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Stormcaller Electrical Disturbance Bug!?

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We have done EC story and HM before. This time, every time we tried it, just after double destruction, stormcaller drops an electrical disturbance on the healer/dps sitting on stormcaller. Not randomly, every time. Tank on stormcaller still has aggro, so it is not an aggro issue. Seems to be a bug, we have done it the same way before and have not had this problem. But are we possibly missing a mechanic? Was there a recent change to this boss we missed? Or is it a bug? Anyone else having this problem.


We also have had the trash mobs respawn several times in this op. We are thinking its a bug.... Only way to compensate is for the two on the tank to jump off to get away from the disturbance there and minimize the dam. Its SUPPOSED to be dropped on the guy off the tank attacking stormcaller.

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It's because you're hitting the DD which is on a timer at around the same time you're hitting a phase 2, which is based on boss percentage. So either push dps harder on whatever tank is forcing the phase 2, or slow dps to make the phase 2 happen a fter the 2nd DD. Either method will fix this problem.
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