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Full WH guardian here *Epeen flex* RAWR!


My epeen flex has a purpose though hear me out! So ive often wondered why we are restricted to only one set of animations. 3 diff saber forms , one set of saber moves hmmmm. Now, not only should they add more animations, but i feel we should be able to select those that we want. For instance i LOVE the jugg animations. I'm a mirror class, why cant i decide to use these?


So what if im a jedi? Light, dark or whatever i should be able to pick my animations! If i like jugg so much i should Reroll u say?! If you recall my epeen flex i said i was full war hero! RerollIng would be absolutely mental! So i ask, is anyone with me on this? Jugg animations are already in game so can we use them!? But wait that will take away uniqueness! Welp, guess what? The lousy customization already makes us look like clones, so at least let us pick our aniations! Hell, this could even be part of an improved customization system!


Let me know what yall think and lets bombard BW.

Edited by Sinatore
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I mean I don't think you will ever get to pick your animations but I will agree that the different lightsaber forms or stances should have different animations. I will also add that the bounty hunters and agents need better animations for sheathing/unsheathing their weapons. aka hitting the z button. We just pull it out. It's really really unsatisfactory. I don't play republic side much but I believe trooper is the same. Someone said that smugglers spin their guns but I have not personally verified that. I do believe though that the bounty hunter, agent, and trooper should get better/cooler animations. Maybe fire off a few shots or something? I'm just saying pull out a lightsaber and bzzzzzz the hum of the lightsaber. Pull out a blaster and you hear a click lol. Ok rant done.
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