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Very disappointed with my BH-Mercenary.


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I've been playing the game from early head start . The play style of the BH and Troopers has always been my favorite class, play-style wise.


That being said, after time away from the game(2 months or so) I picked up my 35 BH Merc. I already had a 50 commando and another high level BH. I've been playing it a lot seeing if it's just my rustyness with the class concerning how I find it now. The BH Merc is like a wet noodle in PvP and absolutely nothing special in PvE.


I've tried the two dps trees with the Merc but beside one being better than the other in PvP it still feels like I'm playing a gimped class.

A powerful bounty hunter with rockets and offensive tricks up its sleeve , and I feel like running when I see a one on one developing between me and a Republic.


I know, I'm gonna get it from some of you here...you know the standard responses of.....you suck. Learn to play....the class is fine I'm top in every WZ.

But in reality, I know how to play.. I've put tons of hours into the Troopers and Bounty Hunters.

I pose no real threat in WZ unless the whole univers is in alignment for me to do well.


Like I said the other classes don't do much for me. I'll hold out a while longer and see what happens.

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I've been playing the game from early head start . The play style of the BH and Troopers has always been my favorite class, play-style wise.


That being said, after time away from the game(2 months or so) I picked up my 35 BH Merc. I already had a 50 commando and another high level BH. I've been playing it a lot seeing if it's just my rustyness with the class concerning how I find it now. The BH Merc is like a wet noodle in PvP and absolutely nothing special in PvE.


I've tried the two dps trees with the Merc but beside one being better than the other in PvP it still feels like I'm playing a gimped class.

A powerful bounty hunter with rockets and offensive tricks up its sleeve , and I feel like running when I see a one on one developing between me and a Republic.


I know, I'm gonna get it from some of you here...you know the standard responses of.....you suck. Learn to play....the class is fine I'm top in every WZ.

But in reality, I know how to play.. I've put tons of hours into the Troopers and Bounty Hunters.

I pose no real threat in WZ unless the whole univers is in alignment for me to do well.


Like I said the other classes don't do much for me. I'll hold out a while longer and see what happens.


The only people who will tell you that you need to l2p or that you suck with this class are players at the top of the gear curve and who are being carried by their pre-mades. The rest of us who play merc and those who play against us in WZs know exactly what you mean.

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the thing is....every dog and his owner on this game role sith / jedi . so they cant buff too much classes like bh otherwise those guys who play op classes would go insane and stop playing the game. lol its a fact indeed ( sad ) , u just should reroll or go pve :)
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Not sure I understand. You thought there would be a difference from the mirror class?


Yeah, I get the e mirror thing. I was more into PvE with commando, around 55 vp. But like I said I quit for a couple of months. When I returned I put my focus on PvP with the Merc. I was playing the Merc in PvP today. I noticed that I was drawing a lot of attention. To be sure it wasn't because I was a threat to them, more an easy kill. Like wild dogs around an injured rabitt.

I was talkin in chat and Mercenaries don't garner many praises in game as well.

I believe they are broken for what their role(s) are.

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Merc is by far the weakest class in the game, and already at a disadvantage because the game is heavily favored for jedi classes.


We also don't have any stand-out skills in warzones like a push, pull, jump ect.


We need more damage or more survivability. Every other class gets to be a god. Why can't we?

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