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Server over-loaded, its TOO MUCH!


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Yes its nice to have nicely populated server, but there is TOO MUCH Ability lag.


Taunts being used, GC activates, Taunts didn't actually activate.


And this is causing MAJOR ISSUES IN RAIDS.


BIOWARE, why did you rush out 1.3 and did nothing to account for these server transfers.

You guys are too worried about getting content out and not worrying about what is happening on your servers.


This is making the game Unplayable!!

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Aye, had soo much lag tonight - couldn't even raid because of it :( As soon as I logged on I was disconnected instantly and just 2 raid encounters away from final boss.


My comp is relatively new (got it for my Christmas along with my collector's edition) so doubt it has anything to do with my comp.

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