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Sorely Disappointed...


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I recently rolled a BH to play, and chose merc because I planned to occasionally heal, and liked the idea of its versatility. I rolled through the levels, loving the gameplay and the story. The only reason you stay sided with the Empire is because they're paying more credits, and sometimes you don't: (Sort of major spoiler btw)



You have the option to kill a sith while the supreme chancellor cuts you a deal to stay alive



Lower level PvP as arsenal was promising; I did just fine, maybe feeling a little underpowered, but generally was able to hold my own and make the top damage and/or objective points spot frequently. However, as I soon came to realize after hitting 50, this is because a lot of the people you PvP with in the 10-49 bracket happen to be lower level, lacking interrupts and some utility, as well as general awareness issues abounding (snipers left unchecked, sorcs free-casting etc). As soon as I hit level 50, decked out in my full recruit set, the tables had turned. No longer was I regarded as an asset to the team, but rather seen as a free kill to the enemy. Multiple times I had people leave because they saw a merc in recruit gear (not a representation of the general populace, but still surprising), even though the rest was in almost full battlemaster/warhero. If I happened to be the only one around a couple of enemies, or even the only one around them, there was no way to escape alive even using all of my cooldowns and tricks that I could think of. I have finally (after gearing my way almost to battlemaster) come to the conclusion that Mercenaries have been destroyed by our nerfs. My damage got better with the gear, but survivability and utility did not. I know this seems like a noob rage quit, but it's not. I will continue to play a merc in PvP, perhaps try pyro, maybe go bodygaurd, but I can tell you this right now: The only way a Mercenary will be on a Rated Warzone team is as a healer, with very few (if no) exceptions.

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Look around you on the forum. Pretty much all of us feel this way.


I will however play pyro merc in rated warzones, if only because it's my character with full war hero and I'm not doing that grind again on another fotm class.

Edited by Sinsavz
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