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(L,F&E Interlude 4) Shattered


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<A few minutes later>


Ona was mad. She had rarely been so angry. First she couldn’t treat Setsuna as she was called to, indeed as she was drawn to by her empathy. She didn’t care if Setsuna was some kind of mind leech. The girl needed help, needed more than to be locked away and forgotten about or poked and prodded in some lab and she was forbidden to even talk to Setsuna. And now Sharlina wasn’t answering her door!


“Shar…?” She asked hesitant. One did not casually interrupt Masterblades doing what they did. One could get cut in half easily. By accident. She knew Shar was in her room, she had been told the woman had literally crawled back from the master’s quarters. But… Something was wrong. She made a quick decision. Shar wouldn’t kill her like oh, Chari might… She opened the door and… It stopped halfway. Something was blocking it. She looked at the blockage and froze. Human legs. “Shar?” She looked around the door and her eyes went wide as she saw what lay within. “Shar!


She pushed her way in and dropped to her knees beside the bloody pool her friend and battle sister lay in. She grabbed the wound that was still pulsing, spraying blood everywhere, and with all her heart and soul, strained with the Force.


“Come on Shar… Come on, don’t you die on me…. Don’t you dare die on me…”

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<Two Hours later>


Mama stood in her quarters, looking at the mess Setsuna had made. She sighed. What she was about to do was dangerous, no question, but... She had no choice. Not now. She reached into a pouch and pulled red crystal from it. "We need to talk, Kaosssiz Andal..." The crystal seemed to glint a bit but other than that nothing happened. Mama snarled, "Fine, be that way..." The Force swirled around Mama and then it slammed into the crystal. It seemed to quiver with far more than the Force power that had hit it.


Something seemed to push back for a moment before a figure seemed to pop out of the crystal. Her hair, as red as both her daughters, pulled back into the always severe bun as the eyes blazed a mix of green and yellow fire. She lacked Shar's more intimidating build, instead possessing Setie's smaller frame. "I would think people would have more respect for the dead," the force ghost stated testily. "Just cannot leave us to our rest?"


"indeed." Mama nodded, "For the discourtesssy I apologize. However we do need to talk. You know what hasss happened."


Kaosis gave a snarl then, "Yes I do. One of the reasons I'm staying silent and in my rock. To tempting to slaughter that aggravating little midget otherwise for what he's done to my girls. One dancing on the edge of death while the other dances on the edge of sanity. All because he has to play politics."


"indeed." Mama nodded again in agreement. "I could care lezz about that little brown fool at the moment myssself but... your daughterz need help. Help... I cannot give..." It was obvious this admission hurt the Barabel.


Kaosis snorted at that, "And you expect me to be able to? In case you missed the obvious, I'm dead. Even more to the fact. Istara will never listen to me and Setie is...beyond my abilities."


"What do you know of usss?" This question was quiet. "The Bladeborn Order that iz."


"Which group?" Kaosis asked before shrugging. After all, most folks didn't realize that little bit and Trugoy would likely not be happy with any of his followers finding out. "Let's see, the Emperor's Hatchetmen I believe some call you. Along with holders to long dead ideals, though that is really something that keeps you all sane longer I think. Also that you're all a bunch of blood crazy lunatics."


Mama blinked and then slowly nodded. Kaosis was a seer, she would know a lot more than a normal person. Who could she tell now? "We are all of that and more...and lezz. We are all we have. Do you know the sssignificance of the brand we, my clan, all bear?" Mama extended her own forearm and showed the intricate brand that marked the scales.


"Something of your ranking system I believe," the ghost stated.


Mama inclined her head in acknowledgement. "It iz that, and... it is a ssstatement of who we are. Pain iz what we are. War isss what we are. Death iz what we bring and find, eventually. The brand identifiesss uz as Bladeborn, it definesss who and what we are." The Barabel suddenly sounded old and tired, "The woman I knew as Zharlina has cut hersss off. Zhe... Ssshe has renounced uz, all of usss. All of what zhe wasss."


Kaosis's cat like eyes narrowed, "Good, though I frown at her almost amputating an arm to do it. There is more to life then pain, war, and death. She'd had more than enough pain in her life when that little midget bastard went stealing her away."


"You know better!" Mama snarled, "If he hadn't taken her, you would not have sssurvived the week. Tell me I lie, Kaozisss. You know what that baztard Amirg did to her. You didn't then, though, did you?"


Kaosis sighed then, regrets floating around her like dead leaves. "Only parts of it. I would catch snatches of it in my sight..." She blinked at Mama some then, picking up faint thoughts and memories that whirled around the living. "You had to watch one of your children suffer not too long ago did you not? Would you rather liked to have watched that for all those years?"


"You went into my mind?" Mama blinked slowly and her face became remote. "I have left my mind open to you, asss a zhow of faith. Do not presume too much, ssspirit."


"It was not a presumption. Mother's hate seeing their younglings in pain. Being able to do nothing for it is even worse."


"I... apologize." Mama nodded, almost against her will, "I can underssstand that. In anzwer to your quessstion, no. I would not have liked it. I can only imagine what it waz like for you to sssuffer thorough it for yearz as opposssed to the hourz I did." The lizard woman sighed then. "Thisss bickering iz getting us nowhere. Can you help your oldessst daughter? I believe zhe is the only chance your youngessst daughter haz. I may be wrong. I pray I am wrong... I like Sssetzuna…" Her eyes were glistening now.


"She is not Setie's only chance no. Though...she is needed for...other matters," Kaosis stated with a frown. "However like I said, she will not listen to me. That programming, as it was, went deep and even now holds sway when she talks to me. She'd try and kill me again like she almost did on Ilum if she could."


"Yez." Mama shook her head. Her voice was savage now, as if she contemplated mayhem, "Ssshe has broken part of the programming and Trugoy’z ham handed ssstupidity has broken part of the rezt. I think... I think ssshe is finally recovering a bit. It’s only taken all theze flarging yearsss…” Now the Barabel’s voice was hushed, sad. “And zhe can't hurt you now. Ssshe barely has enough Force power to keep her heart going..." Tears fell down the reptilian face. "I love that girl, zhe isss your daughter, but mine az well...”


Kaosis nodded, "I know...I saw you at one point with her. One of the reasons, I stopped chasing her." The ghost looked so sad then, and lonely. "I do not, and never will, agree with Trugoy's methods. With you at least, she had something of a chance to heal."


"I know." Mama shook her head, "I am sssorry, Kaozis. But... the Emperor decreed you were to be protected, and zhe was a threat to you. It was take her, or kill her... I..."


"I wasn't decreed protected until...later. After that...snake bastard did a lot of sweet talking," Kaosis growled. "I knew what it really was though. A cage, and my second child had to grow up in it. Then Trugoy and others wonder why she blows up over that..."


"I don't," Mama said simply.


"That is why I said Trugoy and others," Kaosis pointed out.


“Amirg was not the only one who could 'sssee' what would happen to you. We had hoped that removing her from the zituation would help a bit; let usss break the programming eazier. We failed." Mama shook her head. "I make no excussse for our actionz. Right, wrong or sssomewhere in between, we cannot change the pazt. It is the now we must focusss on. Your eldezt daughter will not hear usss. Zhe will not let usss heal her. Zhe fightsss, az ssstrongly az ssshe ever haz every time one of usss comes cloze. Maybe if you could talk to her, get her to calm down, accept sssome healing... Help me Kaozis Andal..." Mama begged. "You are my only hope..."


