. Jina held out a hand.


“Idjit is safe. Safer than you are. Lie down, Istara…" Jina begged. "You are not out of danger. We administered the antidote to the gas residue we discovered. But it was toxic as well. And as weak as you were… Only in the last day or so could the healers operate on you with good chances of you not dying on their table. So they spent six hours putting you back together. I am willing to bet they will get miffed if you tear yourself apart.” Istara surprised herself with a laugh. That hurt too, but she sank back into the bed and shook her head.


“Yeah, healers are healers.” Istara sighed as she slumped. Jina laid a gentle hand on Istara’s abdomen and power flared. The pain that Istara had been feeling ebbed and died. “Thank you.” Jina shook her head.


“All I did was deaden it.: Jina said soberly. "You still hurt, and the damage is still there. But pain distracts and right now, you really need your wits about you.” Istara looked at the other woman and blinked.


“What is going on?” Istara asked quietly. Jedi did not do such things without reason in her experience. Jina pursed her lips and spoke slowly.


“If I had my way, you wouldn’t be awake for another three days at least." Jina said softly. "You need time to recover. No matter how tough you are. But there are people who need to speak to you. Oh and…” Jina laid a wrapped bundle beside Istara on the bed. Without seeing into the bundle Istara knew it was her sword.


“Thank you.” Istara’s hand ran the length of the sword, but retreated. Jina bowed.


“Least I could do for a True Bladeborn." Jina said with a smile. "Not many remember the true Bladeborn. They just remember the Sith versions.” Istara nodded.


“Yeah. Best I could figure out, someone during the time of the Hundred Years Darkness probably found one of our swords and translated the inscription wrong.” Jina nodded. “Stranger things have happened. And yes, it is very Sith-like to want to kill with a blade instead of a lightsaber.”


“His name was Grundo.” A voice came from near the door and Istara froze solid as a shape appeared. Four arms, four legs, large abdomen smaller thorax and tiny head with four antennae. All of her attention as focused on the nightmare form that had appeared. Jina was saying something, but Istara didn’t hear it. The insect moved slightly, one arm came up and Istara felt her world rock on its axis as she saw the markings of a Bladeborn on the carapace. She stared at her own arm and then at the insect’s. The markings were identical. She focused on what Jina was saying with difficulty. "Well met, sister."


“…Istara Sharlina Andal, be known to Stuiamlanakolatalinecien.” The insect bowed, and Istara bowed her head. The insect spoke again.


“You may call me Ecien, many beings have a hard time remembering all the parts of our names.” The bug said formally. Istara felt faint. But she managed to get words out.


“Well met, Ecien." Istara said, forcing her fuzziness to fade. "I… I thought I was the last.” Ecien nodded.


“As did we. We have much to discuss…”

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<A few hours later, somewhere not to nearby>


He sat alone, in darkness. He hadn’t known what to expect. And he certainly hadn’t expected this. The few visions he had seen of what Istara and Jina were dealing with had been obscure, difficult to make out. He had been knocked unconscious by some kind of gas, and woken here. Wherever here was. A slot opened regularly and a tray with food came into his, well, prison was probably the best term for it. He wasn’t restrained, but he couldn’t use the Force. Something was blocking him. And it wasn’t anything he knew. It wasn’t drugs, neurolizers, those blasted ysamalari or anything else he had encountered. He couldn’t see.


That hadn’t bothered Idjit before, the few times in his life that the Force had failed him and he had been left in darkness he had dealt with it and moved on. But now, he had nothing to do, nowhere to go. He had no idea where he was or what had happened to Istara and that hurt. A lot. He had known that she would face Trugoy, and he had so wanted to tell her. But every vision he had seen where he had told her… ended badly for her. If there was a true definition of hell, it lay in knowing that someone you loved was in danger and not being able to do anything about it. This wasn’t a ship that he knew. And he knew he was on a ship. The vibrations, muted as they were, were distinctive.


He had found a bed, a chair and a small table by carefully feeling around the small room. The door of course, was locked. He had seated himself in the middle of the floor to wait. He didn’t have to wait long. A modulated voice, possibly a droid, came to his ears.


“The bed or chair would be more comfortable.” He couldn’t hear anyone else in the room so he assumed it was a speaker of some kind. He nodded to it.


“I prefer the floor." Idjit said quietly. "Beds are for sleeping. Chairs are for relaxing. I wish to do neither.” The voice came again.


“Is the food to your liking?” He would have blinked at that if he had possessed eyelids. Of all the things a captor might ask him, he hadn’t expected that. It was a bit different, but it was good. He nodded and the voice did not speak again. So he sat, waited, wondered and worried.


By his internal chono, he had waited about an hour and a half when he heard the hatch of the room hiss open and an irate voice outside. He sat up straight as he heard someone enter, and the irate voice followed, and now it was intelligible.


“Fine, when you tear your repairs apart I am not going to carry you back.” A snort came from nearby and he tensed as he heard Istara’s voice. Weak and weary but her.


“Leave us.” An aggrieved sounding hiss came and then the door closed again. He turned his head to where he heard her breathing heavily. He spoke softly.


“Should you be up?” He asked. He heard her sit in the chair and sigh. When she spoke, it was weary and he heard pain deep, deep down in her tone.


“Probably not, but we need to talk.” The fatigue in her voice worried him and he turned to face her.


“What happened?” He asked, not that he didn't know. Istara sighed again.


“Got my butt kicked. Trugoy ambushed me. But you knew it would happen.” There was no condemnation, no accusation in her voice, but he flushed anyway. “I was pretty sure myself he would show in person, but… He got me good.” He heard her grunt and he was on his feet.


“Then what are you doing here?" He snapped. "You should be in bed.” He heard her laugh and then grunt again.


“Darn it…" Istara gasped out. "Don’t make me laugh. It hurts.” He shook his head slowly and moved to the bed when he sat.


“I will try not to then. Why are you here? You shouldn’t…” He broke off as she coughed, but it was a sound to interrupt someone who couldn’t see gracefully, not fluid in the lungs.


“There is a lot you need to know." Istara said sadly. "That I don’t think you do. Extend your right arm.” He did, slowly and felt a hand take his. The hand guided his to her other arm and… He froze as he felt something on her arm, something that he could feel even without the Force. “I am not the only one left.” He went stiff as a piece of wood.


“That is… No… I…” He paused, he hadn't seen anything like that. Ever. Her hand released his and he withdrew it slowly. Her voice was quiet.


“Your clan, for so long, my clan, has been lied to for centuries. You knew part of it. Probably more of it than Trugoy thought. You are important, in so many ways. Not just because of how I felt about you.” Something cracked inside Idjit as Istara spoke of their shared past. “I think you need to hear the other side of the matter as opposed to Trugoy’s point of view.” Idjit nodded and Istara continued. “But you need to hear it from someone else, not me. We are too close… You need a fresh point of view.”


The door opened again and another voice came. Idjit turned his head to where it came from but of course, he couldn’t see anything. “I am Majistrona, well met, Idjit.” Idjit bowed his head in acknowledgement. “Istara has asked for me to speak of our oldest history to you.”


Idjit turned back to where he knew Istara was sitting and he felt a hand take his and give a squeeze. Then the hand let go and he nodded again. Majistrona spoke softly but clearly. “It was about twenty thousand years ago, the end of the Force Wars on Tython, when a young warrior was inducted into an order of warriors whose name translated as ‘Born of Blades’. His name was Trugoy…”

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<A few hours later>


Istara was fading. She knew it. But there were so many questions, so many things she wanted to ask. She forced her body to stay awake as she continued her questions.


