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Guarding Tactics in PvP


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I'm (relatively) new to PvP tanking (usually play dps melee). I have a level 50 Vanguard on an RP server that I've done very well with in PvP and recently rolled a new toon on a PvP server with the intent of (hopefully) having more of a challenge and thereby learning more.


On my level 50 toon I consistently have the highest guard numbers (or pretty close). To be fair this was in the <50 bracket- I haven't played level 50 PvP much and our server is now PvP-less with the transfer. I was never , EVER faulted for not doing my job as a tank. Not once.


Today, on my new PvP server, guarding with my Iron Fist specced level 14 Vanguard, someone complained that I wasn't guarding. In fact I'd (tried anyway) to keep guard up constantly on the healers (first one let me die - repeatedly, so I switched to another who did a better job and I lived a little longer between deaths).


At the end of the match - the person complaining I wasn't guarding (I think he was a commando but I can't be sure) further added insult to injury by stating he had "outguarded" me with just his taunts (which I don't have yet).


I don't care that he "outguarded me", but, being the sensitive (yet very competitive) female I am, wanting to get better at what I do - I am asking those PvP tanks out there this:


Do you keep your guard up on the healers at all time? Or, do you switch to multiple targets whose health you see dipping dangerously low (I do do this now and then if it's easy for me to target the person and re target the healer. But I'm not an expert with keyboard layouts so this is not an easy/common thing for me).


I probably shouldn't let it get to me - perhaps he was griping because I wasn't guarding him. And it doesn't matter to me if i have the most points in guarding as long as I do my job. But I'd like to hear how others approach this...



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Don't let it get to you. If this guy cannot understand that you don't have the taunts at level 14, that's his own problem. I suggest /ignore him, and let him get a self-induced headache over nothing.


You're doing just fine with throwing you guard on at least 1 person. When I play huttball on my tank, I barely ever guard someone unless they have the ball. Mostly I just use my tanking stance to absorb tons of damage and just walk right through the opponents. However, doing the others, just guard one person and stick with them.

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It's okay to stick with someone, but if another person is getting focus fired, guard him instead. And, taunt the main damage dealers. This includes Pyro powertechs, Marauders, Concealment operatives, or anyone launching a powerful AoE.
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With me as a DPS guardian, I:

Guard whoever is important

Change to Soresu form

Run in an use Challenging call to taunt everyone

Use the move to lower threat generation

Finally, I use Saber ward to absorb much of it.


Point is, It's all about absorbancy.

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Thanks all for your replies. When I have the taunts -- I try to use them at every opportunity - as mentioned by monkgryphon, I don't have them on this toon yet.


Like I said my main issues was what were my obligations to toons other than the healer?


I think, overall you guys confirmed for me - it's ok to keep the healer (or hutball carrier) as your prime target. I the instances where I can easily target someone low in health -- I will switch to aid that person -- but I think what I am hearing is, I'm not obligated to re-target every person that is in trouble.


I'm just not THAT good ;) Not yet anyway :D


Thanks again everyone for your help!!

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My wife and I play together, She's a Sage and I'm a tank speced Shadow. She gets my guard exclusively 100% of the time, not because she's my wife but because she's one of the best healers I've seen and when we work together I've seen it turn the tide of a match. I guess all i'm trying to say is find a good healer and guard them If they keep you up they keep themselves up and the whole team benefits.
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I like to switch alot. If I see my healer just in the back not taking dmg, I'll go ahead and switch to someone that needs help.


The only thing that drives me crazy is a tank guarding a tank. Defeats the whole purpose of a tank.

Edited by HeavensTerror
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I'm (relatively) new to PvP tanking (usually play dps melee). I have a level 50 Vanguard on an RP server that I've done very well with in PvP and recently rolled a new toon on a PvP server with the intent of (hopefully) having more of a challenge and thereby learning more.


On my level 50 toon I consistently have the highest guard numbers (or pretty close). To be fair this was in the <50 bracket- I haven't played level 50 PvP much and our server is now PvP-less with the transfer. I was never , EVER faulted for not doing my job as a tank. Not once.


Today, on my new PvP server, guarding with my Iron Fist specced level 14 Vanguard, someone complained that I wasn't guarding. In fact I'd (tried anyway) to keep guard up constantly on the healers (first one let me die - repeatedly, so I switched to another who did a better job and I lived a little longer between deaths).


At the end of the match - the person complaining I wasn't guarding (I think he was a commando but I can't be sure) further added insult to injury by stating he had "outguarded" me with just his taunts (which I don't have yet).


I don't care that he "outguarded me", but, being the sensitive (yet very competitive) female I am, wanting to get better at what I do - I am asking those PvP tanks out there this:


Do you keep your guard up on the healers at all time? Or, do you switch to multiple targets whose health you see dipping dangerously low (I do do this now and then if it's easy for me to target the person and re target the healer. But I'm not an expert with keyboard layouts so this is not an easy/common thing for me).


I probably shouldn't let it get to me - perhaps he was griping because I wasn't guarding him. And it doesn't matter to me if i have the most points in guarding as long as I do my job. But I'd like to hear how others approach this...




It sort of depends, in huttball, I guard the ball carrier at all times unless im pulled or pushed way out of range so someone else can guard him if possible, in most other game types I try and keep my guard on the healers, but if they're not getting targeted i'll switch to whoever his getting hammered.

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