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What playable races?


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So i was thinking what races they should add and came up with ideas:








Yuuzhan Vong

EDIT: Kaleesh

EDIT: Jawa


Look these up if you dont know what they are. Give me some more ideas.

Edited by Zenphose
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So i was thinking what races they should add and came up with ideas:

Whill Can't find image to have opinion of

Rodian No opinion.

Gungan No no no no no no no no no no no no no no

Cathar Going to be added

Aqualish No opinion

Bith These look stupid

Yuuzhan Vong No no no no no no that doesn't happen during this time setting


Look these up if you dont know what they are. Give me some more ideas.


See red.

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So i was thinking what races they should add and came up with ideas:


Whill if by them you mean the rumord name of the yoda species then that was denied by GL as their name, the are simply known as a order and not a race

Rodian maybe they are in game

Gungan highly unlikely dont know if they have been found and are considerd anoying by many

Cathar they are in

Aqualish unlikely

Bith again unlikly

Yuuzhan Vong extreamly unlikly as a playable race they have yet to enter Sw space


Look these up if you dont know what they are. Give me some more ideas.



kel dor (maybe)

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I always felt that Gungan's got a bad rap because of Jar Jar. When you look at them as a race they had so much potential to be kickass but Jar Jar kind of screwed that over. I wouldn't mind having an option to play as a Gungan.


Yeah, i felt like nobody liked them because they starred this idiot Gungan.

Edited by Zenphose
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Greetings everyone!


We have a few active threads on playable species with suggestions and polls that you may be interested in. We are going to go ahead and close this thread and ask that you please continue this discussion in one of the following:


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