“…so this Dark Jedi whose name you believe was Grundo found a sword of our Order and created a group he called Bladeborn?” Majistrona nodded, then for Idjit’s sake spoke.


“Yes." Majistrona said sadly. She disliked violence, that was clear from the moment Idjit had met her. "He was twisted by Bogan, what you call the Dark Side, by then and sought to slaughter any and all that got in his way. He found the sword useful… But in the end, other Jedi true to their code found and destroyed him and his so called order.” Istara nodded, her face pensive. Idjit shook his head.


“So all of the history we know… is wrong…” Idjit sighed. He wasn't really surprised. Majistrona sighed.


“No, not wrong." Majistrona corrected. "Incomplete. After the fall of Tython many records were lost. And Trugoy did a thorough job of sanitizing the records that were available to the Sith.” Istara shook her head.


“Now that, I wouldn’t have expected." Istara said dubiously. "How did he wind up with the Sith?” Majistrona sighed.


“We don’t know." Majistrona admitted. "All we know for sure is that for almost twenty millennia, my people sought him without success, and then suddenly about a thousand years ago, he appeared working for the Sith, the same age as he had been. We have ambushed him on occasion, but his resources…” Istara nodded. Trugoy could call on all kinds of support as a ‘special’ envoy of the Emperor. “He was probably in a stasis pod, buried somewhere. From what little we have been able to determine, the Emperor found him, recruited him, and now owns him body and soul.” Istara sighed.


“I tried, Majistrona. I tried." The woman said soberly. "And I failed. He was just… I don’t understand. After a few minutes, it was like fighting in quicksand. I started fast and then everything I did seemed to be in slow motion.” Majistrona looked at her and her voice was soft when she spoke.


“May I touch you Istara?” Istara shrugged and nodded. The huge insect approached and laid gentle antennae on Istara’s head. After a moment, Majistrona retreated. “He touched you with a red crystal at some point in your training, didn’t he?” Istara stiffened.


“What?” She demanded but Idjit scowled and then cursed quietly. Both females looked at him and he flushed under the regard he felt. Istara finally spoke. “What, Idjit?”


"I know what he must have done." When Idjit spoke, it was quiet, and sad. “The lens, he called it. A focusing agent is what he said it was.” Majistrona nodded and then spoke quietly.


“That is what they do." The bug replied soberly. "They focus Ashla to make wonders possible. Healing was their original use. But they can be perverted like any tool.” Idjit bowed his head.


“I know." Idjit said soberly. "He threatened Istara with it to keep me in line.” Istara hissed at that and then blanched. Majistrona looked at her.


“You should go back to the healers.” Majistrona said sternly. Istara slumped, but then she grimaced and nodded. When she stood however, her legs wouldn’t hold her and she collapsed. Something caught her before she could hit the floor and she felt waves of power coming from Majistrona that set her gently on the floor. Idjit’s voice was worried.


“Istara?” Idjit asked carefully.


“I’m fine…" Istara said quickly. "I will be fine, just…” She grunted as something shifted within her and Majistrona sighed, a very human sound.


“Nestlings…” The queen groaned in mock irritation. “I will summon someone to carry you.” Istara started to protest, but Majistrona was having none of it. “You need rest, not more exercise.” Istara started to protest anyway but a human hand found her arm and gave a squeeze. She looked up into Idjit’s ruined face and slumped.


“All right, all right, I will be good… For now…” She said, her voice fading. Then her head lowered until it was lying on a familiar shoulder and she was sleepy, so sleepy…


Idjit waited until the being who had come to carry Istara away had left before speaking again. “Thank you, she is dear to me, and doesn’t have the sense of a starstruck nerf at times.” Majistrona snorted.


“What is the human saying? ‘Pot, meet kettle’?” Idjit actually laughed at that. But then her voice turned serious. “What should we do with you Idjit, Seer of Trugoy’s Bladeborn?” He shook his head.


“I don’t know." Idjit admitted. "I am not like you, or her. I am too tainted, too dark… I…” He broke off unable to continue. “It’s too late for me.” Majistrona spoke softly.


“Too late? I don’t think so." The queen said gently. "I don’t see an evil being in front of me. I see a being who has been forced to do evil.” Idjit shook his head.


“Maybe." Idjit admitted. "But all I see… in my future anyway… is death and destruction.” Majistrona sighed.


“And are your visions infallible?” Idjit snorted at that and Majistrona spoke again, gentle. “For now, you must remain here. Know that we will tend Istara with all the skill at our disposal. It has been long since we had a new sister. And just as long as we had a brother. If you are interested…”


Idjit sat, shocked to his core as he heard the door open and then close.


She has got to be kidding…

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<The next day>


When Istara woke, she was back in the quarters she had been given. She felt pain deep, deep down and sighed as she looked at herself. She was hooked back up to the IVs and monitors and an oxygen mask was over her nose and mouth. More bandages were wrapped around her abdomen now as well. She tried to get up, but couldn’t manage it and slumped back into the bed after a few minutes of trying. A sour voice came from the door that she noticed had opened while she was struggling.


“Typical. I spent twelve hours putting you back together and what do you do? Tear yourself up again.” The insect that entered was one she hadn’t met, but she thought she recognized the voice. “Why do I bother?” Istara shook her head.


“Because you are a glutton for punishment?” The insect turned all of its eyes on her and made a sound somewhere between a laugh and a snort.


“I must be. Lie still human.” Istara did as instructed and didn’t move as the insect examined her abdomen. The touches were gentle. She grunted a bit as something hurt but then the pain vanished. The insect did something and she relaxed as the rest of her aches and pains dissipated. The bug waved a manipulator at her. “You are still damaged, even if you don’t hurt. So no running all over the ship again, or I will sedate you.” Istara nodded and the insect left silently. A few moments later, Jina entered the room and Istara smiled.


“Good morning, Master Darkstorm.” Jina scowled, but then sighed and sat.


“Good morning Bladeborn Istara. And its just Jina now. I don’t think I am a Jedi anymore.” Istara felt her eyebrows climb through her hairline.


“Why not?” Jina shook her head. And Istara stared at the Jedi as the other woman flushed, seemingly from embarrassment.


“I, um, sort of… well…" Jina made a face before continuing. "They were going to imprison me I think. That or strip me of the Force, so I ran. Knocked a few Jedi out and vanished on them. And then I wound up here. Funny huh?” Istara nodded.


"Jina..." Istara sighed and then spoke quietly. “Do you think they are telling us everything?” Jina shook her head. Istara nodded slowly. “Glad it isn’t just me.”


“No, I have heard references to something called ‘The Seven’. Whatever that means. But I am absolutely sure that one of them called me ‘The Third’. And one of the medics called you ‘The Fourth’.” Istara tensed at that. “And no, I have no idea…” Istara sighed, and then tensed as something moved inside her. It didn’t hurt, but she was sure that if her nerves hadn’t been deadened it would have.


“Well, I am sort of stuck here until this flarg heals…” Istara said sourly. Jina nodded, and then she grinned.


“Is that a gut feeling?” The Jedi asked, a wicked grin on her face. Istara stared at her for a moment before laughing and then she coughed hard.


“No, don’t make me laugh…" Istara begged. "Oh that is weird…” Jina held out a hand and Istara took it, the two women sharing an understanding.