Kaosis seemed to get a secretive grin on her face for a moment before the subject came to Sharlina's current condition. For a moment she had thought of how like pawns they all were. Even Amirg in trying to have Istara kill her, had unwittingly helped the vision he had along. Still, that was musings for when she was resting again. "I am not sure I can. The anger at me existed even before Amirg after all," the ghost pointed out to the lizard.


"I know." Mama sighed, "Every child hatez their parentsss at timez. He usssed that, the monzter who the Sssith gave her to… We did explain to her why they did what they did. The parent/child bond is a weaknezz to many Sssith and zhe wasss a prime hostage for your good behavior. Zhe understood that, even with the hatred he inssstilled in her. The report zhe made to usss zpoke of the conversssation zhe had with you in an essscape pod. That iz how I knew where to find you."


“Did she mention the attempt to hurt me in that report?" Kaosis asked curiously.


"Yes." Mama smiled slightly, "Ssshe waz thorough in her report, ssshe alwayz hasss been. However zhe was also more than a bit ssstrezzed. What with Sssetzuna dumping her that way and all and you ssshowing up out of nowhere.”


"Surprised she didn't see it coming, Though it is again something Trugoy failed to note. Setie doesn't let people around her die." The irony of the situation had never failed to escape Kaosis with her second child. The girl was supposedly such a master manipulator, yet she could not bear people in pain. Rather like how Trugoy had built his order of warriors, Setie pulled the broken to her and did her best to heal them.


Yet Setie was a grave threat for that.


Mama nodded but then the Barabel slumped. “Indeed. Even unconsciousssly, Zetsssuna has bound herzelf not to… but… zhe may not be that way for long. If that ssshutta Darmuk gets hold of her, you know what will happen. You have zeen it. Ssshar spoke in her report of what you zhowed her and ssshe zaw more than ssshe knew when you touched her.” Mama shivered a bit, “It took uz a long time to piece the visionsss Idjit has been having together but there iz no other proof. He isss too smart to leave cluez where we can find them. We have been trying, believe me… Both legally and… not… If he were anyone elssse, we could act, and then find the proof we need, but not a council member. It would be… bad…”


Mama sighed. The absolute best that would occur if the Bladeborn ‘removed’ a council member without permission would be an Empire wide purge of Bladeborn. At worst? An Empire wide civil war… With Sith on both sides. And the Republic would be quick to take advantage. Mama shook her head and sighed.


Something flicked in Kaosis's eyes then, as if she knew something but was refraining from speaking. "He is a slick one, and he has been working on this for...a very long time."


The lizard had no idea of course, but there was far more to fear from Darmuk's corner, then simple a simple civil war that the Republic and the Jedi would capitalize on.


((posted by Setie))

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Idjit flinched from his vigil. He had been sitting in this one spot since Shar had been brought into medical, her face pasty white and trailing a line of blood behind her. He hadn’t moved, hadn’t spoken, hadn’t done anything. But now his head shot up. A scowl came over his face.


“What is she doing here?” He snarled as he started towards Mama’s chambers. More than one of the Bladeborn in the halls shied away from his angry form and the waves of dark side power that poured off of it.


<Mama’s chambers and an odd conversation>


Mama nodded. "Ssso we have been uncovering. But no proof. And the Emperor is not going to take our word for it. Not with everything elze that has happened.” Mama shook her head. "I know you cannot anssswer if I azk about that, so I asssk thiz... Can you help our daughter. Yoursss and mine? Zhe won't let our healersss touch her. If they cannot help her, we will loze her, sssoon."


Kaosis grinned a bit, "I can answer most things. In this case though...the information does not help you, so it is not needed. As for Istara...I can but talk to her for I am not a healer."


"I know." Mama shook her head. "Healerz we have. But... Ssshe won't let them touch her. If zhe sssleepz... Ssshe lozt too much blood. Ssshe would not zurvive. And every time we try to give her more, ssshe tears out the IV. And zhe refusssez to talk to usss. I... I underztand... I think..." Mama was crying quietly again. "Ssshe believes zhe is outcassst now. Beneath our notice. We do not. I do not. But if she will not zpeak to usss, or let uz help her, we cannot sssave her."


"And with my other daughter effectively...closed off. You have no one outside of your order who could talk to her."


"No." Mama nodded silent. But then she sighed. "Certainly no one we can truzt." Before the ghost could answer, the door to Mama's chambers chimed. Mama tensed. "Osssik..." The door chimed again and Mama groaned. "Of all the louzy timing..." She looked at Kaosis. "You know who that isss."


Kaosis sighed and looked annoyed. "Yes...yes I do. I think he's mildly annoyed that I'm here."


"Heh." Mama snorted. "I see where Zhar got her gift for underssstatement from..." She sighed and raised her voice. "Come in Idjit."


The man who came in radiated cold power. As well as a dark, dark rage. "What is SHE doing here?" He asked in a quiet, dangerous tone. Mama sighed.


"Having a polite conversation. It zeemsss your mannerz have fallen by the wayside, boy." The word 'boy' was heated and Idjit flinched. The black cloaked Bladeborn nodded. Then he bowed formally to Kaosis.


Kaosis kept her tongue but her eyes had narrowed. "You are awfully angry with me here Idjit of the Bladeborn..."


Idjit's face went cold, but he kept his tongue as well. Then he nodded. "Considering what Sharlina told me about you. And some of what I have 'seen'... I would be unable to react any other way." He locked his bandaged eye sockets with the ghost's eyes and power crackled between them.


But Mama had heard enough. "Zhut it boy!" She thundered and he actually stepped back from her.


Kaosis raised a brow. "Know what I find amusing about this Mama? He's all after a ghost, for past wounds inflicted on his beloved, but he helped inflict some himself when Trugoy ordered him to."


Idjit recoiled from Kaosis, but then his hands crackled with energy and he raised them towards the ghost, but Mama was in between them. She didn't move, or make a gesture, but he lowered his hands slowly. Mama's voice was soft.


"Ssshe zpeaksss the truth Idjit." The Barabel did not move and Idjit retreated a little. "And you know it." The black cloaked Bladeborn nodded, manifestly against his will.


Kaosis crossed her arms, "He didn't deny it at least, I'll give him credit for that."


Idjit met the ghost's eyes with his bandaged sockets again and sorrow was etched on his features. "How can I deny it? I hurt her. Probably worse than our master did. For all that I WAS happy to see her, I... deceived her. I betrayed her. And now... Now she is paying for my actions."


Kaosis sat silent a moment seeming to stare through Idjit instead of at him. "You could...oh I don't know. Try apologizing."


"She won't hear me!" Idjit screamed, but his face was working as if he was crying. Of course, it was physically impossible for him to. "I have tried... She... She doesn't hear me..."


Mama slumped. "Zhe was trying to cut off her brand, Idjit. To her mind, the people she knew no longer exissst. Zhe..." Mama turned to Kaosis. "Do you think you could talk to her, make her hear you?" Idjit froze.


"Don't do this, Mama." Idjit begged. Mam didn't bother looking at him.


