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Mapping and Mountain Climbing in Alderaan


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I love mapping out entire planets and, most especially, seeing how far up I can get in the mountains. This time I got farther than I have before and took some pics. I was also grouped with Light-hammer; who was sitting in a Republic Pub. He says he's going to screencap himself in every Republic Pub. I love silly stuff like this :)


Lunariad - The Lunarium Legacy (Prophecy of the Five and formerly Bondar Crystal & Infinity Gate)



Mountain Climbing in Alderaan! Mapping this section I ended up, from Fort Alde Heroic Area, climbing up and over here. I was looking for a shortcut to the area I didn't have mapped and ended up way, WAY up in the mountains :) Overlooking the Republic base: House Traders Circle.



I'm off the map! :)



Way, way off the map. Coming over to House Traders Circle.



Lands End or "Hey, I can't get back to House Alde from here.....



Coming down into the base a bit more East...



Down further still.....



I'm on a dome!



I'm on a pillar!


Well, I made it into the base, after dying to the level 50 droids twice, and managed to finish this area's map. I also picked up the Unusual Egg a bit after.

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This is why I feel SWtOR would be a perfect game for seamless worlds and "free" space travel. I love to adventure around, if I happen to meander my IA into a republic area and get nuked by a Player / NPC (or both, while I'm on my PvP Server) so be it.

I want that random codex that says I have been there on all my alts, as well the oppertunity to explore both faction's worlds at will on PvE and PvP servers, so in short, I envy you right now :p

Edited by RangKer
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