“I went through it myself recently." Jina said comforting. "You should be back on your feet in a few days, until then you will feel very strange.” Istara nodded.


“Yep, that’s this in a nutshell. Oh…” Istara slumped back in the bed. “About this ‘Seven’ business… What are you going to do?” Jina sighed.


“Only one thing to do. Ask.” Istara nodded. But then she stiffened as the door to her room cycled again and the large form of Ecien walked in slowly. She smiled a bit. She liked Ecien. Ecien sat down near the door and spoke quietly.


“You have questions. Feel free to ask.” The two human women looked at each other and shared a shrug. Jina sat down beside Istara’s bed and looked at her. Istara shrugged again and Jina spoke.


“I have heard the term ‘The Seven’ around the ship while I have been aboard. Someone spoke of me as ‘The Third’ and of Istara as ‘The Fourth’. What does that mean?” Jina asked respectfully. Ecien nodded.


“There was a legend among my people. The SiToLon, literally in Basic ‘The people’, of a dark time. Of evil stalking the homes of my people, of nestlings taken, never to be seen again. The legend speaks of monsters, beings of flesh and blood who fight with fury unmatched. Of brothers and sisters lost to speechlessness, enslaved by that evil. No matter how many warriors face them, none can prevail against the darkness. None can even find where the darkness comes from. Until the coming of the Seven.” Jina and Istara looked at each other.


“The Seven?” Istara asked quietly. Ecien nodded her tiny head.


“Yes. The legend is not clear. It’s very old, even by our standards. But what is remembered is this… ‘One to kill, one to guard, one to guide, one to seek, one to focus, one to love, one to remember.’ “ Both of the women stared at each other and then at Ecien. Finally Jina spoke.


“What does that have to do with us?” Ecien nodded again. When she spoke again, it was in a lyrical voice, as if reciting poetry, or a song.


“ ‘Fire hair, guard all. Brown hair, focus hard. Sight unseeing, guide well’.” Istara froze solid at that.


“No way…” But Ecien spoke again, softer.


“We don’t know if it is you or not. But you have to admit…” Ecien broke off and shrugged. Jina nodded slowly. The verses did fit the two of them, and Idjit as well.


“Stranger things have happened. Especially around Force users…” Suddenly Jina tensed as a form appeared in front of them. A form composed of blue energy. Jainine Korr’s face was sad. Both of the humans stared at her, but when the spirit spoke it was to Ecien.


“We need to talk. All of us...”

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<An hour later, in a different room>


Istara lay on the bed she had been deposited in and listened as she looked around. The room was set up to be comfortable for beings of many races. Comfortable chairs and places for insects to sit were scattered about. A terminal sat on a small desk in a corner, out of the way, but accessible.


If one wasn’t bedridden that is.


She thought with a sigh. The bed and medical gear took up a great deal of space, but the room was large enough to allow easy movement through and around. A chair was beside her bed and Idjit sat in it, his eyes bandaged again, and the Force was flowing through him again. His worry for her was easy to sense. Jina sat in another chair nearby and Ecien sat beside her. The tableau was rounded out by the huge form of Majistrona who sat listening to another voice from a being who stood outside of Istara’s field of view.


Istara had been moved to this room on a gurney and placed on the bed before being hooked back up to the monitors and oxygen. She tried not to sigh. She felt weaker than she ever had. She hadn’t had any idea, when she had gone to see Idjit, how badly she had been hurt. Apparently, the nerve toxin that Trugoy had used on her had been potent enough that her natural resistances had been overwhelmed. Then she had been stabbed, and when she had fallen, the saber had torn through more of her body on its way out. It was a miracle that she hadn’t died or been paralyzed and again, she silently thanked the healers on this ship. Even if the one she dealt with was a creep.


“…And I protest. This is bound to harm her more.” Hpilon was not a large bug, but he more than made up for it in volume. “She should be asleep, or at least in the medical ward.” His diatribe continued until the moderator of the meeting had finally heard enough. Majistrona’s voice was calm, but at the same time, commanding.


“Enough.” The quiet word cut him off in mid rant. “You may return to your duties, healer. We will ward her and we will not let her move.” Istara tensed at that but then relaxed. It made sense. If she wandered around again, she would pull abdominal muscles. As a matter of fact, her abdomen was immobilized now. And what little she could feel through whatever the healer had done to her made her very grateful for that. The healer stiffened and started to speak, but Majistrona cut him off. “Enough.” This time her voice was all command and he scuttled form the room looking abashed. Majistrona stared after him and a human sounding sigh came from the huge insect. Istara shook her head.


“Healers.” The bedridden Bladeborn said with a laugh. Snorted laughs came from the others and Ecien of all beings nodded and agreed.


“Healers, but especially that one.” Ecien nodded to the queen of the hive and spoke respectfully. “We are all here, my queen.” Istara looked around, at Jina and Idjit and then tensed as a blue nimbus formed nearby. Her eyes teared up as she saw the face, again, of a woman she had called friend. A woman whose support, kindness and toughness mixed had buoyed her through the hard ties in her life. A woman she hadn’t seen in more than two decades. Jainine nodded to her, and then, in a move that surprised Istara, bowed to Majistrona. Jainine in life hadn’t been a masterblade of the clan, technically, but she had been very, very close. The difference being that she had never defeated ten lightsaber wielders with steel. Istara blinked, had she at the last? No one knew.


Majistrona nodded in return and spoke quietly. “We are all here. Speak.” Jainine nodded, but Jina, of all people, tensed.


“Are you still bound to the crystal?” Jina demanded. Istara stared at the Jedi but then focused on Jainine who nodded. Jina stared with horror in her eyes from the spirit to Majistrona, her face going hard and Majistrona raised a hand.


“The crystal is there…” She pointed to a side of the room where a small brown crystal lay glinting on a ledge. “I will not compel her with pain.” Jainine snorted.


“I don’t feel pain, I am dead, remember?” The spirit snapped, but there was something off about it. Majistrona shook her head.


“No you are not.” The bug said sadly. Every being in the room stared at her, but then Istara nodded slowly.


“Of course." Istara mused. "The woman I fought in Jedi Master Farrah’s mind… She looked like you.” Everyone stared at her and she flushed a bit. The spirit’s voice was disbelieving.


“You did…what…?” Jainine demanded. Istara shrugged and then tensed as a hand touched her. She looked up into Idjit’s bandaged eyes and grimaced before settling back into the bed. She spoke slowly and carefully.


“Jedi Master Toli Farrah had been hurt by one of Ravishaw’s sect." Istara explained. "They killed everyone else on her team, but left her alive. Corrupted. I helped as I could. And in her mind, I found someone who looked like you tormenting her. And then Ravishaw appeared.” She couldn’t keep a small quaver of fear out of her voice and the gentle hand was back on her shoulder, lending strength. Jainine looked from Istara to Majistrona and her face was a mask. Majistrona shook her head slowly.


“Those crystals were created as a means of capital punishment, long ago by my people." Majistrona said slowly, concerned. "After all, holding someone with our skills and strength is difficult at best. It was intended to be rehabilitating, peaceful. They have corrupted that as they have corrupted all else.” Istara blinked. And Jainine nodded.