Kaosis looked at Idjit. "You protest this idea?"


"Yes." Idjit’s disdain came across just fine even without eyes. "Damned right I do. You have hurt her enough. As badly as I have, you did worse. She trusted you, she waited for you. She tried to be what you wanted her to be, and you threw her away."


For a moment Kaosis looked crushed, as if the words were a great weight on her. "So all think, though only two know better..."


"Idiot boy." Mama snarled and he looked at her, his bandaged eyes fixed on her. "You are wrong Idjit." Mama turned to Kaosis. “Tell him.” Idjit's head swiveled form one to the other, but he didn't speak.


The ghost stood impassive. “Which part Mama? The one on Istara's programming or...how I gave up someone important to me, and an unborn child to save her; only to find out it was a lie?"


Idjit froze. "What?" His voice was cold, disbelieving.


Mama sighed. "Idjit... You sssee a lot. But you do not zee everything. For once in your life, lisssten. Don't zee, lisssten."


Idjit shook his head, savagely. "This is wrong. You will just hurt her again. Just like you always have." This last was to Kaosis. He turned on his heel and stalked out. Mama looked as if she wanted to follow him, but then she sighed.


Kaosis blinked after him looking sad. "He does not understand. It took a third party to make me understand things. He's far too close to Istara to see things that involve her clearly."


"I know." Mama nodded, but then she was crying. "But... My family is coming apart, the ones I love bessst. I..." She shook herself. "Are you willing to try and talk to your eldezt daughter?"


Kaosis nodded, "I will talk to her."


"Thank you." Mama nodded.

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A voice came from just outside Setie's cell, "Setsuna Andal. May I speak with you?"


Setie had been trying to meditate. She only cracked one glaring green eye open before closing it. She did not care who was at the door, she was not interested in talking to anyone. One might think there was nothing for her to do sitting in a trashed room by herself. She had though been doing a lot of thinking about herself. Thinking on what Mama and Trugoy had told her, deciding what to do about this information they had given her.


She could ignore them she knew, keep going as she had. The thought of people being unknowing slaves to her though turned her stomach. There was no way around it though so long as she interacted with people. There was only one real route open to her and she had been desperately hoping for some other way when she had been interrupted.


She knew though...there was no other course for her really but this.


The door opened,a black cloaked form entered with the door closing and locking behind him. The man's bandaged eyes swept over Setsuna and she could feel his wince, making her wonder what he saw, though she resisted asking.


"I believe silence is a version of answering. In case you didn't know in this case it means 'No'," Setie stated not opening her eyes.


"Shar is dying," The man in black said quietly.


Pain twisted in Setie's heart for a moment. She wanted to jump up and run to her sister, to help her. Instead she forced herself to stay sitting though she let her eyes open enough to fix on Idjit. The first step in any plan, was always the hardest. "Does this look like Medical? I believe you are wanting to speak with Ona, not me. You got your own healer. Let her rely on her real sister. You know since I'm this grand fake," Setie stated coldly. He was after all, there for the same reason anyone sought her out. He didn't want to talk to her specifically, he just wanted her power.


Just like everyone else...


It certainly made her choice a bit easier in some regards.


"You are no fake, I believe your words were 'Go back to your real family'. Well, she did. She left us, for you! In doing so, she hurt herself, apparently by accident. She won't let Ona touch her. We CAN'T help her, she will not let us!" Idjit ground out between clenched teeth his hands already balled into fists.


Setie snorted at that, finding it amusing that he had apparently expected her to jump the minute he mentioned her sister dying. "I'm sorry I suppose next time I should just tell her to jump off a cliff. Maybe that will work better. Either way, none of that explains what her lover is doing pestering me in my cell."


“You are the only person in this base who she might let touch her. You could heal her,” Idjit snapped as if Setie was an aggravating student who was being dense about a lesson.


The red haired took a deep breath then and clasped her hands together in her lap carefully. She doubted Idjit realized that there was a pleading tone hiding in his anger there. She sympathized with him, she truly did. He just wanted to save his beloved, like she had.


She couldn't though. If she did as he begged and saved Shar, it would simply reinforce these chains Trugoy thought she had on her sister. Chains Setie could feel but had no idea how to break.


She closed her eyes then, so she wouldn't have to see the man's face as she clenched her hands together painfully, mentally preparing for the lashing she would get. Be it physical, mental, or emotional.


“No,” Setie stated flatly, refusing for the first time in her life to heal and save someone. It hurt on so many levels but she clung to her decision. She would leave Sharlina's fate to the Force and repeated words Van had told her while taking her to the Shatter.


“You can't save everyone.”


“You...you will do nothing!?” Idjit snapped, part of him sounding shocked though it was again hiding in layers of rage. "Your envy and jealousy are more important than her life? You would begrudge her a moment of happiness because your own was taken from you!?”


His tone had Setie opening her eyes and blinking up at him. She kept the myriad of emotions pressed down though. Trapped in a ball inside her to be released later as she simply stared at him with an unfeeling and cold expression.


Idjit stormed about, as if not sure what to do with himself, the dark side rolling and twisting around him. No doubt tempting him to strike her and Setie had not a doubt that if he hadn't been afraid of what she could do to him, he would have used his fists on her and any other means he had to inflict pain. Beaten her into submission by any means necessary to get her to heal Sharlina.


“YOU are the only family she has now! If you have to be angry or place blame with someone; be angry with me! With Trugoy, with the Empire, with the Emperor, blame the FORCE if you must but DO NOT BLAME HER! Shar has done nothing besides try and get help for you, has protected you, despite your best efforts. The one, ONE , time she relaxed her guard, we took advantage of that. Blame US. Do not blame her!" The seer ranted, the emotions in him battering at Setie like a typhoon.


The girl simply clenched her jaw, being a metaphorical cliff standing against the storm. As impassive and unmoving as ever with her eyes as dead and cold as the stone.


Even storms could shock though, and Setie certainly was when the man hit his knees just out of her reach. Begging with body language as she knew he never would with words.


"She knew nothing of this. We were ordered not to tell her. I... I kept her occupied so she would not find out,” he confessed. Seeing no reaction though had his fists clenching again. “You know betrayal and you know rage. You know loss...but you know nothing of hers!” he hissed at Setie.


Will pushed on will, neither submitting to the other before Idjit finally slumped. The blind man standing and turning for the door. “Your teachers would be proud. So selfish...” he whispered. To drained to speak louder or to make the words cut deeper one couldn't tell. “What a wonderful Sith you have become.”


Setie waited till he was gone before letting the tears run and whispering to no one, "I'm sorry..."


((Posted by Setie))

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Ona was crying softly when Mama opened the door to Medical. The Bothan sat at a desk, her head in her hands. Mama went to the younger Bladeborn and touched her gently on the shoulder. "Ona?" Mama's voice was soft, worried.


"Mama..." The healer met the self appointed Mother of the Bladeborn's gaze and then was suddenly in the Barabel's arms. She cried as she spoke. "No change. She is holding on, but... For how long? She is too weak. I can't... If she goes into shock... We won't be able to get her back again..." Mama hugged the Bothan tight. Ona had managed to pull Sharlina out of shock twice already, and had been hit so hard as to nearly be concussed when Sharlina had woken in the middle of the healers trying to suture the arm. That in and of itself was utterly without precedent. Shar would never hit a healer. Ever.


