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Traitors of The Sith


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So I'm a novice writer, and have been writing for quite a while now. I hope to publish my stories into actual books and become an author one day. This is the first story I started and the first story I finished, but I went back to rewrite it and am currently almost finished with it. Here's the first two chapters, sorry for the extra long post, and I hope you enjoy! (It WILL undergo LOTS of editing when I finish it, because there are many various types of errors, I know.)



Chapter 1


“Sector 17, one of Korriban’s biggest Sith Military Outposts and Training Academies….” Uttered Tesradil as he stood on the edge of the Temple, overlooking the base. Several docking bays, an innumerable amount of various types of buildings, courtyards and deep, narrow chasms that seemed to have no bottom. There was a wall the surrounded the whole base, only second to the Temple in height, and hugged by a mountain range even taller than that on one side.

“Big whoop….” Muttered Vesser.

“That’s what I’m saying. Nothing new ever happens here. Only the same thing, over and over.”

“Don’t you have a class to teach right now?”

Tesradil turned around and rolled his eyes at his best friend. “Yeah…. I’ll see you around.” He casually saluted, and jumped off the edge of the Temple. He felt the wind rush past him, until his feet finally impacted the ground before he swiftly regained his balance. Before starting his way towards his class, he looked back at the nice little hideout; sitting atop of the Temple.

He was a tall and slender young man of about 20 years of age, standing at about 6’0 and his skin was faintly pale. His eyes were a certain shade of blue. His hair was jet black, somewhat long, and parted in the middle so that his bangs partially covered the left side of his face. He wore a standard, long-sleeved black shirt, with a black, pocketed vest over it. He also wore black pants that were loosely fitting, along with a tattered black skirt hanging from his leather belt.

After walking down several long corridors, he arrived at his classroom, where the door slid open upon his approach. It was already with his students; several apprentices and acolytes He over-dramatically stepped in and pointed to the closest apprentice, saying “YOU! WHO AM I?!”



Another apprentice stepped in “Lieutenant Tesradil, Dark Jedi Knight, Lightsaber Combat Specialist, longtime trainee under Lord Kilusso, second-in-command of LSM Squad Nine, and teacher of the Melee Combat class here in Sector 17, sir!”

Tesradil grinned. “That’s great! Now that I’ve cured all of your amnesia, let’s get started with today’s lesson.”

The first one raised his hand. “Umm, sir, none of us have amnesia….”

“Oh, shut it, you.” Tesradil scowled, “Now everyone, grab two swords and head outside to Landing Bay 3.”

The dozen or so students walked over to the gray durasteel walls and each grabbed standard issue vibroblades, then shuffled out the door, past Tesradil.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the said destination and stood in an open area next to the ships of the landing bay.

“Get in line and stand ready. Today, we’ll be learning dual-wielding; my specialty.” Tesradil ordered.

The pupils scrabbled into line as a shout was heard in the distance yell “Hey! Hey, I’m here! I made it!” Tesradil looked to the side and saw Voork Itholo running towards the class; he rolled his eyes and slouched.

Voork caught up to Tesradil and leaned over, trying to catch his breathe. “I made it. I’m not as late as usual today….” He said in between pants. He was another one of Tesradil’s students, but he was the only Force-Sensitive in the class. Age 16, he was about 5’9, slim, with Caucasian skin and short, blonde hair. He wore the standard Sector 17 apprentice uniform; dark grey slacks, a formal, long-sleeved dark grey shirt, and a black belt. Along with his nearly knee-high, black boots, he wore black fingerless gloves in order to be different; his lightsaber was dangling from the right side of his belt.

“What kept you this time?” asked Tesradil sounding cynical.

“Well, you see, I ran into this old lady and I-“

He was interrupted by Tesradil smacking him swiftly over the head and yelling “THERE ARE NO OLD LADIES IN SECTOR 17! GET A BETTER EXCUSE!”

Voork regained his composition and said “So what is my punishment this time?” trying to sound professional. “How many times am I gonna run around this platform?”

His teacher laughed and said “No laps today!”


“Yeah, really.”

“Cool, I’m off the hook.”

“No you’re not….”

“I’m not?”


“Then what is it going to be?”

“As a special treat, you are going to duel me for today’s lesson.”

An acolyte from the crowds interrupted by saying “Lieutenant, its cold out here. Can we have class inside?”

Tesradil looked over, annoyed and said “Korriban is a cold and dry planet. It’s always cold. Be a man.”

“Holy ****….duel you?!” recurred Voork.

“Yeah, so borrow two blades from the others. It’s dual-wielding today.”

Voork sighed and walked over to his fellow classmates, getting two of their vibroblades all while saying “How do you expect me to beat you? Dual-wielding is your thing. I know you won’t be a Master until you beat Lord Kilusso, but still….”