“I had wondered. All of the research Jina did…” Jina nodded the spirit's words. “…showed that while Force spirits might be bound to objects of their own will, holding them there was a hard thing. I mean I… well… I stayed with a book for a few years after I uh… well, whatever… but then I went looking for Ravishaw and was pulled into that…” She waved towards the crystal, repugnance all over her features. “I could get loose every so often, but then he would punish me.” Istara felt horror etch across her face and she saw the same look on Jina and Idjit’s faces. Ecien and Majistrona were hard to read physically, but the emotions coming off of them spoke of distress.


“What happened, Jainine?” Istara’s voice was quiet. And Jainine’s was not much louder.


“We knew… My visions had shown darkness coming to the colony so we had evacuated as many as we could. But we couldn’t take the chance with Nia, she had to face the Trial, become what she had to be. So we remained. The colony.” Istara felt tears coming, and Idjit’s sense in the Force was sad as well. “We had no idea… We had planned of course, but… the actual reality… We had no chance…” Idjit’s voice was quiet when he spoke.


“It was Ravishaw then.” Idjit said soberly. "My visions were not clear." Jainine nodded.


“Yes. But not just him.” At that, Istara and Idjit both froze. Jina looked at them and then at the Force spirit, or whatever she was. The two insects looked at each other and then nodded. Majistrona spoke softly, gently.


“Can you tell us what happened?” Majistrone prompted the shade gently. Jainine slumped and then nodded.


“It was such a beautiful day… Hard to believe how dark it got, so quickly…”

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<Almost five years in the past>


It was such a beautiful day on Kuria. Jainine Korr had seen her daughter off with her escort to the Trial and then had sat in her favorite place to meditate. It would be today, she was sure of it. The Force was simply boiling around her as she focused herself. Again she saw Will’s face. And not the hate filled mask that she had seen last, no, the tender, loving expression he had worn many times during their brief relationship. It had been almost more than she could bear. When he and the Wookiee had crash landed, she had been one of the first to find them and… To see him again, and not be able to tell him who and what she was. Or who Nia was. But he had a life now, a wife, a purpose. It hurt, badly. But it was for the best. Nia…


She smiled a bit as she thought of her daughter. Nia was exceptional. Of course, Jainine was a bit biased, but she who had seen and helped birth many of the children of the colony, still thought Nia, even at eighteen standard years, was the most glorious child she had ever seen. But no, she wasn’t biased at all about her child. Nia was going to be insanely powerful. Being the offspring of a seer was bad enough, but Will had the Force as well. Not a lot, just enough to make him one of the most dangerous men Jainine had ever seen. Add to that his ‘other’ abilities… Nia was showing signs of powers that Jainine had no idea how to handle. The girl needed the control that the Trial would give her. And…


Jainine bit back a sob. She had known it would be hard, but it had hurt more than she had dreamed. To purposefully drive her sole child away. To toughen her, to make Nia strong. Because of what was even now coming. Jainine came out of her meditation, but not refreshed. Chilled to the bone. She exited her small hut and stared at the sky. Just in time to see a contrail arcing towards the valley that their small colony hid in. And then more. The sky was filling with them. She looked around and met the gazes of the others. She nodded sadly and each went back into their houses to get ready for what they all knew was going to happen. But they wouldn’t go down without a fight. She darted back into her own house and slapped a control, exposing the hidden alcove that held her armor and her sword. She smiled as she slipped the armor on. At least the book was safe, and Force willing, the Jedi would get it. Trugoy would not return here, not now. She sighed as she strapped her sword to her waist and picked up her blaster rifle. Time to die…


<Twenty minutes later>


Jainine picked off another enemy trooper who tried to cross her firezone and grinned slightly. Typical Sith idiots. When in doubt, charge. Even if it is into multiple heavy weapons its better and probably less painful than disobeying an order. Then she heard it. Laughter.


“No…” Her voice was horrified as she saw a furred form propelled into the air to land with bonecrushing force. Weribacca managed to get to her feet, her blade swinging, but a black blur came out of the bunker Weri had been sheltering in. Jainine fired, trying to keep the Sith away from her friend, her sister, but no matter how carefully she aimed she couldn’t hit the black garbed form, her vision seemed to be blurring. Then something slammed into her from behind. She shook herself and rolled to her feet, sword in hand to face the black cloaked form that had managed somehow to get behind the line of bunkers. She heard insane laughter behind her, but her focus never left the form that approached. The being stopped just out of sword range and lowered its hood. The human face smiled at her, but she wasn’t moved. The voice was quiet.


“Jainine Korr." He spoke softly, kindly almost. "There is no need for this. You know what I want. Give it to me and I will spare your friends.” More screams behind her, but her eyes never left the human’s.


“The book is out of your reach.” She snapped. The human shook his head.


“Oh, Jainine… Who says I wanted the book? But… Oh… The book is with your daughter. Where is she?” She hadn’t felt him in her mind! She hadn’t felt him at all! She focused her thoughts on the edge of her sword, and the man sighed. “Come on Jainine. It will hurt a lot less if you drop your sword.” She forced herself to maintain her grip, even though most of her being screamed at her to drop it, to surrender. She ignored the compulsion and attacked. A sword very similar to hers appeared in his hands.


For a moment, she drove the other back, his own sword flying as he deflected her attacks. She managed to get past his guard once and crowed in triumph, but then the human just sighed. And changed from defense to attack. She was beaten back to her previous position, and then back further and further. She vaguely recognized that she was being herded into the square, that bodies surrounded her, Sith troops and her friends, but she had to focus on her opponent. Then somehow, his sword trapped hers and no matter how she tried, she couldn’t break the lock. The human spoke, cold, clear, unwinded and mocking.


“You really should have taken my offer.” Jainine felt power flare in her and for the first time in a long, long time, she unleashed the power of the Force. She hadn’t cut loose since Nia was born for fear of corrupting the girl. And now, she was on the offensive. The pulse of power blew the stranger back and she cut once, twice three times, before he could defend himself. But her eyes went wide as she only cut robes. There was no way… The man grinned again, a malicious look. “Better… but now, let’s see how much that little piece of osik has taught you…”


No matter what she tried, Jainine couldn’t get past his guard again, and he scored her time and again. Every power she used was countered. Every trick she knew he had a counter ploy for. It was as if…




Jainine stepped back from the fight and lowered her sword. The man smiled, but the smile faltered as she… detached. Her mind fell into a small place inside herself and he blinked as she moved in again, and this time, he couldn’t see what she was doing before she did it. She got him good once but she felt her blade turn on armor and he snarled and his eyes flashed yellow.


“Enough.” Suddenly, she couldn’t move. Something… She stared around wildly and there were five black cloaked figures standing around her now. All with swords poised. But the stranger shook his head. “You will not die today. You will serve me.” Jainine managed to snarl past whatever was holding her.


“Never!” The man stepped towards her a small object in his hands.


“Oh yes, you will. Willingly. Gladly. And all it takes is a touch…” He reached for her and somehow she was free. The ring around her raised their swords as she stumbled back from the crystal that was now glowing in the stranger’s hand. “Come Jainine… Soon you will be free…” she shook her head and scrambled for her blade, but it flew out of her hands and one of the cloaked forms caught it. She stared at the sword in another’s hands and slumped, but when she turned back to the stranger who was very close now, her face was calm.


“No.” She focused on the Force and the stranger shouted.