"Oh Ona..." Mama hugged the Bothan again and spoke softly. "I need to talk to Sssharlina alone. I might... I might be able to get through to her... But I have to do it alone." She wasn't about to expose the sensitive healer to what was likely to happen.


"Wha...?" Ona blinked, not comprehending. "Mama... I have to be here... She is my friend... I have to try..."


"Ona..." Mama shook her head. "If... And I do say 'if'... thiz worksss, thiz room, thisss medical bay, iz going to be awash in emotion very ssshortly. Take a break, get zomething to eat. I will call, if I need you. Or... if..." She broke off, unable to continue.


Ona stiffened in immediate rebellion, her duty to obey warring with her instinct, indeed, her need to heal.


Mama sighed and gave the Bothan a gentle shove. "Ona, go. I... I have to do thisss alone..."


"But..." Ona stared at the Barabel and shook her head. "What can you do that I can't? She won't talk to any of us."


"I am zorry Ona." Mama sighed. "I can't tell you. All I can sssay is that I think it will work. If no one elze isss here." Ona looked at Mama and then sighed.


"I will be back in twenty minutes." The Bothan, her stance dejected, left the bay.


"Ah, Ona..." Mama nodded and then spoke to the open air. "Zhe is a good being. I don't want her hurt any more than ssshe has been by thiz."


Kaosis waited a few more seconds after the door closed to appear. "Stubborn isn't she...wonder if that is an trait with empathy."


"True." Mama shrugged. "It sssure zeemsss that way zometimesss. Are you ready?" She asked quietly.


"As I can be. This will be a hard thing."


The Barabel nodded to the ghost and opened the door in front of her. She slipped in quietly and cleared her throat. The woman known to the Bladeborn as Sharlina lay on a medical bed. her face was as white as the sheets she lay on. One arm was held in a contraption of some kind, and all around the bed, shattered medical gear lay strewn. Fluids puddled on the floor from fallen IV bags and broken monitors and other equipment sputtered. The bedridden woman didn't acknowledge the Barabel, just lay there, trying to get the bandage off of her arm.


Kaosis sighed as she stepped into the room. While her feet didn't actually touch the floor she still walked after all. "You know I remember when you were two you got a cut on your arm and you refused to keep a bandage on that one either. Screamed bloody murder when I held you down and wrapped it up."


The woman in the bed turned cold, dead eyes to the ghost and then turned back to her picking at the bandage. It was doubtful she even saw the ghost as vague as her focus was.


Kaosis sighed and floated over giving Sharlina the look that any mother would recognize as one asking for patience. "Issy...ripping that off will do no good you know."


"Wha...?" The woman in the bed froze. She stared up at the form that now loomed over the bed. Her eyes went wide. She shook her head, and tried to cower away, but she was stymied by the thing her arm was in. "No...." her voice was low, scared.


Kaosis gave a small sad smile then. "Sound like your sister now. Don't worry, you can't hurt me Issy, even if you tried. Others took care of that, remember?"


"No..." The woman in the bed flinched. "My fault... All my fault... Always... My fault...Everything.." She was crying now.


That elected an annoyed snort from Kaosis, "Now you sound like your sister even more." She sat carefully on the bed by her daughter. Even though she was a ghost she made sure not to sit on Shar's legs and the bed still depressed some. "Issy, none of this mess is your fault dear."


“Didn't mean to hurt you... Didn't know... He wouldn't tell me... He lied to me... I..." The brown eyed woman was shaking her head now. "Don't want to hurt any more. Don't want to be mad any more... Don't want to hurt you… again... " Her last word was soft, scared almost. "I'm bad... I know I am..."


"Why do you say that Issy? I do not see a bad soul from where I sit," Kaosis said in a soothing tone.


"i hated you. It wasn't me, but I hated you. I hurt you. I wanted you dead. I... I believed. I trusted. I...." The woman in the bed broke off crying again. But then she calmed herself. "I was stupid. I did what Amirg wanted me to do. I hurt you. I would have killed you." She repeated slowly.


Kaosis sat silent for a moment thinking. "Do you know why Amirg wanted you to hurt me Issy?"


"Uh..." The younger woman shook her head, and she grimaced a bit but focused on Kaosis. "Grandmaster said because of Setsuna. I don't believe it. He lies... He lied to me..." The hurt of a woman whose one truth in life had betrayed her peeked out of her eyes.


Kaosis grinned a bit, "Do you know when I met Setie's father?"


The woman in the bed blinked. She hadn't expected that question. "Uh... no..." She said in a confused voice.


"Ilum...seems he was a sucker for a damsel in distress," Kaosis said, her tone was far off as if reliving a happy memory.


"What?" The confused woman blinked at the ghost. "Then... What I did... Caused... Setie...?" Her voice was very confused now. "But..." She tried to wrap her mind around that.


Kaosis smiled then, "It is something seers and others often forget about visions. Sometimes all you need to do for them not to come true, is nothing."


"Mom..." Shar blinked at the shade of her mom. "I... I need your help..." Her voice was small.


Kaosis raised a brow at that. "With?"


The woman known to the Bladeborn as Shar slumped. "I have followed the rules of the Bladeborn Order ever since I was sixteen. If I don't do this, they will never let me go. And I can never help Setsuna. I need the bandage off." An indrawn breath came from near the door, but she held her mother’s ghostly gaze.


Kaosis sniffed. "Cutting your arm off certainly isn't going to help Setie either though."


The woman in the bed shook her head and grimaced a bit, but held her mother's gaze. "I didn't mean to cut so deep. I am not going to cut it off. Just the first three layers of skin on my forearm. It's mostly off anyway. But if they put it back on..."


"Dear, there is only three layers of skin on any human's forearm...I think," Kaosis frowned some but seemed to be thinking. "I'm afraid I can't help pull it off, Issy. However... If it comes off will you let them treat you? Otherwise you are liable to bleed to death."


"Um, i am loopy..." Mama was shaking her head, but she remained silent. The younger Andal met her mom's gaze calmly. "I should be more clear. Three layers of epidermal tissue. The part where the brand is. And yes, if it comes off... I will let them treat me. If they will..."


Kaosis looked over at Mama, obviously expecting the lizard to protest or something. Mama looked from the bedridden woman to the ghost and her face was sad. Tears were falling, but she just slumped. The Barabel’s voice was filled with pain when she spoke.


"It isss her choice..." The wounded woman didn't look at the Barabel, but her face was sad as well.


Kaosis then looked at her daughter. "Will you let her help Issy, since I cannot?"


"Mom?" The younger woman looked at her mom. "Do you trust her? My judgment... sucks..." The Barabel recoiled as if struck.


Kaosis gave an understanding smile then. "Yes I do. Us mother's have an...innate understanding."


Shar nodded. The device holding her arm clicked and opened. She extended her arm without looking at the Barabel. Mama came forward, unwillingly. She took the arm in gentle fingers and, with a gentle claw, curt the bandage off. The raw red wound gaped and a flap of skin was lying over it, the brand prominent on it. Mama hissed a bit, and then looked at Shar.


"Thisss will hurt." Shar ignored her. Mama stopped. "Sharlina..." The woman in the bed looked at the Barabel for the first time.


"My name is Istara."

