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Kinkayd's Fall


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((This will be a collection of short stories and journal entries telling a full story))


She slips slowly from the bed, her feet touch the cool floor and she wiggles her toes. Kinkayd turns after standing up, a smile breaks her mouth as she looks at the well built male chiss lying naked in her bed. His head turns and looks her up and down his red eyes sleepily taking her in. His head slowly drops back to the pillow and his arm reaches out to her, he smiles and pats the empty side of her bed.


“Every morning Naase, come back to bed and I’ll make sure you get a very intense workout.” His voice low and she can here sleep slurring his words.


She walks slowly to the closet and grabs a light gray tank and a matching pair of shorts, both of a soft material. Her reply coming in a soft tone, a hint of amusement in it, “Maybe when I get back Bai’stion, I won’t be gone long.”


She hears his soft moan of disappointment as she walks back to the edge of the bed. She crawls onto the bed kneeling close to his head she kisses his smooth cheek. “I promise I’ll make it up to you.”


Pushing herself off the bed and turning she moves quietly to the door, just as she reaches for the knob she can his rhythmic breathing as sleep takes him back under.


Her home is nestled in the small grove just to the north of the Tower of Prophecy, she come out of the door and takes a huge breath of the fresh morning air. Kinkayd has come to love Voss, not the people so much but the planet is beautiful, a far cry from her frozen home world of Csilla. She heads out toward the tower, setting her running pace slow to start. She turns onto the path heading away from the Tower and lets her thoughts take over at this point.


She thinks of Bai’stion lying in her bed sleeping, she smiles to herself. Her mind wonders to why she doesn’t commit to him, he has been her steady ….steady what, lover…..partner for the last five years. He had asked her many times to accept his hand, but she had always found a reason to stall him. He would tease her about her never finding a man that would make her settle down. She had met him when she first arrived on Voss, he had been a high ranking diplomat from Csilla. He still was, he had worked hard and secures his spot, made a name for him self. He was what she thought most men should be, honorable, trusting, and safe.


He had asked her out a couple of days after she had arrived to take the Marshal position, she had declined, but had been very much impressed with him. Standing a good half a foot taller then her. His skin a shade of blue dipping into purple, and his gaze so intense that it sent a shivers down her spine every time he would looks at her. He was also persist week after week asking her to dine with him or just have drinks. Finally she gave in and met him for dinner, after which they were together every chance they got.


She looks around hearing her name called and she sees Marvily setting up her small cart at the alien enclave market. Kinkayd waves a hand and hollers a good day to the small rodian that has always worked hard to make an honest living selling her homemade goods. The market was full of honest hard working aliens, of course you had your petty criminals that tried to pull a quick one, but Kinkayd always made her rounds later in the morning and made sure to shut them down. She runs on heading towards her office which lay near the Council and government offices. Just as she rounds the last corner to her building she slides to a stop. There is a flurry of people moving in and out of her office door. Standing there not understanding what her eyes are seeing, her gut twists and she slips into the narrow alleyway to her right her eyes never leaving the building.


Kinkayd watches for several minutes, she starts to wish she had taken Bai’stion offer of staying in bed. Licking her lips, she reaches for were her blaster usually sits low on her hip. Finally turning and retreating down the alley she makes her way back to her small house. The scene there isn’t much different and she feels her heart tighten, watching all the official types coming and going through her front door. Her mind starts to wonder sitting there hidden by the small shrubs a hundred feet out to the left of the house. Slowly she works her way around to the back of the house and quietly watches the two guards. From here she is a lot closer to the doorway only a mere ten to fifteen feet. She needs to get in there, her gears is in there, all of her stuff, and Bai’stion.


“What the kriff is going on.” She mutters to herself.


Seeing her chance Kinkayd moves quickly tossing a small rock over and to the other side of the bushes. The guards both turn and look, the farther of the two moving out towards the wooded area to investigate. She moves fast and staying low she hits the first guard with a closed fist hard on the side of the head, being trained how she has been in the academy and the Marshal’s service, she knows the sweet spot. Feeling the impact with the first and seeing his body crumple, quickly she lunges at the second guard just now turning to see what the problem is. She has no choice seeing his hand reach his gun and it is too late. Her hands reach out to both sides of his head and using her momentum she flings her body over his head, in a sharp flip setting her down behind him, back to back. She drops all her weight, bring his neck down on the back of her shoulder. She release the guard after hearing the crack of his neck, letting the dead man fall to the leave covered ground.


