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Empire Ranged class alt? Forced to go Merc?


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I like to run Ops. My Sorc is full Rakata and generally only runs EC on SM or HM. I stopped running EV and KP all together. Due to raid lockouts I would like to still raid but on an alt toon.


I got a SW Jugg up to 50 to run stuff with, but I'm having issues as a melee dps. I would prefer to run stuff as ranged dps but I find my choices lacking. Empire side ranged dps are basically the following:


SI Sorc -Already have

Merc BH

Sniper IA


I tried a low level sniper but I couldn't get past the cover mechanics. That and I've read that you should use Lethality as a sniper vs what I thought a sniper was, a marksmen. It's like saying you should roll a sniper class but never actually do any sniping. Doesn't make sense to me.


Am I stuck as the only option with a Merc BH? I didn't roll one primarily because I couldn't stand shooting missiles from their backpack. I actually made a Trooper Commando doe to tracer missle being a horrible animation (but didn't get too far on Pub side). Did they fix the tracer missle animation finally? Are BH Merc dps still comparible when you pit it against SI Sorcs and Snipers?


Can anyone chime in about the other non Sorc range dps classes for runs like EC or EV/KP HM? Thanks..

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marksman is a good class set up for hi single target damage and works fine

same with the other set up but more dot affects

im a marksman i cause massive damage from a long distance away in both pvp and pve the choice is yours

dont go premade cos everyone else is spec a

play few diffrent ways when u hit 50 and see what YOU like to play

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I didn't roll one primarily because I couldn't stand shooting missiles from their backpack. I actually made a Trooper Commando doe to tracer missle being a horrible animation (but didn't get too far on Pub side). Did they fix the tracer missle animation finally?


I believe they changed Tracer Missile to a wrist rocket animation a while back. They swapped the old animation with Fusion Missile (an AoE dot). If that was your only problem with Merc you should be fine with it now.

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I believe they changed Tracer Missile to a wrist rocket animation a while back. They swapped the old animation with Fusion Missile (an AoE dot). If that was your only problem with Merc you should be fine with it now.


Is Merc considered decent DPS? I am relatively new to the game and made the mistake of making both direct damage classes on the Republic side. For some reason the look of most of the Marauders I've seen hasn't appealed to me that much, for some reason I think Sentinel look better with two lightsabers.


I ended up choosing Gunslinger over Sniper because I wasn't really getting into the cover mechanic much but I knew I wanted to experience the Imp story so I made him an Operative, now I'm kinda unsure. The cover mechanic to me just seemed kinda clunky and slow. Maybe it gets better as you level but the initial experience for me wasn't that amazing. That being said my Operative DPS isn't stellar either, is the Merc similar to Operative DPS or better? If the Merc does better maybe I'll make a Merc for both DPS and healing and give the Sniper's cover another shot.

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Merc's can top the charts end game I believe. They did it back before 1.2 and from what I've been told they still maintain that ability. Marauders and Snipers are up there as well but it varies from fight to fight. I decided to roll a Merc and am now level 30 and it's been a lot of fun overall.


I tried a sniper till level 15 or so but I couldn't get past that cover mechanic from early level. I worked somewhat on Hutta but once I got off that planet there weren't many objects to hide behind. That and it felt clunky to have to prone each time you wanted to fire off something. My Master Rifleman back in SWG worked while prone because you could actually kill stuff before they got to you. For raid situations running ops on my sorc, I know there's a LOT of movement involved in most fights.


I also got an Operative to level 25 prior to rolling my BH. The BH damage is much higher while leveling up, but the ops damage isn't that shabby either. You do get stealth which adds a different element to the game. You can stealth around solo and cap some of the heroic missions if you use some clever mechanics. Also you can avoid a lot of trash spawns while leveling. I stopped playing because I read that Operatives are really only good for healing in end game Ops.


Before patch 1.2 I had rolled a Marauder to level 24 ish. Out of the Merc, Mara, and Operative the Merc was the easiest to level. Heavy Armor and Mako healing lets you just spam your abilities. I never had so much as a health issue but I did overheat from time to time. You get a TON of aoe from the start which helps as leveling is all about packs of mobs. Once I got tracer missile I felt instantly stronger as well.

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I have a Full war hero merc, also geared Black hole for pve. I have played every spec the merc has to offer. I saw somebody say that if the class is played correctly blah blah blah.. Let me elaborate for you. The merc can be awsome in PVE with the middle tree build (arsenal). Lots of fun running around shooting stuff. I have had no trouble with any operation or Flash point. With that said let it be WELL know that in PVP the merc ultimatly blows. I will explain. If you dont want to kill anything but want to be a healer the bodyguard spec is okay. However I would never recommend to any of my friends to choose a merc as a healer. As for DPS in warzones the arsenal build is the only way to go. The pyro build is just a nerfed powertech pyro build. So if you decide to be a merc for dps pvp you need to realize a few things first. You will not be able to one-v-one the majority of the other people you find in wz's. Do not even try to start dueling people because you will be severly dissapointed in the merc class as you just really have zero chance of beating a decent pvper of any other class. Only exeption being if you have somebody way out geared. That being said. Now you need to realize that NO real rated team will EVER ask you to play ranked games with them. I am in a guild of alot of PVPers. I am the ONLY arsenal merc left and only play regular wz's with him. My lvl 35 sniper is much more viable in wz's. I am leveling a Jug tank atm as they hit harder and survive better in wz's. Was gonna go Powertech but figured I would check a new stroy line before I quit all together.
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