“You won’t get away!” He shouted as she focused on trying to leave her physical form and become one with the Force as legend said was possible. She felt rough hands holding her and something cold on her temple. Then pain exploded in her skull and…


She stared around the small shuttle, set up as a failsafe in case of just such an occurrence and sobbed. She was free. And bound to a physical object. But at least she wasn’t a slave to Ravishaw’s master. And maybe, just maybe, she could help Nia again…

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<the present>


Jainine stopped talking and bowed her head. Istara felt her eyes burning and looking at Jina, she saw the Jedi’s eyes glistening. She felt sorrow from Idjit and the two insects as well. She was moved to speak.


“I am sorry Jainine… If I had been there… Mayb-” Jainine shook her head, cutting Istara off in midword. The spirit’s voice was soft and filled with pain.


“You would have died with everyone else. Or worse… Better this way I think.” Istara stared at the spirit and shook her head, but Jainine was having none of it. “I lived a full life, and I have seen my daughter become a woman and grow into her power. Is this what I wanted? No. But it is the best I can do.” Istara nodded slowly. Majistrona spoke slowly.


“Life is rarely fair. Especially to those of us who wield the Force it seems.” The larger insect bowed to the spirit who bowed back in complete understanding. Jina spoke up slowly.


“So…" Jian said slowly, trying to connect the dots. "You were Bladeborn, er, Trugoy’s Bladeborn… Ehhh… So many circles… My head hurts…” She complained. Istara nodded.


“Yeah. Well, I am willing to bet it was known before then." Istara said slowly. "I mean Will crashed there. Twice.” Jainine snorted.


“Unwillingly both times." Jainine sighed in memory before continuing. "The first time fighters off the Bladehome shot him down.” Idjit nodded and Istara stared at him. He flushed.


“Hey, a Republic ship in our backyard?" Idjit shrugged. "What would you have done?” Istara shook her head, bemused at how circular her life had been.


“I don’t remember that.” She admitted. Idjit snorted.


“You were somewhat out of it at that point." Idjit made a noise somewhere between a growl and a sigh. "You had gone out looking for a fight, remember? You thrashed that group of mercs and got yourself torn up in the process. Almost as bad as the bounty hunters later… Sorry…” He broke off as Istara tensed and then Istara nodded sadly. She had miscarried the child they hadn’t known she had been carrying at that time. She extended a hand and he took it. They squeezed and he released her hand. She spoke softly but clearly.


“It’s all right Idjit." Istara said stoically. "It’s the past. It can hurt, but we must learn from it. Speaking of which, what happened the second time he came to Kuria?” Jainine sighed.


“Nothing." Jainine said soberly. "He didn’t remember us. We were careful to keep our contact with him and the Wookiee minimal. He repaired his ship and left. And we edited his memory as best we could before he left. Gently.” Both Ecien and Majistrona stared at the spirit and Jainine shrugged. “What else could we do?” Ecien spoke slowly.


“What you did to him was wrong.” Ecien snapped. Jainine nodded.


“I agree." The spirit said quietly. "Maker knows I argued at the time. But… It was that or kill him and… I couldn’t… Especially not when Nia was there… I…” She broke off unable to continue. Ecien sighed and nodded. After a moment, Majistrona nodded as well. The older insect spoke carefully.


“I do not agree with what you did." Majistrona said with conviction. "But I do understand why. This is… a lot of information, most of it bad. The question is, where do we go from here?” Istara sank back into the firm mattress of her bed and sighed.


“I have to find my sister, she is in danger.” Istara sighed and continued as all of the others looked at her. “It’s my duty, more than what Trugoy ordered me to do. She needs help.” She flushed under their regard. “And it is my responsibility that she is in the straits she is in.” Idjit shook his head.


“I have to bear some of that responsibility for that myself." Idjit said sadly. "I goofed, big time.” Istara nodded.


“You had good intentions, but we need to fix it if we can. First off is finding Setsuna and preferably without carving our way through Trugoy’s people.” Ecien and Majistrona looked at her and Istara sighed. “They are not bad… just misguided. And when I think of fighting Mama, Ona, or the others… I…” Tears were falling now and Idjit moved closer to her to take a hand in his. “I can’t…”


"Oh Istara, that is hard." Majistrona sighed. “I understand. But they may not give you a choice.” Istara nodded.


“I know. I do." Istara admitted. "It’s just… Mama took a broken, scarred girl and made her into a woman. And Ona… I…” She shook her head. “I can’t kill them… I can't.” Idjit took her carefully in his arms and held her as she sobbed. Jina looked at Majistrona and Ecien with a helpless look on her face.


“Most of them are good people, if dark." The former Jedi said slowly. "Do all need to pay for what their leader has done?” Ecien stared at Jina and then looked at her queen who slumped. The elder insect’s voice was sad when she spoke.


“I don’t see any other way.” Majistrona said slowly. "They will not let us get him without going through them." A cough came from Jainine and all looked at her.


“What if he wasn’t the leader?” The spirit asked sharply. Istara and Idjit both stared at her, and then froze as what she was saying started to make sense. A challenge. Istara found her tongue first.


“You cannot be serious." Istara said dubiously. "I tried and got my tail kicked.” But Ecien looked at her.


“You have a compulsion in your mind not to fight him. As does Idjit.” Both of the humans stared at her. “He probably put them in all of your people. It would make sense from his point of view, to keep from being challenged successfully.” Istara shook her head.


“Wait a minute, I managed to fight him, just... not well…” Her voice broke off. She had slipped up, made a rookie mistake. Or had she? Ecien shook her head.


“And if it was something obvious, what would any witnesses say? During a challenge duel?” Ecien asked reasonably. Istara felt the blood leave her face. In a challenge duel anything went, but… Such a dishonorable tactic… She blinked and then her face went hard.


“This… compulsion… can you take it out of my head?” Both of the insects looked at her and she snarled. “Well?” Majistrona nodded slowly.


“We can." The queen said slowly. "It will hurt you. And you are too weak right now to survive it.” Jina nodded.


“I had something similar." Jina said soberly. "He did it to me as well. It knocked me flat on my shebs, Istara…” Istara nodded.


“Once I heal, you will take it out." Istara said flatly. "Then we…” She waved to include everyone. “…will find the Bladehome. And we will finish this.” No Corusca Gem could have been harder than her tone.

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<A week later>


“Are you sure?” Istara wanted to kick herself as soon as she had spoken. Idjit was not infallible, not by a long shot. But he was very good at Divination. But this was the Bladehome they were looking for. She felt odd. Not bad, just odd. Part of it was the things that Ecien and Majistrona had found in her head, the remnants of the programming that the long dead Sith Amirg had done to her. Both of the insect Bladeborn had been utterly horrified by what the Sith had done to her, and had spared no effort in trying to undo what damage remained as well as removing the compulsion that Trugoy had placed in her mind. But part was the feeling that no matter what she did, she was going to regret what happened. Idjit turned to her and nodded. He spoke quietly.


“Are you sure about this?” He had barely been out of recovery himself for a day when Istara had decided to go after Trugoy. And he was still a bit loopy. But even loopy he was a much better pilot than she was ever likely to be. She had accepted the fact that she simply could not be trusted behind the stick of a ship, unless someone wanted it crashed. Even the Jedi had finally given up trying to teach her. There was something about her that simply couldn’t handle flying. She sighed and Idjit nodded. “They will be here. The question is whether they will shoot.” Istara nodded.