Sprinting back to the door of her house, she goes through it cautiously. There is a small utility room and closet there, stopping just inside she listens. There is little activity in the back of the house. She can make out that most of the happenings revolve around her bedroom and the living room. Quietly she moves to the closet and opens the door, glad that just last week she had went around oiling hinges. She pulls a bag from the very back of the closet, a large black duffle, half the size of a body and solidly filled. Kinkayd hefts it over her shoulder and listens, her mind going crazy. She turns and makes her way back out the door, her eyes take in the scene quickly, no other guards, just the dead one and the one that is out cold. She slips along the wall to her bedroom window that faces out over the back right side of the yard. Kneeling just under the ledge she steadies her breathing and listens.


“Well he hasn’t been dead very long.” The female voice comes out muffled and low. Kinkayd bites at the inside of her cheek, she fights the urge to stand and look.


When the second voice a male one speaks. “We’ll have to contact Csillian government. They’ll not be happy to find out diplomat Bai’stion was killed by one of their own.”


The woman replies in a remorseful tone. “Well the evidence they found at Marshal Kinkayd’s office was very damaging and this. I don’t want to believe it but….” Her words die off. Kinkayd recognizes both voices, both Voss peacekeeper, the lady Jsid and the man Ghotthe. Both her friends so she had thought.


With that Kinkayd turns and hurries back to the cover of the forest around her house. She has never been more thankful for anything then she has been for the trees and brush being thick and hiding her escape. She stops deep in the woods and starts pulling items form the duffle bag. Shrugging into her light armor, Kinkayd secures the holster holding her blasters around her hips. Finally she pulls a long jacket from the bag and slips into it. She looks around and she growls to herself. “What the kriff am I going to do.” She shakes her head knowing she is going to have to deal with the words she over heard, but right now she doesn’t have the time. She has to get off planet, thinking she can only come up with one name that might be able to help her. She whispers into the deep nothingness of the forest, “Xani’tos.”

Edited by HeresHoping
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Journal entry 1


~Kinkayd sits in a small room the items laid out on the tiny bed consist of a new ID, transponder codes, a small data device, a credit chit, and a small bound book. She grabs the book and walks over to the desk that has seen better days, sitting she slumps in to the old chair, Kinkayd sets the book on the desk and resting her elbows on the rough surface she let’s her head dip forward. Slowly she opens the book and produces a pen, she heaves a sigh and begins, her penmanship is smooth and flowing~


This is the first enter, I need to keep a record so if anything happens to me, well hopefully this will shed some light on things. On the first page of this book is a list of events that happened on Voss, I did NOT kill Bai’stion Lojist. He and I have been lovers and romantically involved for the last five years. Damn I’m in trouble, I really have no idea what happened. I’ve been doing as Xani’tos ask, thinking over and over the whole thing and just keep adding to the list. I have enough supplies and stuff on my ship to live comfortable for awhile. I’ve decided the best place for me right now is to sit on Nar Shadda, with the new ID and transponder codes I think I can hide in the open for now. I only go out if I need something, and here as long as I wear my head gear no one recognizes me.


Xani’tos didn’t say anything about a bounty, but I saw for the first time the news feed the other day and cringed at seeing my face plastered all over the vid screens. I knew my government would post a bounty, a million credits for being brought in alive. The Empire posted the same one, seeing how they don’t want to rock the boat with the Chiss government, it makes sense to me. Things have been uneasy enough as it is between the governments, but seeing how I’m a high ranking Imperial Marshal, and Bai’stion being the Chiss ambassador this could really mess some **** up. After a lot of thinking, I really think this is about him, I think someone wanted him out of the way and needed a dupe to dump it on. I know when I find out who did this I will not stop till they pay, and pay dearly.


I’ve been trying to contact a slicer to help with information, I haven’t found one yet. You’d think on Nar Shadda it would be easy to find one that would be able to help me with gathering info. I suck at that part, recon and mission type stuff I’m golden. I’ll keep my ears open and hopefully I’ll find one soon. So till then I’ll continue to hide and keep trying to find out what happened. Maybe Xani’tos will get lucky and find something. I just want to kill someone, Oh and I have to write this down, I’m really sorry for the guard I killed in my escape. I never wanted to hurt anyone, but something kicked into me when I saw him start to lift his gun from his holster. If I would have been in the right state of mind I would have just let him shoot me. Damn survival instinct. Okay enough for now.