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Ona had been in again, but then had left. And between the drugs and the healing the Bothan had done, Istara was floating. But she was content. She hurt, a lot. But that was to be expected. She had cut a lot deeper than she had planned. But the physical pain was only the smallest part of it.


"Mom...?" She asked quietly. The Barabel had stormed out after doing what was needed and seeing the healing started, but had left the red crystal where it was inconspicuous. But that wasn’t who she was talking to.


A breeze seems to brush at Istara's hair, "I'm here honey." The form of Istara’s mother, her spirit anyway, appeared sitting beside the bedridden woman.


"I'm sorry Mom... " Istara's eyes glistened. "I am so, so sorry..."


"You have nothing to be sorry for dear. You've had it rough and did your best through everything life has thrown at you." Istara shook her head. She knew, she didn’t think, she knew that her actions had hurt her mom, physically and emotionally.


"I hurt you. I hated you. And you did nothing to me but try to help... How could you stand me? I was such a whiny little fool..." Istara slumped. She had been such a twit…


Kaosis smiled some at that, "A mother's love knows no bounds, no rules, and no such thing as a child that hates them. Something many Sith forget it seems." Istara blinked, and her eyes filled. Part of it was the drugs, of course. Her natural resistance to emotions and such was suppressed while she was doped up. But part of it was the calm acceptance that she felt from her mother’s ghost.


Istara nodded slowly. But then she frowned. "What can I do, Mom? I want to help Setie, but I don't know how. I am no healer. I... I am a killer. It's all I am good at..." Again the feeling of a hand brushing her hair came. The Force was good for moving things, and not just big ones.


"A killer? I think not. You are a protector, my little Issy. You always have been. Right now Setie is just like you. She's feeling lost and scared. You cannot help her right now though in your current state. You need to focus on yourself for a little while just like Setie does."


"I know." Istara sighed. "But... It's hard. I want to hold her and tell her everything is going to be all right. But I don't know if it will be. I never should have brought her here. All it did was hurt her." She hadn’t thought it through. She had been so happy to be going home after so long, she hadn’t realized what would happen when Setie came here. And Setie was in trouble now because of it.


"You had the best intentions, she knows that. She's simply to hurt to see and that was not from you."


"Yes." Istara nodded., her face impassive. But behind her facade was anger. "I don't understand. She wasn't manipulating me, was she? I didn't feel any manipulation, and usually I do when I get hit with things like that." Her face turned a bit pensive. "I have had it happen to me often enough to recognize the feeling..."


"That depends entirely on one's...definition of manipulation," Kaosis said with a frown.


"Well..." Istara blinked. "My definition of manipulation is making me do something I don’t want to. Is that... That wasn't what she was doing. She never... I don't know. I liked her from the moment I met her, yes, but that wasn't her power, was it?"


"Technically, if she wanted it could be. You know Setie though, do you think she would do that?"


"Huh?" Istara shook her head. "No. She wouldn’t do that. Unless..." She broke off, struck by a sudden thought. "Unless she is pushed over the edge again..."


"Really? I seem to recall she went on a bloody rampage rather like you do when livid," Kaosis said looking curious.


"Mom, there is little I don't know about anger." There was no bravado, just sadness in Istara's voice. "She was pushed over the edge. When I faced her on the Fate Shatter... it was her, and... it wasn’t. It was like I get, got... Aw, you know what I mean..." Istara grimaced as she couldn’t quite find the words to say what she meant, but Kaosis just smiled gently.


"Yes I do," the elder Andal said. "Setie's...abilities are more symptoms really."


Istara looked at the shade. "Symptoms of... wait..." She stiffened. "Oh no..." Istara's voice was flat now. "The Bladeborn will hold her until the Empire sends someone for her. We have to get her out of here..." Istara sat up and hissed. She cradled her bandaged arm close. The healers had done their best, but no matter what, the injury she had done to herself was nowhere near healed.


"You are in no condition to go anywhere Issy," Kaosis looked amused then. "Besides, surely you realize that getting out of prisons is something Setie has been doing for years. She grew up in one after all, she'd best know how to escape one."


"Yeah, but..." Istara nodded. But she was still trying to get up. "I... What should I do, Mom? I want to help. But... this isn't something I have trained for..."


"I would say first things first dear. You need to rest and recover from almost wanking off your arm."


"I have to help Setie... I... Aw crap..." She slumped back onto the bed, panting. "You are right, Mom... I need rest..." Istara lay back and closed her eyes. "You won't be here when I wake, will you?" Her voice was flat again.


Kaosis looked sad at that. "I afraid not dear. I have a feeling your boy is going to be making sure I'm away. He doesn't like me very much and I can't blame him given what all he's heard."


"From me..." Istara sighed sadly. "And he isn't likely to even hear me now that I have cast all ties away..."


Kaosis sat silent for a moment before a secretive grin crossed her face. "You can never know until you try. Stranger things have happened after all...like a Jedi and a Sith falling in love."


Istara grinned at that. Then her face fell. "I..." She blinked and didn't continue. She wanted to know, but didn't know how to ask. Luckily, her mom was no fool.


Kaosis raised a brow and gave a sad smile. "Yes I loved your father too. I mourned him for years after he died. Felt horrible at first because I thought I was betraying him...and you..."


"Well..." Istara shook her head. "From what little I know, you didn't have many alternatives. And I didn't help..." Her voice was rueful.


"It was more you did not understand. He died when you were so small. Then all I had was you and I made you the center of my universe. I did what I could and felt terrible when I couldn't give you what you wanted."


"How did you put up with me?" Istara smiled, no it was a grin. "I was SUCH a brat, wasn't I? Well, it’s taken a long time, but I think maybe I have started growing up."


Kaosis looked sad again, "I think both of you girls had to grow up far too quick. If I had been stronger perhaps neither of you would have suffered."


Istara shook herself. "It’s a tossup who is stronger in my opinion. You or Setie... Both of you leave me in your dust. Mom, you did what you could. You are not perfect, even seers aren't..." Old pain showed in Istara's eyes for a moment. “It wasn't your fault that the deck was stacked against you. And us."


"No that certainly wasn't my fault. I could have however been wiser in my choices. Seems with my loved ones I never see or think clearly."


"Mom, I forgive you." Istara's voice was slurring now as she finally succumbed to the painkillers and her own exhaustion. "You did the best you could. Will I see you again?"


Kaosis seemed to ponder this as she bent her will into her hand. Gently brushing her daughters hair from her face like she use to when the girl was small. "Someday I think. Rest Issy and remember I love you."


"I love you too, mom..." Suddenly, something reverberated in the Force. Something loud and dark. "Oh boy..." Istara said on the edge of sleep. "Mama Lizard's mad..." But then she was asleep.


Kaosis smiled some then. "I believe Trugoy is being reminded that messing with a mother's youngling is never a good idea." She brushed her wounded daughter’s hair one final time, and then vanished.

Edited by kalenath
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The door to the hall slammed open and stayed that way. The two crumbled forms outside stirred weakly as the Barabel known to the Bladeborn as Mama Lizard stormed into the hall.


“I would ssspeak to you, Trugoy. If you have the time.” Her polite words were at complete odds to the look on her face and all of the Bladeborn who had been in the hall listening to Trugoy’s teaching shied away from her. Everything seemed to stop. No noise, no nothing. Every eye was on the small brown grandmaster and the huge Barabel that was now stopping in front of him.