Tesradil also borrowed to blades from one of his pupils and chuckled, “I never said I expected you to beat me. Now the rest of you, feel free to lounge about and enjoy the show.” A few acolytes lay down on the sand-stone ground the made up most all of Sector 17’s floors and structures while others chose to sit around on nearby supply crates.

Tesradil and Voork stood some feet away from each other, starring into each other’s eyes and assuming their respected battle positions. They stood there for what felt like an eternity to the spectators.

The expression on his face is mocking me! I know it! He wants me to make the first move! Thought Voork. And with that, he charged at his teacher, flailing his arms around like a complete idiot; Tesradil was willing to bet he was one. When Voork reached Tesradil, he was quickly tripped by his teacher and fell down face first. A few of the acolytes laughed.

Voork prompted himself up on his arms and looked at the Lieutenant, who was dancing in place. “You’re *********** dancing?!”

“I’m waiting for you to attack me.”

Voork jumped in to air, bringing one of his vibroblades down on his opponent, but his weapon was stopped when it hit the intersection made when Tesradil crossed his swords like an X. Then he brought both swords together, similar to a butterfly style and caused Voork’s blade to break into several pieces.

The apprentice looked at what was left of his sword, said “****….” dropped it on the ground. Tesradil tossed him one of his swords and beckoned him to fight again. “You only have one sword now….”

“Woopty-freakin’-do, now fight!” Tesradil growled. Voork lunged forward, extending his arm, but Tesradil pivoted an inch or so, narrowly avoiding the blade and countering by also lunging forward; Tesradil’s blade connected with the young boy’s bicep, probably cutting a ligament.

Voork dropped one of his blades and grasped his arm as a thick trail of blood ran down it, but before he could fully react, Tesradil sprung up besides and sliced at the side of his shin. “Gah! Damnit!” He fell over and rolled onto his back, only to have his face be an inch from Tesradil’s blade. Blood trailed from his arm and leg, but he smiled and said “It looks like you’ve beaten me, sir.”

Tesradil lowered his weapon and smiled back saying, “Flailing is usually not a good attack to start with, especially if you’re not even within range of your target. Can you walk?”

“Yeah, I’ll be alright.” He managed to get up, but was wobbly.

A man emerged from the side, clapping his hands and cheerfully saying “Now why can’t you do that to Kilusso, Tesradil?” He looked to be around the same age as Tesradil, but perhaps in inch or so shorter and his skin was more tan. His hair was of medium length, unkempt, and dark brown, his curtains matching the windows. He wore a large, flowing black robe, with elaborate white detailing running up and down the whole thing and baggy sleeves that went well past his hands; it was undone from his stomach up, revealing his grey, deep-V neck baggy shirt underneath. He had standard dark grey boots that were almost covered by his robe, which wafted in the wind, as most robes did. His double-bladed Lightsaber hilt could be seen poking upwards, behind his robe, presumably tucked into a belt.

“Vesser!” Tesradil exclaimed throwing his arms up into the air, unnecessarily. “Umm, how much of that did you see?”

“All of it. Why?”

“Heh, I didn’t notice you at all. Just goes to shows you, yet again, you should apply for the KDF Legion.”

“Never interested me.” They shook hands and Vesser looked over at the injured Voork. “You should head to the Medical District. Corporal Elaine is an excellent medical officer.”

Voork nodded, and cringed as he moved, but continued to leech off. Tesradil watched him for a bit, then pointed at the boy who answered his question earlier and said “YOU!” he shoved a finger into Vesser’s face. “WHO IS HE?!”

“Lieutenant Vesser, Dark Jedi Knight, Head of Squad 9, and Master of the Dark Side, sir!” the acolyte saluted.

“Don’t forget best friends since childhood!” added Vesser.

“Uh-huh….” The acolyte sounded nonchalant.

“Hey, Tesradil, it’s about noon, want to get some lunch?” Vesser interposed.


“Awesome. Let’s get going.”

“HOLD UP!” Tesradil said, holding his hand out. “Do the lightning thingy! Give the students a little jolt.”

Vesser smirked and pointed into the sky with his index and middle finger. Massive volts of lightning shot out, the sky darkened, and the clouds overhead rippled with lightning. He lowered his hand and the weather went back to its usual cold, dry, and windy.

“Teehee, let’s go.” Tesradil giggled. He threw his arm up as they both walked away and yelled “Class dismissed!”


Chapter 2


Tesradil and Vesser walked through Sector 17, joking around. “So what do you think of that Voork?” the latter asked.

Tesradil raised an eyebrow and said “He’s….well….he’s Voork. He has a lot of potential, but he’s really lazy. Besides, he knew our duel wasn’t serious so he didn’t try. I cut his arm to try and make him, and in one last second he actually did, but then I cut his leg.”

