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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Vigilance pvp needs a buff


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Commando isn't hard to bring down or at least remove them from being useful in a warzone, they are turret healers after all. I just find that commando healers are easier to bring down than sage healers.. Sawbones scoundrels though, they just have too many escape avenues.. Even if you remove a chunk of their hp, they always have something availible to give them an out, they are more slippery than lubed up teflon.


I must be playing against exceptional commando's and average sages then. There's this one operative though that's impossible to kill, that guy slips in and out of cover like a pro, making it impossible to FL him all whilst he heals with impunity. NO FL no unremitting, hello stuns.

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Compared to my frakking Marauder, I do feel squishy in Shien. However, I also feel that my overall survivability is on par, because I have Guardian Leap. But that's kind of... weird for a class that's supposed to be a frontline heavy armour class.


Also, I avoid opening with a charge. There's always a chance to attack a ranged player who actually knows what they're doing.


I would not advise "saving" your force leap for any reason. Use freezing force. In fact, I often find myself running away from a ranged/melee and using force leap. I am not exactly a sweep guardian either but my spec is weird and probably pretty unique. Its heavy Vig, though.


And guards are still pretty squishy in shien.

Edited by crunchbarry
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Compared to my frakking Marauder, I do feel squishy in Shien. However, I also feel that my overall survivability is on par, because I have Guardian Leap. But that's kind of... weird for a class that's supposed to be a frontline heavy armour class.


Also, I avoid opening with a charge. There's always a chance to attack a ranged player who actually knows what they're doing.


That was before they nerfed guardian leap, we no longer get the damage reduction from guardian leap...


We can do decent damage close in, but that's only if we can keep the target close in, unfortunately for your analysis we don't have that ability. For example sorcerors have an antiroot skill and a skill that deals with roots, stuns, etc. I think the same is true for assassins.


Awe only works when we aren't doing damage to a target.


In all honesty Marauders have much better survivability than we do since they have a self heal, the slight difference in armor is easily negated by in-combat health regen.


Post 1.3, using sorseu in PvE as a Vigilence DPS isn't exactly advisable in a group situation, you're likely going to pull threat away from the tank.


Finally the idea that Vigilence Guardians will maul any other class in a 1 vs 1, as a PvE player whom has paid attention to our class vulnerabilities, I would say whomever you were versing didn't do their homework so to speak. Guardians are extremely vulnerable to tech based, force based, and elemental attacks, more than most other classes. We are very vulnerable to stuns and roots after our initial force leap.


So to throw it back in people's faces that claim that people that think guardians are underpowered simply can't play, I think it's more likely that the people you are versing don't have a clue how to take on a guardian and haven't taken the time to actually study the class, because there are some really big weaknesses that about any class can easily exploit and mop the floor with said Guardian. It's one reason why I always get nervous when I'm in the same group as a Guardian tank, cause I know about those weaknesses, and there is very little margin for error at that point.

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That was before they nerfed guardian leap, we no longer get the damage reduction from guardian leap...


We can do decent damage close in, but that's only if we can keep the target close in, unfortunately for your analysis we don't have that ability. For example sorcerors have an antiroot skill and a skill that deals with roots, stuns, etc. I think the same is true for assassins.


Awe only works when we aren't doing damage to a target.

The main value of Guardian Leap is removing yourself from harm's way. When I played Focus, it was even more invaluable.


You have plenty of ways to close in without Leap. LoS, closing in regularly on a target that's engaging someone else, guardian leap to a player in melee range of the enemy.


Awe isn't really meant to be a stun. Unless the fighting is thick, it works just fine as a peeling tool. Although I'd love to have a talented damage debuff on targets when Awe either ends or breaks prematurely.


Sorcerers can break roots and stuns only with a 2-min CC break. Tank Sins do have root-break on sprint, and they have Resilience which can be used prematurely to block a stun.


In all honesty Marauders have much better survivability than we do since they have a self heal, the slight difference in armor is easily negated by in-combat health regen.

Self-heals aren't the main strong point of Marauder survivability. Far from it.

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