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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Story quest problem


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There is a quest regarding an NPC from the twenty to life quest on Belsavis.



An NPC called Ivory I enlisted with a dark side option to work for me has not appeared anywhere on the ship. I read that there are some glitches.


However, after the dark side option and completing the twenty to life quest I went back to my ship to continue my class story with the holo terminal dialogue for the next quest and never stating that Ivory was working for me to keep my secret.


I said I had coordinates of something relating to Rogun. This then gave me a quest from my usual quest givers and not hearing from Ivory ever since... and now going to the next Planet, Voss (after completing a side mission for an NPC who is also a friend of Risha relating to the Rogun conflict).


So, is Ivory going to make another appearance?


He is suppose to be on the ship as I requested on the dialogue option, but didn't see him on the ship.


I think this needs to be addressed if Ivory does not appear on the ship as a fix to the game since other classes don't have something similar, but in game they still keep it as an option in the dialogue which makes it immersion breaking... I also requested that he give me uber tech rewards.


I don't want him to show up as an 'ally' at the end. Or I would have picked that option .




So any info regarding this predicament would be great. I am unsure if I am reacting too early and things work as intended from the dialogue or there is some kind of fix that breaks the conversation I had with one of the NPCs.

Edited by VegaPhone
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For ages, those of us who chose NOT to recruit him, had Ivory just show up in our ship anyways... Even BEFORE we actually knew we were going to go looking for him in the first place! So when a quest giver was like, "Hey, we need you to find this guy Ivory," I was like, "No problem! He's in my ship. I'll go get him!"


And yeah. I have nightmares of that dude watching my crew as they sleep. Silent as ever....


Not sure what you can do, I'm afraid. did you send in a ticket?

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Not sure what you can do, I'm afraid. did you send in a ticket?


I haven't issued a ticket. I guess that's what I will have to do.



I thought it would be something standard of either being fixed that he does not appear on our ship with any of the choices despite the dialogue, or that he does with one of the patches fixing it either way. And depending on that fix, it could be working as intended, but I am also early into the story to know if it is 'fixed' in a good way or bad way. I hope that makes sense. Since before there was a bug that it would cause him to appear without the choice to want him to be there, but then they removed him apparently as a fix, but I am not sure if he is removed completely or just for that bug problem and thus he can still make an appearance.


My dialogue choice was that I selected for him to be on the ship.


Also I am wondering about the plot development based on that choice. So I am also asking for a spoiler to my own class story to know if he does or does not appear later on, and if he does.... does he get me my tech that I asked for?



Those are pertinent questions.

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Well for one, quests never seem to "branch out" very far. Yeah, you might decide to spare a dude, or decide to this or that, but the most it ever amounts to is an email, and OCCASIONALLY one or two lines of different dialogue.


So no, even if for some reason it recorded your choice wrong, nothing major (heck, even minor) will come of it. It's not like someone will board your ship, cut off Bowdaar's arms, kill Corso, and make off with all your loot leaving you to say, "oh god! If only there was someone that I had recruited that might have prevented this!!!!"

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