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hybrid now viable?


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feedback on this build please.. would this be viable in PVP centering around buffing rail shot and grabbing a second knock back to help keep all those melee at bay.




i realise giving up thermal detonator maybe too much of a trade off but any feedback would be appreciated.

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While not terrible, you really are losing out by not getting Thermal Detonator as it does excellent damage to single targets. Another thing to note is that you lose a little bit of mobilty by wanting/needing to use Tracer Missiles/Power Shot more often than normal. As full Pyro spec, I hardly ever use PShot. This is also a very heat heavy build so you'd have to pay more attention to it than full Arsenal or Pyro. The extra distance on Jet Boost and added knockback on Rocket punch are nice but not enough against melee with gap closers (leap/pull etc).


I personally wouldn't get it due to TM alone. TM/Grav Round seems to draw more attention to the player more than a Pyro would. Whenever I see TM/GR spammers in a WZ they are usually my first targets (and tend to have the most deaths). That said, try it out for yourself. If you like the spec and can keep heat managable then good for you.

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feedback on this build please.. would this be viable in PVP centering around buffing rail shot and grabbing a second knock back to help keep all those melee at bay.




i realise giving up thermal detonator maybe too much of a trade off but any feedback would be appreciated.


Drop Tracer missle and Target Tracking, take those 3 points and max out burnout. I've been running this spec today and so far its a dps jump over my old Arsenal build.

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yeah I gave it a try on the lvl 50 combat target on Ziost, heat was a real issue as well as pretty intense micro managment.

trying to keep 5 stacks of heat sigs up as well as IM and CGC was not what i would call practicle for PVP..


I doubt the benefit would be enough to warrant the effort, that said i was pretty surprised at the damage from unload when all the planets aligned.

In all but 2 pieces recruit gear each tick from unload hitting around 1200 mark.


also regarding dropping TM and target tracking for burnout, i agree with dropping TM now since trying it out but for a PVP scenario burnout has little benefit that i can see..

PVE when your target has 100k + HP yes awesome talent but when your target has 20k burnout doesn't kick in till your opponent drops to around 6K hp by which time the extra DOT damage will have little benefit as TD or rail shot will finish them off before any real bonus output from burnout, of course you will take burnout in order to get TD but not for the measily bounus dot damage at 30% hp.

Edited by Darpvaida
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