~she sets the pen down and closes the book, Kinkayd let’s her hand rest on the book for a minute and a tear drops from her eye as she whispers something. She turns and starts putting all the items on her bed into a little pouch in her armor and heads out~

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  • 2 weeks later...

Silently she shifts from one knee to the other, Kinkayd’s red eyes glaring at the small group of hunters that have gathered just down from the entrance of her docking bay. From her vantage point behind a stack of cargo crates she can make out seven of them. There after the bounty on her she has no doubt. Well the one good thing for her is that this area is very seldom busy, which in her opinion, was bad for them because why in the world would this small group just be hanging out. She had first noticed them a couple of days ago, she had hoped that she would have all the info she needed by now and Nar Shadda would be in her rearview. But sometimes especially here lately things just don’t seem to go her way. This whole screwed up mess, what had happened, what had gone wrong. Her nice quiet life on Voss had been ripped from her in the blink of an eye.


“Kriff….not right now,” Her silent mutter crosses her lips and she glances down at her chrono. Her meeting with Nobleman slash Dumorne whoever the hell he was, was to be in an hour, she instinctively grits her teeth at the annoyance and makes her decision.


Thinking lately she needs to make a statement to the small time hunters and possible to some of the more well know ones too, that she’s not going to be an easy target. Her eyes start taking in all the details she need to know to take care of her little problem…..all seven of them.


Kinkayd quickly checks all her gear she never leaves her ship anymore unless she has all her gear in order and ready to kill. But she knows to you never go into a fight with out checking, it’s another story if the fight comes to you. She wasn’t going to be blind sided again, not after Voss. She let’s her mind process all she is watching , finally she watches the group break up and three go stand in small doorways deep in the shadows. See could make out that all of them are human, some of the small group have implants she could see that at least five of them are fitted with them. Kinkayd smiles to herself thinking about the damn implants, the implants are suppose to make you better, stronger but no one ever looks as them as a weakness too.


Kinkayd looks at her chrono she’ll need at least ten minutes to get to the casino for the meeting, forty minutes and counting. She stands and starts a slow walk forward, the only part of her showing is her red eyes, she wearing her Marshal armor on. It was built specifically to fit her for battle, hard plating, but very light weight so she has complete mobility. Kinkayd knows it has weaknesses, but not very many. The thing is she knows what those weaknesses are. Also it has been fitted with the best mods around everything a good killer needs. After Voss she had taken all her Marshal’s armor and painted it and made sure it would not be recognized, making it look more to blend in to Nar Shadda’s crowd. Keeping her stride steady she comes up to the wider section of the street, were the four men in the open are playing a game of sabacc off to the right, but the street being a narrow one she still makes her way around them.


“Pardon me”, she shifts her body and her left hand the one opposite from the men raises and a small poisoned dart shoots out hitting one of the hiding men. He crumples instantly the poison killing on contact. The largest of the men next to her stands, his arm has an implanted tension muscle he sticks his arm out and swings into her path.


“Pardon us there pretty thing, how’s it going this evening? What to join us in a fun game of sabacc.” His soured breath smelling of one to many drinks hits her.


“Sorry fella’s I have an appointment I must attend.” Her words spoke in a vague imperial accent. She ducks under the large arm and turns her back now facing the way she was headed, her right and left hands coming up in a gesture of so sorry. At the time her hands come up two more small quick darts shoot out and the other two hidden men drop quickly, all three looking like drunks settled down for the great sleep off.


“Wait a minute…..your Chiss.” The small man of the group stands and scoots towards her. He has two eye implants she can see they are not the expensive ones and by the look of them a little out dated.


Kinkayd looks at him her eyes widening as if she is surprised. Her hands go to her body and she runs them up and down her armor. Her tone an overly playful one, “NO….no I can’t be…. my mother and father were Trandoshan’s, you SIR are a liar. I’m Trandoshan.”


All four men are standing by now, none of them look too amused by her try at humor. They move cautiously trying to form a semi circle in front of her, assuming their buddies will come out and cover her from the other side. Kinkayd looks at each man in turn, then looks at her chrono, her voice taking on a very deadly professional tone, “Okay gentlemen I don’t know who your working for, or if your just working for yourselves, but I really have a meeting to get to and I have thirty five minutes to play. So I’ll give you this one chance, walk away now or I will kill you as dead as your hidden buddies.”


The four men glance around quickly and the arm implant one gives a short yell, “Hey Deris…..Jesft……Malcom.” Nothing, he can see now that the three are all crumpled down and unmoving. His eyes come back to Kinkayd whose standing in the middle of the street waiting.