“I am busy Mama.” Trugoy sounded unruffled, but the Barabel smiled. More than one of the hard, tough warriors in the hall stepped back from her smile. The anger in it flowed around the room as if alive.


“Get unbuzy.” Now all the eyes were worried. Many of the younger Bladeborn faces showed fear. No one talked like that to the Grandmaster, nobody. The only time anyone ever was so rude was… Trugoy spoke. Calm, cool, unemotional.


“Why?” He asked quietly. Mama snarled at him, a dark and scary sound.


“You dare asssk that? You are playing with uz, asss you play with everything elze. Thisss iz nothing more than a game to you. Move a piece, lossse a piece. Deztroy a piece for your own endz. Ignore a piece and let it be taken. I ssswore when you made me yield to you that I would zerve the clan. That I would protect the clan, from you asss much az from any outssside force.” Trugoy stared at her. “You claim <Honor> az one of your tenetsss? Well, here iz your honor, fool…” She threw something to his feet. It landed with a wet splat and unrolled. More than one of the watching Bladeborn recoiled as they realized it was a large bloody piece of skin. And on it, was the recognizable brand of a MasterBlade of the Bladeborn. Mama’s voice held endless pain now.


“You have deztroyed the child of my heart. Sssharlina is lozt to usss now!” A horrified gasp came from around the room, but Trugoy didn’t move. Mama continued in a much calmer voice. “I love that girl. And you have hurt her more than anything in her life haz. Worssse than her firzt massster or her mother even… And why? Zo you could… Play. Your. Politicsss. Come then, Grandmazter fool. If you mussst play your game… Come play it with me…!”


She drew her twin huge vibroaxes, and everyone stepped back. No one drew anything other than training weapons in the presence of the Grandmaster. Not unless they wanted to... Trugoy bowed his head and spoke quietly.


“Challenge accepted.”


Idjit’s cold voice came. “Circle. Now.”


The Bladeborn changed from the serried ranks to stand around the edges of the hall. The cavern had been chosen because it was large and fairly circular. Years of patient work had made it very close to a perfect circle. After all, there were always punishments to be handed out, and what better way to learn patience than by cutting rock with a small brush, a grain at a time? And, as in ancient times, the hall was meant for many things. Meeting place, teaching circle, courtroom, combat arena. Trials by combat were rare, but not unknown. And the Bladeborn did things the old way. Anyone could challenge for leadership of the Order. But…


Other Bladeborn filtered in and took positions along the wall until every single member of the clan who was on base and not on duty was there as witnesses. Mama stepped to one side of the circle, her face a rictus of rage. Trugoy didn’t seem to move, but suddenly, he was there as well. He dropped his cloak and moved away from it. It levitated out of the ring, but all of his focus was on the enraged Barabel before him. For a long moment, the two antagonists just stood, sizing each other up. The dichotomy was extreme. On one side, Mama’s huge green form was quivering with rage, and she fairly bristled with Dark Side energy. On the other, Tugoy was so still it was uncanny. He didn’t move, didn’t speak, and didn’t take his eyes off his opponent. A minute dragged into two, and then three, but neither moved. No one dared make a sound. Then Mama was in motion. She drove towards Trugoy, an enraged howl spilling from her mouth as she charged. Everything about her spoke of berserker rage.


Trugoy stood and waited. He waited, and waited and waited. It seemed as if the twin vibroaxes would cut him in half, but then, he was gone. Mama, apparently no longer berserk, turned her strikes and met two silver bladed sabers with a contemptuous swat. Her tail connected to something barely seen and Trugoy went flying. He landed on his feet however and dashed back to meet Mama’s second charge. Vibroaxes and lightsabers met in dazzling arcs of power.


In some ways it was a classic battle, speed versus strength. Mama’s sheer power versus Trugoy’s blinding feints and parries. But in others, it was anything but. Flashes of power lit the area. And more than one of the Bladeborn witnesses flinched back as lightning and other more horrible things flew. Once, Trugoy seemed to slip and Mama took a huge bite, but only seemed to catch his robes. For her trouble, she received a slash across her snout that had her roaring again, louder. Then Mama seemed to slow a bit and Trugoy pressed his advantage, but he met a tail again and went flying. He hit the wall above the witnesses and kicked off, flying back into the fray.


Again and again, the two combatants circled, parried, slashed and swung. But neither could gain any advantage. Then a flash of metal and Mama froze as the hilt of a throwing knife appeared on her arm scales. She snorted.


“You usssed that poizon lassst time, fool…” Then she was pounding away at Trugoy again, who backpedaled. Her blows might have been a bit slower, just bit more sluggish, but they were no less powerful.


Then Trugoy froze and jumped away from a dual strike that would have cut him in half. He stared at the Barabel and his eyes widened. He would have spoken, but she didn’t give him time, she was on him. She connected and he went flying again. This time however, he did not land well. He slid, as if stunned and Mama was charging. Trugoy jumped to his feet and the air around his hands eddied and swirled as he summoned the Force. Mama saw what he was doing and stopped her charge to follow suit.


“Brace!” Idjit shouted as the two combatants unleashed their power at each other. The Bladeborn witnessing the battle grabbed hold of anything handy, the wall, the floor, each other as the Force literally exploded in the circle. Idjit stood, unmoved as the shock wave passed, and then he slumped. Both forms lay on the floor, slammed away from each other. It looked as if both had used the same ability at the same time. He didn’t react as the brown form rose first.


Trugoy shook his head as if to clear it. One arm hung useless, but a lightsaber flew to his other hand. He walked to where the Barabel was lying. Her axes were far away. A motion with the lightsaber and she was rolled over, but he stopped as he saw her crying. Her voice was sad.


“Do it, Trugoy. Zhow how mighty a Sssith you are now. I can’t ztop you. I can’t keep you from dessstroying everything I worked zo hard to build. Go ahead, ssstrike me down.” She bowed her head. “You have taken everything elze from me. My name, my home, my adopted daughter, my honor… Go ahead, take my life… I thought… I thought you were different. I wasss wrong. You are a Zith… Do what your preciousss <Honor> demandz.” A breath drew in around the room. The challenge for Grandmaster of the Order was only ever settled when one combatant died. Trugoy stared at her. Then, in a move that amazed everyone in the room, he deactivated his lightsaber and threw it away. His voice was soft.


“No. No… You were right. I have been a fool. All I could see was the darkness coming off that girl. All I could do was try and stave it off. I never realized… That my own foolishness would be the cause of much of it. That I would be the cause … I never looked beyond what I sensed in her, to what I should have sensed in her… To what you sensed… The time has come to find new ways, better ways… To face this coming darkness. I should have known that Shar wasn’t… couldn’t…” He sighed and nodded to Mama. “Rise, Bra-Thana of Clan Nor, warrior of Barab.” Mama stared at him, dumbfounded as he spoke her old name. Names had power, especially on Barab. He had taken it so long ago… And in saying it now, he gave it back to her… She shook her head, dumbfounded, wary of a trick. She didn’t move from the floor.


“My clan is dead. I… I killed them all…” Her voice was low, toneless. Trugoy nodded.


