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PVP to PVE transfer (as an example)


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So as of late, BW has introuduced free character transfer over to selected servers which in my opinion was fantastic, really easy to use and very fast. Although im happy to have my lvl 50 and new toons all on my new destination PVE server I would really enjoy bringing my 50 sith assassin that is on dark malak(PVP) to the pleasure barge(PVE). As of late I've had a fear though, my fear is that my PVP server ( darth malak) maybe shutdown by the time I get my 50 off to a PVE server an that I will end up loosing all my stuff. The second fear I have is that PVP to PVE transfers will not be coming to SWTOR, which is a shame because it would really help my legacy and keep me coming back for new alts.


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How are you going to lose your stuff?

Even if they shut the server down they will announce it in advance and give people an opportunity to move their characters.


If the server was designated an origin server, then just move them to whatever destination server you can move to now.

If it was a destination server, or you go ahead and move to a destination server now, then there shouldn't be any problem for a long while.


As far as cross-type transfers, it will probably be coming before too much longer. Paid transfers, almost certainly, but a way to get your characters together if you really want to.


I still do not know how you think that you will lose your stuff, though.

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  • 4 weeks later...
So as of late, BW has introuduced free character transfer over to selected servers which in my opinion was fantastic, really easy to use and very fast. Although im happy to have my lvl 50 and new toons all on my new destination PVE server I would really enjoy bringing my 50 sith assassin that is on dark malak(PVP) to the pleasure barge(PVE). As of late I've had a fear though, my fear is that my PVP server ( darth malak) maybe shutdown by the time I get my 50 off to a PVE server an that I will end up loosing all my stuff.


You won't loose all your stuff. The only thing you might loose is stuff that is in the email.


The second fear I have is that PVP to PVE transfers will not be coming to SWTOR, which is a shame because it would really help my legacy and keep me coming back for new alts.



Mostly the legacy stuff is garbage, but I dont feel your concern, there are a couple of nice things for alts, Mounts early, cross class buffs etc that are nice to have. Also it is nice to be able to fund your alts with your main.

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