“I never miss, and I am not the easy little mark you thought I was.” Her tone dripping ice, “Now do we dance?”


They all come at her, she closes her hand hitting one of the several buttons there in her palm, and a small shield surrounds her. She hits the second of the buttons and a small heavily charged ion pulse shoots out away from her in all directions. The men eyes widen as their minds have changed gear and are trying to figure out what just happened. Three of the four have implants that the pulse has shut down. Arm implant has stopped and is looking at his useless arm dangling at his side. The one with the eye implants has veered off to he left a little running into his buddies path and colliding with the only one that doesn’t seem to have any implants. The last of the four must have had some sort of leg implant because in mid stride he drops like a rock.


Kinkayd presses another button and her ion shield goes down, taking five quick steps she grabs the man with the leg implant, he’s lays looking at her a new sense of terror forming in his eyes. She slips behind him and grabs his head, swiftly she twists his neck, and the loud crack of his neck breaking bringing the other three back to the world of reality. The blind one is groping around trying to get back to his feet after the collision with his buddy, his making little pathetic mewing sounds. The other one with no implants has made it to his feet and is taking very cautious steps towards Kinkayd. Arm implant let’s out a small growl and starts forward too, “Get a hold of her….and I kick her ***. Teach this Chiss ***** who she’s messing with.”


“Really, “Kinkayd responses as she glances at her chrono. “Okay gentlemen I have twenty minutes and please let’s keep this clean I really don’t want to show up to my meeting wearing your blood.”


Both men move forward at once, the no implant guy reaches her and wraps his arms around her, the other baring done on them both from the front. Kinkayd let’s her weight drop bringing her and the man wrapped around her both down to their knees. The arm implant man seeing them to late can’t stop and comes crashing over the top of them, as he does the other mans grip on her breaks. She spins landing on her back, her very muscular legs closing around the no implant ones neck she flicks her leg muscles and the mans neck snaps like a twig.


As Kinkayd shakes herself free from the dead body she stands her eyes locked on the arm implant man who is also now just getting to his feet. Her anger clear in her glowing red eye, “I gave you a chance….damn you.”


She moves at him no fear, but anger radiating off her. She gets a foot in front of him and locks her eyes on his “You did this.”


Her arms fling out to her sides and back emphasizing her point. His eyes flick around and then back to her face. “I’ll make it quick.” With that she presses a button in the palm of her gloved hand and a small steel spike about twelve inches long comes out of the back side of her gloved hand. At the same time it pushes out she raise her hand to the guys chin the spike runs smoothly up through his lower jaw and pokes straight out of the top of his head. He’s eyes glass over as she jerks her hand quickly and the spike breaks away from its mount on her glove, three more of those little surprises lay in wait there. With the jerk of her hand breaking the spike a small amount of blood splatters it, a low curse come from Kinkayd as she turns and looks at the now blind man trying with little effort to make his way away from the fight.


His feet are shuffling carefully trying not to trip on anything, small mewing sounds are still coming from him. His head glances around hearing nothing now but his own breathing. “Mantis….?” His words falling to dead ears, as Kinkayd quietly makes her way to him, she nimble moves around the three now laying about.


She gets right in front of him, placing her face inches from his, her face cover removed showing a blind man her very Chiss face. She reaches out and grabs him, his hands instinctively starts slapping at her as his words tumble out. “Please…..please, we wouldn’t have hurt you. The bounty is alive.”


This being the smallest guy of the group she handles him easily, she barks an order into his face to get his attention. “Shut up!”


The man freezes his blind eyes look at her, she takes his already dirty shirt and cleans the small splattering of blood off her glove. “ I’m not going to kill you…..I want you to spread the word for me….nod if your understanding me, or if I need to pin a note to you,” her words taking on a casual, almost friendly tone.


“I want you to tell them anyone that comes for me better come prepared to die. I didn’t commit that murder on Voss. But I will kill….. any hunter that thinks he can take me in.” With that she glances at her chrono, fifteen minutes to get to the taxi service, she shakes her head and turns slowly walking away her hand slipping her face cover back into place. She hears the man behind her fall to the ground, his soft cries coming to her uncaring ears, she starts to whistle a tune that Bai’stion use to whistle.

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Journal entry 2


~the holorecording shows Kinkayd sitting on the bridge of her ship. She shifts and presses a few buttons then looks at the recorder, her features tight and annoyed~


I'm going to make a recording of this so when I get time I can write it all down. I've been on the go since I had the meeting with the slicer. Right now I’m headed to Mark Four Liniar Moon, the info I received from this Slicer, Dumorne is what he calls himself, the one Nye’in put me in touch with turned out to be….