“I think he has a bad mouth.”

“Haha, don’t act like we never swear….”

“Oh, I forgot to say; they’re having another Council meeting tonight.”

“What?! That’s the third day in a row! It’ supposed to be once a *********** month!”

“I know….and none of the Squads are getting sent on missions. Something’s up and they aren’t telling us what it is.”

They continued to ponder over the concept of this supposed plot while walking through a nearby courtyard when Lord Kilusso walked up to them and they both stopped dead in their tracks.

“I believe you’ve heard the news of tonight’s meeting?” he said in his constant stoic manner. At age 33, the Lord stood tall at 6’2, and was thin yet muscular with a black robe similar to that of Vesser’s, but without the detailing the sleeves only went to his elbows, and it was done all the way up; you could still see part of his sleeveless white shirt underneath and the collar was popped up around his neck. His feet were covered by the robe, but he wears black boots, and his robe had a white belt around it, where his Lightsaber was tucked. He also wore a white, sleeveless over robe that was completely undone and had the Sith emblem on the back. In addition to that, he wore white fingerless gloves. His skin was comparable to that of an albino, and his hair was pitch black, a bit longer than shoulder length and perfectly combed with a few strands coming down over the right side of his face but not obstructing the vision of his slate grey eyes.

“Yes, sir!” Both Lieutenants chimed in and saluted.

“Good.” The Lord stated in his naturally deep voice. Then he turned with his hair flowing but returning to its normal position, and walked over to the other side of the courtyard as Tesradil and Vesser watched him. He walked past Captain Alverdo, who was heading towards the Lieutenants. The Lord and Captain closed in and halted as they walked past as each other “Is it ready?” Alverdo asked.

“Not yet, and be patient, I don’t want a repeat of last time.”

“I wasn’t here last time. None of that was my fault.”

“That doesn’t matter. Carry it out perfectly, because I will not hesitate to kill you the second you make a mistake.” And with that, the Lord continued walking.

Alverdo gulped and became very nervous, slowly walking towards Tesradil and Vesser. His skin was tanned, and his hair was some shade between brown and black, curly. He had a slender build and average height for his age of 23 or so. He had a thin mustache and wore the Sector 17 standard apprentice uniform, but with a blood red sash across his torso, with his Lightsaber hilt swinging from that. His eyes were yellow, the colour of a true Sith’s eyes.

Tesradil and Vesser had used Force Hearing to eavesdrop on the conversation.

“That Kilusso….” Tesradil muttered.

“Yeah, just being in his presence feels like suffocating. He never shows any kind of emotion at all, and those eyes are so intense. Plus, his voice is so melodramatic.” Vesser elaborated in the subject.

“I think he has that effect on everyone. And I’m not hungry anymore.”

“Neither am I, but that was odd….” Vesser yammered.

Alverdo walked up to them and mockingly smiled and said “Hello, gentlemen….”

“Interesting conversation you had there, eh?” Vesser nodded.

“It’s nothing that concerns you, Lieutenant.”

“Oh, but I think it is. Tesradil and I are members Sector 17’s Council, and we should know these kinds of things. Conspiracy, maybe? Do I sense heresy?”

The Captain reached for his Lightsaber, as did the other two. Within an instant they stood there, Alverdo holding his yellow Lightsaber with both hands; Vesser holding his deep red saber by the middle of his spiny hilt, his arm behind him an attack stance; Tesradil holding both of his deep red sabers with Firebrand hilts, pointed slightly outwards and towards the ground. A couple of soldiers and guards grasped their guns and carefully watched the group, as silence ensued. The three of them looked around put their weapons up; Tesradil tucked his into a large pocket on his vest.

“No need to worry!” Alverdo said, holding his arms up, in an attempt to disarm the guards, “Just a little misunderstanding, everyone!” He sounded rather jovial with a smile on his face. Everyone returned to their usual business as the noise rang out again. Then the Captain turned back to Vesser with a furious expression and said “You shouldn’t make such brash conclusions about your commanding officers. And don’t be proud about being members of the Council. You won’t have that over me for long.”

Vesser spat where he stood and said “Like I said, you’re not on the Council and we are.”

Captain Alverdo scowled and replied “It was nothing more than Squad 25 business.” in a sardonic tone and he pushed past the lower ranking officer.

“That ******e.” Vesser muttered.

Tesradil slapped him upside the head and spat out his question “What the hell was that?! Are you trying to get us killed?!”

“I said I’m going to find out what’s going on here, and I plan on doing exactly that.”

“Umm….do you still want to eat lunch?”

Vesser scratched his head. “We could always just get some water from the cafeteria. Maybe pay Elaine a visit after that. See how Voork’s injuries are doing.”

“Mm….I guess, yeah, alright, explosives.”



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