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1.3 Request to have lockouts removed on Story Mode operations

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Please remover the lockouts on story mode operations, and make separate Hard/Nightmare mode lockouts. Some fights are to difficult to learn only being able to do them once a week. Story mode level gear doesn't justify a lockout.


You might consider introducing a 3 day lockout on hard mode flashpoints, but I am not sure if this a good idea or not.

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For EV and KP, I agree 100%.


But not denova, as it drops black hole coms that could easily be farmed at a much more efficient rate than trying to progress in hard mode denova for campaign gear.

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Totally agree with OP. Using group finder so far I haven't been able to fully complete an op (once due to the game crashing and once due to undergeared teammates). It's impossible to queue for Story EV if you are locked out of everything but Soa.
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I agree with this for KP and EV as stated. They're the ones with a daily group finder mission, and the gear isn't better than what you can get from the flashpoints. In fact if you have a good group, you can just do LI repeatedly and get better gear than story mode EV.


Denova should keep it's lockout for the stated reasons, and because everything I just said about EV and KP doesn't apply to SM Denova.

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