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Gunnery spec , not allowed in ranked WZ :(


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Just show them some WZ result screenshots where you are ranked among the 3 best players of the WZ with a decent dps and they might change their mind.


If they don't, they are not really worth considering as partners, just wait and retry later with other companions that either don't mind or can't afford kicking a guy because they lack members.

Edited by Boufsa
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I see no reason at all to bring a gunnery commando to a ranked wz.. dont get me wrong i enjoy the spec personally but just looking at things objectively (which you should if you plan to do ranked) I mean.. c'mon gunnery has nothing but 1-2 decent utilities and something like 2743845 hard-casts. its a wet-dream for a mara. sorry bud BW broke gunnery for pvp


Edt: I feel for ya regarding this as well, i mean it sucks but basically heal or move along is how the general population will make you feel. If i had a friend that wanted to do ranked with me as gunnery i might do that.. but only based on our friendship lol

Edited by Huggsnotdruggs
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The sad thing is, what you'd want from a gunnery commando is something gunslingers/snipers do better and it really leaves no reason to take one if you want to put together the best team you can.


Player should always be considered before class but if both players are good most teams will take the class that suits their needs better.

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The sad thing is, what you'd want from a gunnery commando is something gunslingers/snipers do better and it really leaves no reason to take one if you want to put together the best team you can.


Player should always be considered before class but if both players are good most teams will take the class that suits their needs better.


I have my spot in RWZ, because I out damage all but the best GS or VGs. I will state that while player > class, that I would be a ton more effective at the exact same role as a VG than as a Commando. I just do not have the patience, and neither does my team, for me to reroll VG and gear up again.

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I have my spot in RWZ, because I out damage all but the best GS or VGs. I will state that while player > class, that I would be a ton more effective at the exact same role as a VG than as a Commando. I just do not have the patience, and neither does my team, for me to reroll VG and gear up again.


I'm sorry, but im very loyal to the idea that when talking damage vs damage, it doesn't really matter if you can do 30-50k more than the other guy by the end of the wz, but who can brin more utility/group friendly things to the wz,. im not suggesting you don't already know this but if you are in ranked rz just because you "out damage all but the best GS or VGs" then well.. I dont see a bright future for that particular team based soley on logic

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I'm sorry, but im very loyal to the idea that when talking damage vs damage, it doesn't really matter if you can do 30-50k more than the other guy by the end of the wz, but who can brin more utility/group friendly things to the wz,. im not suggesting you don't already know this but if you are in ranked rz just because you "out damage all but the best GS or VGs" then well.. I dont see a bright future for that particular team based soley on logic


Shrug 28-9 since Tuesday, I say we do OK.


We get beat by heavily stacked teams, but do OK against well rounded teams.


Our team is:


Watchman Sentinal

Watchman Sentinal

Tank Hybrid Shadow

Tank Hybrid Shadow

Assault VG

Assault Commando

Sage Hybrid

Scoundrel Healer


We consistently lose in Voidstar and Huttball to the 4x Operative Healer/4x Juggernaut team. Too much control and not enough healing debuffs on our side. GS would likely make this more winnable due to the healing debuff, but I do not think it would be more than a 20% win.


Lose to the 8x Assassin team in Novare since they can split 4/4 and dominate us with the speed that they move between nodes. Swapping me out for a GS or VG wouldn't help here, we'd still lose.


Stacked teams are really screwing around with Rated WZ, they're really bad against other stacked teams but wreck well balanced teams.

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I've heard that 8 sentinel/mara teams arent doing well but i dont see how they wouldnt. 8 different heal procs going off in roation, 8 vanishes. 8 group -wide speed boosts to rotate thruogh, berry mean damage, great utility, snares, healinbg debuffs. i dunno - im gonna give it a shot. I know thats off topic but w/e
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I've heard that 8 sentinel/mara teams arent doing well but i dont see how they wouldnt. 8 different heal procs going off in roation, 8 vanishes. 8 group -wide speed boosts to rotate thruogh, berry mean damage, great utility, snares, healinbg debuffs. i dunno - im gonna give it a shot. I know thats off topic but w/e


We have run into them before, they do not close range well and cannot stop pushbacks. We peel off and keep them 1v1 and kiting as much as possible. Sure, they get their damage and kills in, but cannot deal with objectives. Assassins are much nastier as Force Speed, Guard, and Taunt are probably the most unbalancing effects in WZs and they have them all to go along with great CC and DPS.

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I have not PVP'd with my gunny since 1.2.. I don't see how things could have changed that much for us in WZ.


I thought my gunny would be useless in OPS as well, but have been proven wrong.



At this point I am building a PVP toon, not quite sure what class that will be yet, and I am parking my 74 valor gunny and using him only for PVE OPS and dailies. It is sad because I love the toon.


