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Am I missing Something???


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STR: 1676

End: 1680

Expertise: 1304

Crit 35.76

Crit Mult 75%

Accuracy 100.25

These stats are with all class buffs, biochem, and all nodes found.

Gear is all WH aug'd Minus chet ear and two implants. Relics are the WH power relics aug'd. Vindi gear and focus

Mostly might but a few fortitude in there for extra HP. I only have 19492 HP but working at it. lvl 82.


I find that vindi is great is great in a PUG wz against solo guys. Against another healer in WH gear is not so much. It is almost like you harrassing the healer. as they run around but can't seem to break through any substantial health. I find this build i use most since lvl 78 as i used to be focus and loved that a long time but just died way too damn fast. here is the build i use for vigi. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500MMZMZfRroruddGR.2 Now i hit 479k once with this build. I'm very impressed with it but that is pre 1.3.


Focus, I find fun but you get knocked back to hell and back and have a hard time playing catch up to the target. unless your in the middle of things. This spec hurts... well me. PUGs imho are horrible for focus as most often then not. you hardly get healers and when you do, they suck. so as focus you die quickly for some reason. put up some numbers yes, but you also die alot more. here is the focus spec:..... http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500MMZGrobdfRbfzZf0o.2


I am sort of sticking with vigi atm cause i can live longer and dispatch and master strike when they do hit are really good damage.... if the target is stupid enough to just stand there that is.


I guess i'm missing where folks say they steamroll people. WH gear'd guys are tough to kill still. Where are all of these 7k bomb hits at? Those must be critting on newbs right? Vigi was almost absolutely useless in RWZ.. well, the enemy team had 5 healers and 3 dps so no one could touch anyone. It was actually funny. 419k total damage, 4 kills 0 deaths. just dumfounded.

I guess lastly. What stats up above do I need to adjust more on? In other words, do i have too much crit chance and need to aug some place else? Things like that.


I hate imps. Just help me kill them better please. Thanks for reading

Edited by durhame
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Running Vigilance atm. Can't live without free Freezing Force - noone gets to "run around". I abuse Master Strike and Zen Strike resets.


WH people are, naturally, tough to kill. Geared healers, I harass, but can't really murder, at least not quick enough. Usually enough to lock them to healing themselves exclusively. So in PuG PvP I mostly charge wounded enemies and finish them with frontloaded burst damage (charge=>MS=>OH=>Dispatch=>Blade Storm if needed).


I used to play Focus extensively, and I picked up a few tricks. To avoid getting knocked around, I usually saber throw for initial Focus, Exhaust, step back, instantly charge=>Sweep. This way you get all 4 Singularity charges (one instant on Exhaust, second and third during charge and Sweep activation, 4th ticks just before Sweep hits).


Hope this helps. Good luck.

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That is good stuff. Thanks for the info. I was focus up until

lvl. 78 then swapped to vigi. I enjoy vigi more lately. It is a really good spec. Though, focus has its perks bombing peeps and they are like *** lol....

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That is good stuff. Thanks for the info. I was focus up until

lvl. 78 then swapped to vigi. I enjoy vigi more lately. It is a really good spec. Though, focus has its perks bombing peeps and they are like *** lol....


Happy to help. Also worth mentioning that Guardian Leap is awesome for hit and runs to avoid getting stomped into the floor after you've unloaded. Far from useless as Vigilance, too.

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