“You did not intend to. It was an accident. But there is a clan that needs you. That needs your guidance. That needs you to give them a swift kick in the tail at times. Any of them, from initiate to Grandmaster.” Mama stared at him. The Bladeborn watched. “This clan needs your guidance. We, I… need your guidance. We need our Mama.” And to the amazement of everyone in the room, tears fell from Trugoy’s eyes as he held out a small hand. Mama stared at his tears, and then she sighed.


“If you ever hurt one of my kidz that badly, that ssstupidly again, I will kill you and damn the cozt.” She took Trugoys’s hand and rose slowly. She hissed as one leg didn’t support her weight, but something invisible held her upright. Trugoy shook his head as he started to lead her away from the ring, towards Medical.


“If I ever make such a mistake again, I hope you do… Now, we need to try and fix this…”

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The first spike of the Force echoing from Mama through the halls of the base had Setie giving a relieved sigh. She hadn't moved from her spot after Idjit left, instead doing her best to rest and recharge herself. She would need the rest to get out of here.


As the spike eased away, leaving only ripples two green eyes as Setie smirked a bit. “Finally,” she said. “Thought they would never get to it.”


It was a universal fact with Sith, any Sith, and though the Bladeborn might have been odd, they were still Sith. When you had a disagreement between Sith, eventually it would evolve into a physical fight. Violence was ever the way of Sith everywhere, no matter how they painted it.


When the fight was between to Sith who effectively were the co-rulers of a group, you had a nice big distraction. Exactly what Setie needed.


She wasn't a complete fool. She knew she was not good enough in combat situations to go fighting through the entirety of the Bladeborn base. One or two of the warriors she could manage, but not the normal amount that would be wandering the corridors.


Setie knelt down as green eyes glared at the offending lock on her door. She didn't have anything to jimmy the old fashion manual lock but she did have the Force. Something people seemed to forget about her. Just because she had such amazing abilities did not mean she didn't possess some of the more mundane ones.


Carefully she pushed and pulled at the internal mechanisms, keeping her ear tuned for any reactions from the guard in the hallway. She sensed nothing though as the lock finally let out a soft click. Likely the armored figure was distracted by the erratic torrents ripping through the Force.


Setie almost wanted to see that fight. She would rather have her freedom though.


Mentally counting and preparing herself for a fight Setie kicked the door, flinging it open and following it with a force push right away. The guard was completely surprised and rammed into the wall behind them, she kept her feet though and rolled back into a standing posture. She raised their pike to a ready position.


The Mon Cal jabbed the end of the pike at Setie, the electrical charge cracking that would knock her out instantly if she got hit with it. Instead of dodging away though Setie stomped at the tip. The rubber sole of her boot protecting her as the end jabbed into it. The guard and Setie locking in a mild struggle over the pike, though the guard was slowly winning with a better stance and more muscle.


Setie didn't want the pike to use though. She pitched her weight forward, forcing the pike to the floor and effectively stepping in to close for the bladeborn to bring the stunting head of the pike to bear.


She shifted her weight again, releasing the pike and using the same foot to kick that helmeted head into the wall with a clang. It wouldn't stop the guard long but it would stunt for a few seconds.


Setie wasn't escaping unscathed though. The pole of the pike smashed into her side making the red head grunt in pain. Though meant to stab and stunt the pike was still useful as a club.


The second swing of the pike had Setie catching it again, this time with her hands and she grabbed the shaft itself. Muscles strained for a moment before Setie threw her weight backwards and towards the floor, flipping the unsuspecting bladeborn and causing them to lose their grip on the pike completely.


Both fighters scrambled to their feet, the bladeborn losing their helmet in the process and having to freeze as the crackling point of their own force pike presented itself inches from their face.


Setie panted a bit but didn't take her eyes of the Mon Calamari in front of her. She noted it was the same one from when Mama had taken her off for tea and wondered how much time she had till people discovered her escape.


The alien Bladeborn seemed to take the pike in her face in stride. She said nothing, obviously waiting for Setie to simply finish it and drive the pike into her skull.


The green eyed girl snarled at that. “No one else dies for me,” she snapped prompting a confused (at least she thought so) look from the amphibious warrior.


Setie spun the pike, putting considerable muscle into the blow as the butt end cut across Tiana's face. The bladeborn crashed to the floor like a pile of bricks, unconscious.


The red head dropped the pike after that as she headed down the hall. It was far to heavy for her anyway, though her saber should be stashed somewhere nearby.


True to prison form she found a small store room nearby. A few minutes of searching turned up her saber, the knife her sister had given her, and the red crystal of her mother's. She raided the rest of the room for different clothes, opting for dirty or torn ones so she would look more like a refugee or just another weary traveler. She grabbed not only a cowl with a deep hood but also a scarf, wrapping it around her face to better hide the back marks on it. The less people could see of her face the better.


Reminding herself that her time was limited Setie was quick to get moving again. Aside from the change of clothes and her meager possessions she took nothing. Nothing that might be recognized or traced. She had no money but she would make due.


As she reached the garage area she could feel the upheaval caused by the fight slowing down, the Force settling back to how it had been though without the tension of hostility cracking in it.


Setie simply ran to the first swoop bike she saw, thanking the Force that the Bladeborn didn't believe in locking up activation codes. It took her a couple minutes to figure out the controls and she was painful aware that people would start moving around the base. Any minute someone might come in and spot her.


No one did, and as the swoop finally moved across the hot sands, taking Setie back to the port, she let out another relieved sigh. Nothing but desert between her and getting off the planet, away from everyone. Away from the games of power and prestige that all sith played for the Emperor's favor.


She was done. Done being some play thing everyone fought over. Done with people either fearing her or pitying her. Done with liars, both intended and not.


Still she did feel a bit of sadness as she looked over her shoulder back at the rocky terrain that hid the Bladeborn. She was sad to leave the only family she had left behind. The only friend she had been left with after Jan and Marik...


“Goodbye...Sister...” she whispered letting the last couple tears she would allow herself to shed over the matter fly off her face to disappear in the brutal sands alone.


((posted by Setie))

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<Eight hours later>


When Istara Andal woke, she was conscious of scrutiny. She hurt. Her arm felt like it was on fire, but she ignored it. She opened her eyes and blinked slightly at the form sitting beside her bed. He wasn’t anyone she knew. He was watching her closely, very closely. He wasn’t in robes, and he didn’t feel like a Force user. She sighed. When she spoke it was soft, almost gentle, but underneath lay steel.


“Hasn’t anyone ever told you that staring at people is rude?” The man smiled a bit and inclined his head slightly. His voice was slightly ironic.


“Yes, Ma’am.” He said quietly. She snorted.


“And yet you keep doing it.” He nodded. Istara snorted. “You are either brave, or crazy, or both…” he smiled.


“I have been called that and worse Ma’am.” Istara sighed and looked around. She was in the same room. It still bore some marks of her rage. He didn’t speak again and Istara sighed as she sat up. Something was wrong, but her sleep befuddled mind refused to see it.


“Well..." Istara shook her head and continued. "Since I don't know you, I assume you are the sacrificial nerf sent in to see if I am sane.” The man stared at her and then laughed.