As ships went, the Bladehome wasn’t huge. But it was well armed for its size and fast. Add to that the fighters it always carried and it made very little sense to try and attack it. Which was why the small transport they were riding in had exactly one light blaster cannon in a limited traverse mount for defense. It also had little in the way of amenities. When asked where the Sitolon had ‘acquired’ the tiny ship, Ecien had laughed and said the slavers who had owned it wouldn’t need it or anything else ever again. Istara and Idjit had spent the entire trip crammed into an area the size of a not very nice apartment on Coruscant, trying not to get in each other’s way. Istara sighed deeply as she sat in her acceleration couch and pondered. When she spoke it was quiet.


“Leeto said I was not outcast." Istara mused. "Which makes no sense whatsoever. I cut off my brand.” Idjit nodded, his face bleak.


“I haven’t been back recently." Idjit said sadly. "And the few times I did, well, no one spoke of it.” Istara nodded. “Traditionally, well…” Istara nodded again. She knew what tradition said. But then Idjit looked thoughtful. “Mama did say we needed to find new ways…” Istara looked at him and he shrugged. “Right before I left base to follow you.” Istara nodded, but a sudden thought struck her.


“You said they were under quarantine?" Istara asked. "What for?” Idjit stiffened.


“There is a plague out there." Idjit said sadly. "We have lost kin to it already. Apparently it targets Force users specifically. It causes bleeding from the eyes, hallucinations and eventually madness.” Istara blinked, and then shuddered.


“What if we have been exposed?” Istara asked. Idjit shook his head.


“We would have known by now.” Idjit replied evenly. Istara wasn’t sure to be mollified or horrified by that, but suddenly the long range sensors lit up. “Bingo…” Idjit said as a very recognizable shape appeared on their screens. The mobile base of operations of the Bladeborn, Trugoy’s Bladeborn, appeared in the near distance. “Well, are you ready?”


Istara snorted. “As ready as I can be… Let’s do this.” She opened the com system. They had determined that whatever was done while they were under the cruiser’s guns, she was likely the best person to speak. “Cruiser Bladehome, my name is Istara Sharlina Andal, and I wish to speak with Trugoy of the Bladeborn.” And then they waited. Both of them felt something wash over them, a feeling of being scrutinized and neither reacted. The com system lit up and a voice Istara sort of recognized came through.


“Istara Sharlina Andal, you are clear to bay four. You will be met.” Istara turned to Idjit and he started the ship towards the cruiser in the distance. It kind of burned her that he was a better pilot blind than she was ever going to be, but only a little. They both sat in silence as a tractor beam caught the ship and drew it carefully into the docking bay. Istara waited until the ship was down and secure before undoing her straps. She belted her sword in place over her armor and nodded to Idjit.


“Don’t resist.” She said quietly as they walked the three steps to the small ship’s airlock. He nodded in return. She thought she was ready for anything, but the sight of a dozen Bladeborn with drawn weapons pointed at the hatch when it opened hurt her. It hurt her badly. Almost as badly as the look of betrayal that was on the face of the being in charge. She stepped out of the ship, and kept her hands away from her sword. The red skinned Twilek shook her head.


“Shar… I wouldn’t have believed it. And Idjit…? Why?” The hurt in the other being’s tone cut Istara to the quick. Idjit knelt in formal pose as if to await punishment. The Twilek looked shocked at that, but then focused on Istara who spoke quietly.


“Hello, Chari." Istara said gently. "It's been a while.” The Twilek stared at Istara, her blade’s point not moving. Chari snarled.


“Is that all you can say?" The Twi'lek masterblade snapped. "‘Been a while’? You… You dare to come back here… You have no idea what you have done.” Istara shook her head.


"On the contrary, masterblade Chari..." Istara said formally. “I know exactly what I have done.” She raised her hand to her arm and removed her left vambrace. Everything went still in the landing bay as all the assembled Bladeborn saw the mark on her left arm. Very similar to the mark that Chari bore on hers, but… different. Brighter. Cleaner. Chari stared at the arm, open mouthed. Then the unthinkable happened.


Chari… knelt. She never knelt to anyone other than the Emperor and the Grandmaster. All of the other Bladeborn knelt as well. Istara found herself staring at a small sea of bowed helmeted heads. She shook her head and spoke softly but with command in it.


“On your feet, all of you." Istara called. "You are Bladeborn. You bow to no one!” All of the assembled Bladeborn found themselves on their feet at her shout. She continued softer. “And especially not to me. I am but a student, not a master…” Chari spoke haltingly.


“I… I didn’t understand." The Twi'lek stammered, her usual poise and grace gone. "I thought you had deceived Leeto somehow…” Istara nodded.


“I barely believe it myself at times." Istara said sadly. "We have all been deceived. I must see Trugoy. I know he is here.” Indeed, she could feel his scrutiny. Chari nodded.


“He awaits you in the main hall, but…” Chari looked to where Idjit waited. Istara nodded.


“We have discussed this. He will wait here until we know what to do with him. He has given me his word not to interfere.” Chari nodded. She made a gesture and six Bladeborn moved to surround Idjit. Not that they would have much of a chance if he did get hostile, but it was symbolic. As much for his protection as to guard him. Istara waited until the guards had taken their places before replacing her arm armor and nodding to Chari. Chari nodded in silence and started off. Istara followed, two paces behind.


As they walked through the halls of the ship, Istara saw faces she remembered, but she showed no recognition on her own face. She couldn’t appear to be weak. Not now. The two females approached the door to the hall and Istara stopped in the required place. Chari looked at her and nodded, a small smile playing across the Twilek’s face as both bowed in unison to the image on the pylon.


Loyalty. Duty. Honor. Respect. Vigilance. Prowess. They bowed to each in turn, but then, Istara stopped as Chari would have approached the door and spoke softly.


“Humility.” She bowed to the wall. “Courtesy.” She bowed again. “Valor.” Again. “Service.” Chari was staring at her open mouthed as Istara bowed and spoke again. “Sacrifice.” Istara bowed her entire body in a full kowtow as she finished the ancient Code. Then she turned to where Chari and the door guards were staring at her. She nodded to Chari and the two women approached the door. The door guards radiated intense worry, but Istara smiled a bit and they relaxed. One of them steadied herself and spoke.


“Who dares, um…” The young Bladeborn stumbled on the ritual and Chari leveled a wicked look on her which flustered her further. Istara smiled though.


“…Approach the hall of the Bladeborn?” Istara asked quietly and the girl gulped, but Chari turned a smile at Istara who grinned. “I could never remember that part either when I was an initiate.” The girl choked back a laugh, and then steadied herself. She took a deep breath and spoke.


“Who dares approach the hall of the Bladeborn?” Istara nodded in approval. When she spoke however, it was cool, calm and unemotional.


“I am Istara Sharlina Andal, formerly of this clan, and I must speak with the Grandmaster.” The guard stared at her, and then at Chari, who shrugged. The girl looked flustered and Istara took pity on her.


“I know this wasn’t covered in training." Istara said with a quirky smile. "Heck, I’m making this up as I go.” All three of the other Bladeborn laughed a bit at that. But then Istara looked the female who had spoken in the eye. “You need to decide whether to let me in or not. I would rather not step in over your dead body.” What was left unsaid was “but I will if I have to…’.


The guard looked at her, and then at Chari, who looked impassive. Then the girl extended an hand and Istara held out her armor clad one. The girl was quick, in a moment, the armor was off and the tattoo was visible. Both guards froze on seeing it. It was an ancient legend come to life. The guard replaced Istara’s armor professionally, tightened the straps and reclaimed her Force pike. Then she saluted with it and opened the door.