~a long pause as she looks at something out the viewport, then she turns her red stare back to the recorder~


Damn asteroid cluster, I really hate them. Oh, yeah back to the info….it’s interesting. I was aware there was to be an upcoming election for the Chiss ambassador’s seat, Bai’stion had mentioned it, but he had not seemed too worried about it though. Well apparently some other Chiss family had decided that it would be in their best interest to claim the seat. The only problem with this was the fact that Bai’stion would have been impossible to beat. So far he had managed the political mine field and things between the Chiss and Voss were going well. People loved him, easy going and very agreeable, he knew how to handle delicate situations. So anyone going up against him wouldn’t have a chance.


~there’s an alarm and she flicks some switches and grabs the controls. Kinkayd shifts quickly to the left in her seat then to the right. She starts gritting her teeth and mutters something. Finally the ship buckles a little rocking to the left then settles back down. Her eyes again find the recorder~


Anyway as I was saying the there wasn’t much of a chance for this families patsy to take the seat from Bai’stion. He was a good and reputable man, and he was honest, which to me is a good thing since there’s really not too many honest men left. Anyway the report showed that this family had paid an assassin to take Bai’stion out. So I have a name and a location, Mark Four Liniar Moon deep in Hutta space.


~she looks around at the controls and starts typing on the data screen her face a mask of concentration. She glances at two different screens and pushes a few more buttons, her voice taking on a casual business tone~


This is the Red Dust and my transponder code is 4972356, sending it your way right now, my freight manifest included.


~She types a few keys then turns to the recorder~


I have to say Marshal Xani’tos has really helped me out giving me all the new codes, after this mess is all cleared up I’ll have to do something nice for him. If I survive that is. After the mess on Nar Shadda I had no choice but to jet out of there. I got the small time hunters off my back for the time being showing them that I wasn’t a prize to be taken lightly. But killing the guys apparently got me marked by their gang leader. The Undertown Lords, stupid gangs, I heard they put a bounty on my head of a twenty thousand creds, but they want me dead.


~she laughs and looks back out the view port~


I think at the rate I’m going my days as a Marshal are done. When I executed those thugs I knew I was stepping over a line, but honestly I didn’t care either. All I care about is finding his killer or killers and making them pay for what they have done. I don’t want them to see justice, I want them to see my rage at what they have done. And to me that is not something a Marshal would want so I guess my law days are far behind me.


~Kinkayd shifts and her red eyes look hard at the recorder, her anger clear on her face~


They will pay, mark my words they will. Every last one will pay for there part in his death. I have a name to start with and from that name I’ll get another name, and so on. Let’s see what secrets Mark Four holds.


~she clicks the recorder off as she takes the controls of her ship in hand~

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  • 4 weeks later...

Mark Five (part 1)


After setting down she had had the droid take the Red Dust to a safe orbit, not trusting the population on Mark Five to leave her ship alone. This planet was worse than bad, if planets could have relatives, this one would be Nar Shadda’s spiced out half dead cousin. One of the low lives would decide at some point to steal her ship, and she would have to hunt down another damn thug. Plus not to mention the problem of not having her ship, her ship was a part of her, that’s why when Xani’tos managed to get a whole new set of transponder codes for her she had been so grateful. The ship had seen her through so many bad times and at this point it was all she had left.


……The figure stands across from the club hidden well within the shadows, the loud music from the club vibrating the buildings around her. Kinkayd’s tall blue body scantily clad by the small black top that twists around her coming up and covering her full breasts. She bends slightly adjusting her knee high black boots over her tight leather pants. As she finishes she spots the person she’s been waiting for all evening, she slowly straightens as her hand sweeps back the purple locks that she has chosen with her disguise. Kinkayd gracefully makes her way across to the entrance, the bouncer seeing her coming instantly opens the rope gate and ushers her in.


“Damn I didn’t know hot was on the menu tonight.” The bouncer a beast of a man mutters as Kinkayd smiles and winks at him. She sees the target enter the roped off area right behind her just as she reaches the door. She makes her way deep into the overly packed club. Here she can see every kind of species from her very own chiss to some she doesn’t even know what they are. Slipping up to a clear spot in at the bar she orders a whiskey and turns to scan the club for the tonight’s guest of honor. Several beings attempt to pick her up but she basically tells them to krif off, she has eyes for only one and he has just claimed a place between two Twi’leks dressed in less then she is.


