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How can this NOT be broken?


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I'm a commando running full battlemaster plus five pieces of augmented war hero. Gunnery spec.


My buddy is a guardian with a mix of centurion/champion gear with one piece of battlemaster. Tanking spec.



- Leap

- Kick

- Hilt strike

- Force stasis

- Kick

- Awe


Jedi health: 97%

Commando health: 0%


This just can't be right.

Edited by Iram
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I'm a commando running full battlemaster plus five pieces of augmented war hero. Gunnery spec.


My buddy is a guardian with a mix of centurion/champion gear with one piece of battlemaster. Tanking spec.


Duel (first mistake)

- Leap

- Kick

- Hilt strike

- Force stasis

- Kick

- Awe


Jedi health: 97%

Commando health: 0%


This just can't be right.


First mistake: Duel. Don't. It's not a good matchup.


Second: Don't duel as gunnery. I'm going to assume you're gunnery, b/c with assault you can run and snare and be semi-ok without any brain aneurisms.


Ok suppose you get leapt to while trying to achieve some important objective. First: hammer shot while counting to 4. Then do your stockstrike knockback. While he is wondering what happened, run.


You'll probably get pushed now, or if far enough away a saber throw. That's ok, pick yourself up and do some hammer shots. He'll be on you in a GCD or so, or if he pushed you he leapt to you, you're still fine he hasn't done any damage, but he has a lot of rage/focus, so you have to be careful.


I'd expect him to do some kind of stun now, either hilt strike with his large focus pool, or stasis. Either one just ride it out, you should still be near full hp. When you recover from the stun:


Adrenaline Rush

Now you have two options. You can either run, which involves:

-cryo nade

-run + hammer shot

-tech override

-when he cc breaks (they almost always do) fire an instant concussion round and book it.

-if he doesn't cc break just keep knocking back and running, maybe you can heal yourself if you can los him somewhat. The absolute best option is to run towards a cliff or hazard and knock him off.

-die about 15-20 seconds later


or you can fight him like so:


-tech override + grav round

-sticky nade (instant)

-Run + auto shoot

-Knockback + grav round attempt (probably get interrupted)

-high impact bolt (won't have 5 stacks of your charged barrel, oh well)

-Run some more + auto shoot

-Cryo when you're at about half hp, hopefully some of his resolve has started to fade by now so you won't put him into white resolve

-If you ever get a bit of space try to build up grav round stacks

-If you ever need a bit of space, use stockstrike. Especially use it as a poor man's interrupt. Just avoid filling resolve if you can.

-Demo round if you get to 3+ stacks (difficult but doable)

-If curtain of fire procs, stand there and use full auto. It will actually hurt both of you quite a bit, but you might as well die while shooting. And if he interrupts it, grav round (or even plasma nade if you have a ton of ammo).


Honestly though you probably won't get him real low, esp. if he uses defensive cooldowns, before you die. But 97-0 without you getting a word in edgewise is very, very bad and you should feel ashamed.

Edited by WaddletonMcQuack
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Gunnery is not a 1v1 spec in pvp. It's a hide behind things kill them before they know you're shooting them, pick off the sickly gazelle quicker than anyone else spec. Yes, our 1v1 is broken. We must adapt. Don't play it like a vanguard/PT, it isn't. If they see you / get the jump on you, you will die. Period. If you don't, they are terrible players. Read the PVP post at the top of the forum. It's useful.


The most fun you can have with gunnery is with another ranged dps. Get on voice chat. Call out targets. 2 of you will be nearly unstoppable if they are bursty as well. That's where this kind of pvp role shines.

Edited by pclchicagox
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