Let me know when the situation changes.

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I have not PVP'd with my gunny since 1.2.. I don't see how things could have changed that much for us in WZ.


I thought my gunny would be useless in OPS as well, but have been proven wrong.



At this point I am building a PVP toon, not quite sure what class that will be yet, and I am parking my 74 valor gunny and using him only for PVE OPS and dailies. It is sad because I love the toon.


Let me know when the situation changes.


Just respec Assault for PVP, I know it's a PITA but I do not see them fixing Gunnery anytime soon. Even then the changes would have to be fairly minor in order to keep it in line with their damage potential.

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I'm still doing PvP on my gunnery commando, I don't pug for the ranked though, just do them with my guildies.


I've noticed an easier time in PVP recently, I think a lot of it is due to recent server merges though and having fresh blood. On my old server, there were maybe 40 regular lvl 50 pvp players combined between rep/imp. Needless to say, we got used to playing against each other and countering our opponents.


I'm quite a bit happier with 1.3 as well, I definitely notice the increased armor pen on Full auto and HiB.


I have way too much time invested to just give it up.. though I do have a scoundrel that I tinker with that now gets a nice 30% xp buff from warzones, so you never know... once that hit's 50 I might shelf the trooper.

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Just respec Assault for PVP, I know it's a PITA but I do not see them fixing Gunnery anytime soon. Even then the changes would have to be fairly minor in order to keep it in line with their damage potential.


You will respec Assault and your guldies will tell you to reroll Assault Vanguard because Vanguard Assault is twice more powerful in ranked warzone.... :(

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You will respec Assault and your guldies will tell you to reroll Assault Vanguard because Vanguard Assault is twice more powerful in ranked warzone.... :(


Hogwash, no Assault Vanguard or PT has ever doubled me up in any WZ rated or non. If anything their advantage lies entirely in the matter of utility. They obtain, protect, and manage objectives better than we do, and they have a better game against heavy armor classes. We have range while they have to be in melee to do the most damage.


Twice as good? BS, the advantage is maybe 5% for Assault Vanguards against Commandos head to head.


My team will not ask me to reroll, that would be insane since it would take over a month to level and gear up with no guarantee that I would be able to play Vanguard as well as I play Commando.


It is over reactions and embellishments like this that mask the real problems Commandos have.

Edited by azhrione
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No hogwash just warzone observations.

I am an Assault commando and When I duel against a dps PT I win.

But a competitive guild does not care about that. They want a damage class doing huge damage.

Jedi Sage, Gunslinger then Vanguard are the real damage class they can easily do 600K damage to 750k damage. Commando is limited to a 300K-450K damage for the same played warzone.


Show me several scorecards with huge commando damage with more than 600K damage, and I will agree with you, but for the moment it's just a broken class useless in RANKED warzone

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No hogwash just warzone observations.

I am an Assault commando and When I duel against a dps PT I win.

But a competitive guild does not care about that. They want a damage class doing huge damage.

Jedi Sage, Gunslinger then Vanguard are the real damage class they can easily do 600K damage to 750k damage. Commando is limited to a 300K-450K damage for the same played warzone.


Show me several scorecards with huge commando damage with more than 600K damage, and I will agree with you, but for the moment it's just a broken class useless in RANKED warzone


Any game where my team is so bad that 600k+ damage gets done by anyone then I will be up there with them.


As I am on vacation this week, this will have to wait until I get back.


However I will say that I do not think I have topped 525k in a RWZ yet, 600k is entirely possible if everyone else is bad but the healers in a normal pugged WZ. Damage numbers are usually lower for everyone in RWZ for several different reasons, better protection, better movement, better communication, and far more objective oriented play. I have WZ where I get 150k and others where I am at or close to 500k, but I am always in the top one or two for the WZ unless I get stuck babysitting an ignored node. That rarely happens as we will shuffle people to put the DPS where they can do the most good.


Huge numbers on a scorecard means your team is in a bad match up, not that there is a problem with the class.

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I made another simple test, I reroll a vanguard Assault, no good stuff, no expertise and lvl 18 now, 4 warzones played and first damage dealer every time...

With my Main commando full stuff WH/BM, my max is 300-350K and there is often a 500-600K above.

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Which is still affected by so many variables as azhrione just said. It is even worse now that the servers have been jammed pack full together with the transfers. You will absolutely see far ranging stats like that when in a pug group since you can never know the other players experience with the game and with the class they play. I have also reached such high amounts of damage also but that usually happens when I am fighting against a team with good healers and I can simply sit there and stack my damage, I have also reached over 500k just by sticking by my pug members and providing support. I can only imagine what would happen if I was with a team who all knew what they were doing.


What the main issue, as far as pvp goes, is BW strong reliance on expertise. In a good few cases it takes the skill out of fights.

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