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Teenage Love, The Sith Way


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I wrote this story for my character, to add to his history and for those I role play with to better understand why Plex is who he is. I ended up being very satisfied with the story and thought I'd share it with you guys, hope you enjoy.


Teenage Love, The Sith Way


Plex lay in his bed staring at the ceiling, he had never felt this before, this sensation of overwhelming happiness. He knew they were taking a risk, but it was such a minor one, they had been so cautious and Plex could walk over mountains for just another chance for them to be together, just the two of them. "Love" he mumbled, a word his family hated, that he thought he had hated, a word describing weakness. How wrong he had been, how wrong his family was, how could something so pure be wrong?


He turned to his side and embraced her, it was the first time they had dared to sleep in his bed, up until now they had met by the lake, always in secret, after her chores were done. This was only a one time thing they had dared because his family was away. They would have to keep meeting by the lake, until he was old enough to leave this place and then they would run, to the end of the galaxy if need be, as long as they were together, nothing else mattered.

He smelled her hair, the scent of lavender, she had used the shampoo he had bought her. He drew a deep breath, feeling completely at ease, he closed his eyes as he began drifting off to sleep. And then it happened.


As Plex was in the twilight between being awake and being asleep he entered the room, the sound of his armored boots against the metal floor stirred Plex from his sleep. Wide awake Plex bolted up and struggled to see in the dark room, the only light came from the door that now stood wide open and it shone right in his face. His mind raced and within a matter of seconds he had recognized the shape of the man who stood at the foot of the bed, arms crossed and though he could not see it Plex knew that the eyes were fixed upon him with that familiar cold hard stare.


"Father!" Plex cried out, she awoke from her sleep and pulled herself up using the bed sheets to cover herself. Plex opened his mouth to speak but his father held out his hand with the palm out, Plex fell silent, he had learned a long time ago what it meant and what defying it would mean. For what felt like an age his father just stood there, watching the two with those cold eyes, she moved close to Plex, her chest leaning slightly against his back, her hands wrapped around his own, a desperate attempt to find comfort.


Finally his father spoke, his words dripping with disgust "So the rumors were true... that my son had fallen in love... and with some damn slave!" Plex stared at the palm, that gosh darn palm that had made him silent his whole life, who had refused him the right to defend himself time and time again. He felt the anger building inside of him, like a fire turning into an inferno it built up inside of him until it became uncontrollable.

Plex shouted "And so what father?! So what! I love her! That's right I said it! We are in love! Something you would never dare experience you *********** coward!" but just as he said it he regretted it, knowing it was too late, he tried his best to hide it and stared back into his fathers cold eyes.


His father looked surprised for just a moment before his face was twisted into a vicious grin. "So the pup has grown fangs... you think me a coward do you? I'll show you exactly what kind of a coward I am!" He said and rushed over to the the couple. Grabbing them both by the ankle he pulled them out of the bed, they both hit the floor with a loud thud before his father proceeded in dragging them out of the room and into the hallway. She screamed for mercy as the hard metal floor made chafes on her bare skin but nothing would stop him now, Plex knew this.


He dragged them to the very end of the hallway and into the reception hall, where he would receive envoys and visiting sith. The room was ominous even during the day but at night the bowing statues that lined the hall cast ghostly shadows and the stone throne at the back of the room looked even more menacing. He dragged them towards the throne and threw them in front of it.

They both struggled to their feet and Plex placed himself in front of her, to shield her from the worst of what was to come. His father once again stood still and with his arms crossed he said "Cowardice does not create all of this! You try to shield the slave, for what? She holds nothing that cannot be replaced! Love? Love is what makes you risk your life for this... cur!" as he finished he charged at them, a brief struggle ensued between Plex and his father but it was pointless, his father was infinitely stronger and threw Plex to the side with little effort.


As Plex struggled to get back on his feet he saw his father moving up to her, things were moving so slowly now, it felt like his legs had turned into jelly and no matter how much he tried he could not move faster, his father gripped her by the throat, Plex saw the panic in her eyes, he felt it too, his fathers grip tightened as he lifted her off the ground. Her mouth involuntarily opened as if to catch her breath but she couldn't, her hands desperately tried to remove the grip around her neck. Plex finally managed to get on his feet and lunged at his father but he stopped in his tracks as he saw it, his father holding a lightsaber in his hand.


A feeling of desperation swept over Plex, he looked at the saber and then at his father, he tried to speak but before he had a chance, his father interrupted him. "You know... I refused to believe the rumors, I thought you smarter than this. And then I smelled it as she was cleaning my chambers, lavender, my boy... giving her lavish gifts? Twice the fool..." as his father spoke Plex looked at her with despair, her face was turning bright red and her arms were growing weak, barely holding on to her grip around his fathers hand. Plex felt completely powerless, even the remote chance of overpowering his father was now gone. He did the only thing he could and went down on his knees and begged "Father... please! Let her go, it is me you should punish, not her."


His father gave Plex a disappointed look and said "You don't get it do you? I'm doing this for you my boy, love makes you weak! And this world has no place for weakness!" he swung his saber at her waist, a high pitch noise was heard as the saber ate its way through her. It was followed by a thud as her lower body dropped lifeless to the floor. Plex froze, he stared into her eyes as they were staring into his until all life had gone from them and they grew cold. He opened his mouth to scream out his agony but nothing came. His father let go of her throat, another thud. His father slowly walking away, plex crawled up to her and cradled her head, wiped her hair out of her face and looked at her features one at a time, as if to memorize them. He leaned down to kiss her lips one last time and as he did he felt the tears start flowing and his breath coming back to him. He screamed at the top of his lungs, the tormented scream echoing throughout the manor. He screamed until his voice was spent and he could scream no more, and then he just sat there, cradling her head, the tears flowing in silence.

Edited by Dudden
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I've read this twice now, and it is gut wrenching! Beautifully written. If ever you feel like sharing more, I for one would love to read it!


Thank you for the praise, glad you liked it :)


I noticed that the forum censors curse words and modifies some others into other words... so the part where Plex yells at his dad is kinda messy, gosh darn is not the words I used :(

If anyone wants to read the part the way it was meant to be read, here's a link http://theimperialconsortium.enjin.com/forum/m/5437086/viewthread/3398912-teenage-love-sith-way

Edited by Dudden
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