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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BW - problem with grind/money sink/expansions


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Dear BW,


You have a good thing going with the economy recently, and there is money to be made and crafters are contributing to the economy/community in needed items.


However, the problem is that the wealth attained by anyone is limited to a developing crafting system rather than adopting something as an alternative to an already developed gear system.


By that I mean, if a person is wealthy in the game, and they spend a lot of their time crafting and making money, then why do they have to play 1000x warzones per character to get decent gear to be competitive.


There should be a way to get gear in different forms. Yes raids/OPs is an alternative but the gear is not for pvp but it is still better than other gear. I believe BM gear compared to ops gear for warzones would be quite similar and therefore after getting BM gear, which is a bearable grind, the gap to WH is too large, and the difference is large enough in stats and effectiveness as well that it is something to be sought after... then forcing players to play 1000x WZ to get that gear with no alternative.


So why cant we buy it? If a person has enough money for this huge money sink, then why not?


We can have it as an option that it can be gotten from Warzones and from crafters as well. Crafting to get war hero gear or the next tier of gear can be tied in with some open world pvp as well.


Then the problem with gear and money sinks, is the expansion. Either way, if i put money in or time in, an expansion is going to take away the hard earned items I did for that end game.


So even without an option to buy, why would I get WH gear if an expansion even a year down the road will take that away since for me to get WH gear would take months, while i plan on playing several characters at end game.


So BW, as a possible solution to the expansion problem have brackets. Have level 50 as its own pre expansion bracket, and something unique about playing level 50 to keep people playing that as well. Even if a person owns an expansion but has WH gear maybe they can wear WH gear and go back to lvl 50 pvp with only lvl skills to still enjoy their hard earned work.


In this case, end game for pvp can still provide rewards for the hard work of WH vets, without removing their hard earned work to be replaced by a new grind which new players can out do at lvl 60 pvp tier sets with ease - for example.


And then, have another bracket of 51-59, and another level 60 bracket. The level 60 bracket will have a new pvp gear tier of course, and have new abilities as well to be balanced for that.


Also I am concerned about the flashpoints/ops for end game not being used for 50+ content. However, WZs can still be used. The advantage of pvp!


So maybe there should be a method to make sure that ops/FP are continued at end game. Possibly at 50+ the same ops/FP are slightly altered as an alternative scenario or a continuation of cannon story of the place but in the same environment (could be slightly altered) with altered Bosses, maybe even the same bosses, or different bosses... but for 50+ lvls.


So back to the point. People have money, and I would like another option to get WH pvp gear, please.


Also my concern about the expansion with items becoming obsolete is that other possible money sinks like player housing could be introduced. And player housing as an investment is a lot more solid that even if BW released a bigger and better house, a house that is owned is still a house that a person can live in and use it for its intended purposes. (please put player housing and open world pvp)


However, when accommodations are made for end game and expansions to make investments of time or money worthwhile, I would invest my money into gear without any regrets.

Edited by VegaPhone
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