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Golgohasht Bounty Hunter Channel


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Hello, Im Golgohasht, a Bounty Hunter, class: powertech from the server Prophecy of the Five.

Active at the guild: The Firm, thats for my introduction :3

I just invite you all to see my channel, I started 3 weeks ago making my 1st video, showing the gamplay of my class, some wz or just some cool different scenes (all in pvp), with a cool and original music.

I try to improve the quality of my videos every week; I just have 5 videos right now, and soon Ill be commenting about some others stuff related to the game, always in the pvp side, including rated warzones :D.

If you want to check my channel Ill be more than happy, Ty for your time. I appreciate all the comments!




If you have a Swtor channel, and want to box 4 box, send me a pm in my channel. We can help us each other and helps this game grow.


Golgogaming out ... GG! :)

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