“I have no idea. One of the healers grabbed me and told me, quote ‘Sit with her until she wakes up’. I have no idea what is going on here. I recognize you from descriptions I have heard but…” He glanced at her bandaged arm. “Things have changed, haven’t they?” His voice was neutral. Istara nodded.


“My name is Istara Andal.” There was no point in subterfuge now. The man nodded politely.


“Cole Shanas, sorry for the discourtesy, but…” Istara snorted.


“You didn’t know if I would wake up raving or trying to tear your head off.” Cole nodded and Istara shrugged, wincing slightly as her motion pulled her arm. “I won’t. I am not that far gone. Yet anyway.” Cole nodded to her and extended a glass to her. She took it carefully and sipped. Water, but with something else. She looked at him and he raised his hands.


“You think they are going to tell me?” Istara sighed. She needed fluids, yes, and if the Bladeborn wanted to drug her, there really wasn’t any way to… She froze as the door opened and the black furred form of the Bothan healer came in. Ona spoke softly.


“It’s not drugs. Its protein enhanced, and energy filled. Even with the kolto dip, you will need it.” Istara didn’t respond or even acknowledge the healer and Ona sighed. She came to the bedside and touched Istara’s arm, which suddenly hurt a lot less. Ona slumped and Cole steadied her, but the Bothan’s eyes were on Istara. “I know you are mad, and you have reason to be. But… You are not alone.” Istara might have been made of rock for all the response she gave and Ona sighed. She left silently. Cole stared after her, and then at Istara.


“That was rude. She has driven herself crazy trying to heal you.” Cole kept his tone cool though. Istara looked at him and he recoiled from her regard.


“Where is Setsuna?” She asked, suddenly remembering why she had cut off her brand. Cole stiffened.


“Who?” Istara looked at him and then tensed. She didn’t sense any duplicity from him. He didn’t know. But she felt something, something was wrong. Very wrong. Setsuna was nowhere nearby. And when she focused on the link she had with her half sister… She sat up and Cole stared at her as she started pulling medical gear off of herself. Alarms went off, but she ignored them. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a second…”


Cole didn’t try to stop her, just backed away. Which was smart of him. Istara got her feet on the floor, and while her head spun, she managed to keep her feet. She took a moment to steady herself before starting for the door. It opened before she got there and a black cloaked man was standing there.


Istara snarled at him. “Get out of my way.” The man didn’t respond, just laid a bundle on the table beside the door, turned and left. On inspection, the bundle was clothes and armor. Istara stared at it, and then at herself. She was clad in a patient gown and nothing else. She snorted, pulled the gown off and threw it at Shanas who looked flabbergasted. She started pulling on her clothing, noting that it WAS her clothing. Someone had been in her stuff, er… Sharlina’s stuff, it seemed. Well… it didn’t really matter. After all, everything Sharlina had owned belonged to the Bladeborn after all. As she was strapping on the last of the armor, the door hissed open again and the Barabel known as Mama Lizard was standing there. A flexicast was on one leg but the lizard woman moved well. She laid another bundle beside the door and paused. Istara looked at the being she had called mother for most of her life and her eyes filled. It was forbidden for a dead Bladeborn to be acknowledged by a live one. But she couldn’t… She didn’t… Mama held out her arms and Istara went into them, for what both knew was likely the last time. Mama spoke softly, for Istara’s ears alone.


“Sssetsssuna essscaped while I ‘talked’ to the grandmassster.” Istara stiffened but Mama wasn’t done. “Ssshe knocked out the guard, ssstole a sssswoop and was ssseen riding away. Issstara… My name is Bra-thana. I will remember you, my clan daughter. If you truly mussst... Die well.” Istara’s eyes were burning now, but she nodded and returned the hug. Then she stepped back and bowed formally. The Barabel did as well, if a little stiff. Istara picked up her lightsabers, but she left the vibroblades where they lay. They were no part of her now. It hurt to leave them, but… she had to. The dead had no reason to carry souls after all. She started off through the medical bay, and no one was in sight. She nodded. To the clan, she was dead already. Now it was just a matter of where and when. And helping her sister.


A black shadow watched as Istara selected a swoop and took off, following her sister. He bowed his head, but a soft sound came from nearby. He turned to see Mama standing there, a sad look on her face.


“We need to find a better way. If not for Issstara, then for the ressst of usss. I know, boy…” He opened his mouth but she spoke before Idjit could. “Go.” He stiffened, but she smiled. “It’s not like you were not planning to anyway. Go.” Idjit nodded and moved towards a swoop of his own. Even blind he was a better pilot than many. Now though, he had to follow Istara without seeming to follow Istara. Good thing he didn’t like easy…

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Setie looked about the port carefully, pulling at the scarf around her face to make sure it wasn't going anywhere. Languages and voices clashing as folks bartered with ship captains for transport.


Someone bumped into her, making Setie glad she had the scarf wrapped in such a way as to keep the hood up on her head. So long as she remembered not to look anyone in the eye she would be able to keep her face hidden.


“Quit gawking at everyone and move boy!” the burly port worker barked at her before moving on.


Setie blinked after him a moment before looking down at herself. She had not really given much thought to the clothes she grabbed being big on her. After all, she had always been on the petite side of things. However what she had grabbed was so baggy on her that she looked rather like some urchin boy.


“Move kid! You're in the way!”


Apparently a young urchin boy but still an urchin since she was dirty and looked to have nothing of actual value. She kept the credits from selling the stolen swoop and her lightsaber hidden under her clothes while her knife was tucked safely away in a boot.


Setie dodged out of the way of the second worker as she did her best to study the ships docked. One might have thought she was looking for one to find work on, or maybe looking for a captain to bargain with.


Reality was of course, a bit different.


Finally she heard what she had been listening and looking for. The call for workers to back away and crew to get their rears on a ship or be left behind. She crept towards the ship casually as crew member dashed up the ramp while dock workers cleared out. No one noticed as she seemed to silently melt away into nothing. With no force users to feel the sudden bending of the Force in the docks it was easy for Setie to blend in and follow the crew right onto their own ship, not a soul of them any of the wiser.


The crew chatted and joked among themselves. One of them yelled and griped at another when some crates they had thought secured fell over on their own. None of them noticed the ventilation cover shift and pull off only a moment later to secure itself again.


Releasing her hold on the Force Setie let out a long breath, blinking out of the grate at the crew below in case she needed to evacuate her hiding spot. They simply secured the crates she had knocked over again and chatted on about where they were going and some of the sights they wanted to see, things they wanted to do, friends and family they wanted to visit.


She would change ships when she could. Stick with shabbier freighters that were likely owner operated or owned by small companies. One's that likely lacked tougher security systems that would require expensive tools to get around. She needed to save her credits for food, water, and other basics after all. She couldn't steal to much from a ship's stores without attracting attention.


She didn't care where the ship was going. Had no intentions of asking anyone where any of the ships would be going. She would simply take the first ship she saw departing a port. If she didn't like the feel of the port they landed in she would stay on board and get off when she felt she could.


It wasn't the safest plan, but it would be very hard for anyone to track her. Without a plan of travel, she'd be impossible to predict the route of.


Maybe someday she would stop wandering, stop running. For now though she would keep moving. Speak to no one if she could help it and draw no attention to herself.


Maybe somewhere in all that traveling, she'd find a way to put herself back together after being so shattered.


((The End))


((Posted by Setie))

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