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Whatever Istara had expected on entering the hall, the sight that greeted her eyes was not it. Trugoy sat on his chair, watching her, that she had expected. But not the entire clan of Bladeborn who were not on duty standing in silent serried ranks. Nor the forms of Leeto, Ona and Mama Lizard standing in front of the silent ranks. All of them ,with the exception of Trugoy, with bowed heads. Chari led her forward and then… The Twilek stopped in front of the ranks of beings who called the ship home and bowed her head as well. Istara continued until she stood in front of the being she had once called Master, Teacher, Father… She nodded once. Trugoy returned it. His eyes scanned her and she felt his scrutiny in the Force and his shock, carefully hidden, when he didn’t find something. She held his eyes, daring him to speak, but he did not. Finally, she broke the silence.


“Trugoy.” Her quiet voice was loud in the silent hall. The grandmaster of the Bladeborn sighed.


“Istara." His voice was ad, tired and old. "I know what you have come for. I cannot give it to you.” Istara shook her head.


"No." She shook her head. " I did not come to challenge. " Every head in the room shot up at that. She could feel the stares on her back, but her focus never left Trugoy. “All I want is an answer. Why? Why did you betray us? We were your friends.” All of the Bladeborn stared at her, and then at the Grandmaster as they realized she wasn’t talking about them. Trugoy sat and scrutinized her. Then he shook his head slowly.


“It was a long time ago." He admitted slowly, sadly. "I was… Someone else…” Istara reached to her pack and pulled out the bundle she had tossed at his feet on Dantooine. She unwrapped it. More than one of assembled Bladeborn gasped aloud as they saw the two broken vibroblades. Both just the size for someone of Trugoy’s stature. Istara placed the bundle on the floor and stepped back from it.


“Were you?" She asked, still sad. "You lied to me, betrayed me and my blood sister, you would have killed me. You lied to them, betrayed them, killed them. What is different?” More than one deep intake of breath was heard as Istara said what she did. But she was honestly curious. And everyone could feel she had no rage, no animosity, just deep sadness now. Trugoy slumped in his chair.


“Nothing. And everything.” His voice was tired and old. “I don’t remember most of it. Flashes mostly. Faces, blood, pain, fear. I don’t know what happened, Istara, just that one minute I was entering the Conclave chamber, and the next I was exiting the cave, covered in other people’s blood. I went back in… I…” His voice broke off. He waved a hand towards the swords. “I broke those myself.” Istara stared at him and he shook his head. “I did it, and to this day, I don’t know why. They were my friends, as you say, and I killed them.”


"I see." Istara shook her head slowly. “I was wrong to do what I did on Dantooine. Judging you, sentencing you, executing you… None of these are my duty. I thought I was alone... I...” She paused, something... He stared at her and she felt something odd again. It was barely there, barely discernible to her senses. Her power and sensitivity had increased significantly after her Trial on Tython. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at him, trying to focus on what she could sense. He looked at her, uncomprehending. Then her eyes went wide and she spoke loudly in the ancient tongue of Tython. <BOGAN!>


Something dark and foul flowed from Trugoy who collapsed like a puppet whose strings had been cut. All of the Bladeborn recoiled from the foul cloud and Istara shouted again.


“Everybody back!” She called. The assembled crowd flowed back as the cloud surged towards them, but suddenly it froze as something shone in between them and it. Istara stood alone. But this was a very different Istara. Her face was calm, serene even, and her body glowed with blue energy. She spoke again. <Begone monster. Return to the darkness from which your masters summoned you.> Everyone in the room blanched as the cloud formed into a humanoid shape and responded in the same tongue.


<You know nothing Ashla witch! Die!> Two sword shapes appeared in its hands and it was in motion, but Istara was as well.


It was an uneven fight. Istara was good, no question, but whatever this thing was, it was far, far stronger than even a Force enhanced human could be. Istara found herself on the defensive, trying to keep the creature away from the Bladeborn who were now fleeing, in orderly fashion. It didn’t like coming near her however and she used that to her advantage. It wasn’t much. Every strike that connected seemed to sap her energy, and every time she connected, it seemed unhurt. She focused on the feelings of Ashla within herself and the creature recoiled, but then attacked anew.


<You will die today, witch.> It crowed in triumph as it scored her arm, leaving the limb to hang limp, but she connected with a solid hit. Only to watch in dismay as it regenerated itself as soon as the blade had left its form. She jumped away from it for a moment to take stock and didn’t like what she found. Her armor was scored, her arm hung limp and her blade was covered in foul smelling gunk. Worse the creature seemed unhurt. And now it was moving in for the kill. Istara calmed herself and made ready, but a weak voice came from nearby. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Trugoy crawling towards her.


“Istara… It’s Bogan… Dark Side energy made physical… You can’t beat it… with physical…” Then he slumped and slid to the floor. Unconscious she hoped. But her attention as taken by the form that was now approaching again.


<You will make an excellent host.> It said confidently as it approached slowly, as if savoring her fear. So she acknowledged her fear and let it pass by. It stopped for a moment and then resumed its slow approach. <You cannot save yourself, or your friends. I will have my revenge.> Istara lowered her sword, she couldn’t keep it up any longer and her vision was graying out. The creature was within reach now. <So tasty, your pain and fear is such a boquet. So powerful…> It broke off as Istara smiled.


“Choke on it, you son of a barve.” Then the Force literally exploded from within her in a wave of light side energy. The last thing she heard before passing out was a scream of denial and pain that dissipated quickly into nothingness. The darkness that took her was comforting though.




Istara woke to the sound of muted crying. It sounded familiar. She opened her eyes and was astounded to see Trugoy sitting beside her. She was lying on a padded mattress on the floor of a room she recognized. Her old one. Trugoy was crying. He saw her eyes on him and bowed his head.


“All this time, all this pain and I was the cause…” He shook his head. “I killed them all, and… It wasn’t me, but it was.” Istara spoke softly.


“Is it…?” She broke off as he nodded.


“You killed it." He said sadly. "Well, actually you destroyed it. It was never alive to begin with. A Bogan soul catcher, I never imagined… It possessed me... I never even thought about it. Just that I had killed them, in a rage, I thought.” Istara nodded.


“I imagine fear and rage were its main diets." Istara said sadly. "And if you were angry while fighting…” Trugoy nodded slowly.


“I was. I… Oh my god, girl, I am sorry. I…” He held out a sword, one of her old swords. It had been cleaned. He held it to her hilt first. “Do what you must.” Istara stared at him. Then she shook her head.


"No." She said quietly. “It’s not my place to do so. There are others who you owe more to.” Trugoy blinked, and then nodded slowly. He set the sword down carefully.


“I don’t have the courage to face them. After so long, so many battles, so much pain and blood… I…” He stepped away from the bed and she saw a broken hilt in his hand. She stiffened.


“No…" Istara begged him. "if you kill yourself… Bogan wins…” He stared at her. His face was a study of pain, fear and sadness.


“Istara…" He was crying again. "I hurt you… I would have killed you.” She shook her head.


“It wasn’t you.” He sighed. Then he smiled sadly.


“You haven’t changed that much." he chortled. "Arguing with you is like arguing with a rock.” She surprised herself with a laugh, but then she sighed.


“So what happens now?” She asked. Trugoy sighed.


“I don’t know." The grandmaster admitted. "How… how can I face the others? I was… possessed… But… part of it was me. My rage, my pain, my fear.” Istara shook her head.


“It won’t be easy." Istara said quietly. "They may choose to execute you anyway. But…” He nodded.


“I know." Trugoy slumped and then straightened. "I have to face them…” Istara nodded.


“Yes you do.”

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<Two days later>


Istara sat in the shuttle and tried not to fret. Her feelings were conflicted. On one hand, the small brown being who sat beside her had killed almost his entire Order, had tried to kill her, had lied to her and betrayed her, and had been the direct cause of Setsuna’s current situation. On the other hand, she had know him since she had been sixteen. He had found her sobbing in an alleyway on Korriban after fighting her mother. He had taken her in, given her purpose and… She shook her head. Part of her still loved him. And now she was leading him to his death more than likely. She shook her head and Trugoy met her eyes. He hadn’t spoken since they had entered the shuttle.


She had initially planned to take the tiny transport back to the Sitolon homeship, but things had changed. Three other forms sat in the passenger area of the shuttle now. Mama Lizard sat and stared out the viewport at empty space. She had been the first to recover from the shock of what Istara, with Trugoy’s prompting, had told them all in public. Her hug of Istara had very nearly put the woman back in medical. Ona had not been pleased. Istara felt her mouth forming a small sad smile.


Ona had remained on the Bladehome with most of the Bladeborn. She had wanted to come, and Istara had wanted to introduce her to Ecien, but… The Bladeborn, Trugoy’s Bladeborn for the moment anyway, were still servants of the Empire. And they were under scrutiny now. Partly because of what had happened with Istara, and partly because of this plague. The few reports that Trugoy had showed her had chilled Istara to the bone. She and the others had spoken at length and decided that the best course of action for the moment was to continue on as if nothing had happened. It wouldn’t hold up to scrutiny, nothing did forever. But it would keep them safe from the plague for the moment. And from the Empire in the long term, they hoped.


In addition to Mama, the mountainous form of Blondie was crammed into one side of the shuttle. His mien was sad however. His Massassi lanvarok sat across his lap and he stroked it unconsciously, as if for comfort. He had taken the revelations of the truth hard. He seemed to have fixated on Istara. She found his focus unnerving, but if it helped him cope, she wouldn’t deny him. She still remembered finding the tiny human boy lying in the wreckage of a home after a Republic bombardment. His injuries had been so severe that everyone had believed him dead, until Istara of all people had felt the tiny spark of emotions that he unconsciously projected. She had scooped the tiny body up and literally run to the healers with him. No amount of healing however, would ever be able to undo the damage he had suffered when the ceiling of the building he had been in had fallen on him. He would likely never be able to speak. She smiled at him and he smiled back sadly. That brought her gaze to the one who rounded out this strange scene.


Of all the things Istara might have expected from Chari, hero worship was not even close to on the list. The Twilek had been almost overpowering in her desires to please. On one level, Istara understood completely. Here was a woman the Twi'lek had known, who had done something utterly impossible. And had survived, if just barely. Istara had destroyed or banished the Bogan creature back to wherever the flarg it had come from, saving the entire Order she had known in the process. The human woman had told the entire assemblage the whole truth as Istara knew it, shaking the core of their teachings completely. And she had revealed that Trugoy’s clan were not the only Bladeborn in the galaxy. So yes, Istara had done wonders. But Chari’s almost fanatical devotion to Istara bothered the human. Chari felt Istara’s gaze on her and she bowed her head. Istara scowled.


“Stop that.” The words rang across the small bay and all of the others looked at her. She shrugged. “I am not a deity, I am not a ruler, and I am certainly not your master, Chari. Do not bow to me.” Chari stared at her, and then nodded silent. Trugoy looked at Istara and a small smile played across his lips. Istara’s smile was much more sardonic and he shook his head before sighing and returning to his contemplation. Istara jumped a bit as the intercom chimed. Idjit’s voice came.


“Communications established. Ten minutes.” Istara nodded. She looked to each of her companions in turn. Mama looked apprehensive, Blondie looked worried, Chari, well, she just looked like a devoted fangirl. And Trugoy… He extended his arms, as if for binders. Istara shook her head slowly.


“We discussed this. I won’t parade you in like a tame Bantha." Istara said flatly. "You chose to come, of your own free will, let them see that.” He smiled sadly and nodded. Istara sighed as she looked at all of them. “I don’t know what is going to happen. I do know they have reason to hate you. Good reasons.” All of the others nodded. “They are unlikely to ask you to surrender your weapons, after all, we are also Bladeborn.” All of them smiled a bit at that. “But do not fight, even if provoked. I fought Ecien once in a practice ring to see if I had recovered and my shoulder still hurts.” More than her shoulder had gotten pasted. Ecien used four swords at once, and could maneuver each independently. Istara hadn’t been beaten, she had been trounced. Part of that of course was that Ecien was four times Istara’s age, and had spent most of that time studying bladework. They all turned to watch the strange ship grow in the distance.


<Four hours later>


It was a tossup who was more shocked. Trugoy or Istara. When Istara had brought Trugoy to this place, she had expected recriminations, anger… Instead, all of the assembled Sitolon had listened to what she had said and then asked quiet questions. Her answers were as clear as she could make them, after all, part of her still loved this being. Trugoy had remained silent, speaking only when spoke to. The assembled insects had talked aloud for a time, then it had all gone silent. They had looked at one another and Istara had imagined the thoughts flitting back and forth. Then Majistrona had nodded and spoken.


“Your crimes are a matter of record. But given what we know of Bogan soul catchers…" Majistrona sighed and continued. "We find you not guilty of the crimes of murder and treason.” Trugoy’s eyes had gone so wide that Istara had worried they might fall off his head. Mama, Chari and Blondie had stared, openly shocked at that. Jina and Idjit had just stood, impassive. “You were not in control of yourself. And any choice you made would have been influenced by that… thing…” Trugoy slumped.


“I… I killed my friends, the only family I had, people who trusted me." Trugoy said softly, disbelieving. "I slaughtered them all. As Istara said, many were unarmed. There is no explanation for such an action. Even if I was… possessed…” Majistrona sighed.


“Those creatures, as you well know, were incredibly hard to detect.” She thought hard for a moment. “Might that be why the Emperor didn’t kill you when he found your pod?” Trugoy winced, that memory was painful. Waking up strapped to a table, tormented for years by a Sith, oh no that had not been fun. But then he nodded.


“If he sensed it within me, then yes. I would be a useful tool. A controllable one. A slave… willing to do whatever he needed to…” Trugoy shook his head. “To try and find some kind of absolution for his past. Yes, something appealed to the Emperor. I didn’t understand. I thought he was talking about my past, but it was unlikely he knew the whole truth. But if he sensed the darkness inside of me…” Istara nodded slowly. Her own close encounter with the Sith Emperor had been short and to the point, but it still gave her nightmares. “I have been a fool more often than I have been wise.”


Majistrona nodded. “And where does wisdom come from, Trugoy?” She asked sourly. The small brown form stared at her and then snorted a laugh. He bowed formally.


“Point taken." Trugoy said sadly. "So… Now what?” Majistrona shook her head slowly.


“We need to discuss that.” The assembled insects turned to go, leaving Ecien to nod to Istara, and Majistrona who sat and waved the standing beings to chairs that lined one wall. This might be a long day.

Edited by kalenath
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