Downing her first drink and turning Kinkayd can feel the music hammering through her whole body as she walks to the dance floor her eyes watching her mark, a human male tall and lean, his black hair cut short and looking very well maintained. He wasn’t a big man but looked to be very fit, she was a tall chiss and he looked to have a few inches on her. Starting with her hips she moves and her body sways seductively, her hands seductively run over and around her curvy body. She keeps glancing at the man that she is here for, hoping he well see her and be interested. After about twenty minutes of dancing her skin shiny from sweat she heads to the bar again. She takes a space that she has to push into and orders another whiskey. As the barkeep brings her drink a hand slips around her gently rubbing her bare skin and laying down several credits. “My treat,” the voice gravely and low, as the hand slips back behind her the fingers grab her waist and pull her to face him as he says. “You don’t belong here.”


Turning her mouth breaks into a smile seeing the man she is here for is the one that has just bought her drink. “Oh…so if I don’t belong here, where do I belong?” her mouth giving a pouty frown as she slips up next to him letting him move his hand so his fingers playfully caress her back.

He gives her a wolfish grin and his hand slips down to cup her *** pulling her tighter to him. His lips go to her ear and he whispers,” In my bed” as his lips kiss her neck. She laughs softly and wiggles in his grip, holding her firm to him and moves his lips to hers. Kinkayd at first starts to pull away but instead slides her hand up into his hair and returns the kiss. She can feel him hard against her as his lips move from her mouth back to her neck and ear, letting out a small hmm sound. Then he speaks in a whispered voice, “Let’s get out of here blue.”


Kinkayd nods saying “I’m new in town and don’t have a place yet, renting a room, your place?” Her eyes watch his face as he studies hers. He leans in again and presses his lips to hers, then slips his hand into hers and guides her from the club. His place isn’t far Kinkayd counts three blocks. As he leads her neither say a word, her eyes are looking at everything and mentally making notes. Finally he pulls her up in front of him and pins her to a door, his eyes looking down on her from inches. “You seem so familiar, have we meet,” his hand goes to the small scar over her right eye. She mentally curses the scar the one thing she couldn’t hide. Slightly she shakes her head and then she moves her hand placing it on the back of his neck pulling him to her, she kisses him. He doesn’t resist, and his hand quickly opens the door behind her. His body pushes up against hers and together locked at the lips they go inside his place.


Inside he flicks a switch and a low light fills the room, Kinkayd pulls away from him and glances around the small one room apartment. The furnishings are neat and clean, he seems to like order by the way all his stuff is organized, all neat rows and clean stacks. She moves deeper in to the room running a slender finger along the back of his couch. “So my name is Faebin, of course that is the short version,” as telling him she glances around the room more. Suddenly he is right in front of her and his eyes glare at her.


“How did you find me?” the cold dangerous tone takes Kinkayd by surprise but it’s only for a second then she responds.


“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Find you? I was just looking for a good time,” Her words coy and naïve sounding.


“Don’t play stupid with me,” he hisses as his hand shoots out and grabs her by the hair. She smiles and quickly she jerks her head leaving the wig dangling from his hand, his eyes widen as she stands before him. Using his surprise to her advantage, she punches out at his throat his hands come up quick grabbing at nothing, he starts coughing and gasping. Kinkayd steps up next to him and drives a knee up between his legs dropping him to the ground. She pulls a syringe from the top of her boot and bending down next to him her lips next to his ear as he coughs and makes strangled sounds. “Well I am glad to know you’re not a complete moron. That you at least had the smarts to recognize who I was, and I assume you know why I’m here.” She slips the needle into his neck and depresses the plunger. “I want you to get some rest before we talk, it’s going to be pretty taxing on you.” Stepping back she watches him fall forward as the drug takes effect.

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Mark Five (part 2)



…..Kinkayd watches the sleeping man with a mixture of annoyance and anger on her face. He’s sitting up durasteel cables wrapped around his chest and waist pinning him to a chair. His hands and feet and are bound to the arms and legs of the chair, his chin rest on his chest. Sitting in a chair next to him her red eyes narrowed, she reaches out and slaps him hard. His eyes fly open and he gives a quick shout. His eyes focus on her and he lurches at her with his teeth bared. “Listen you ***** you better release me.”


She smirks and speaks her accent clear now, “or else….what?”


He glances around his home and then his eyes come back to hers. “They told me you would be caught. They promised if I would lay low in this stang hole of a planet I would get the rest of my money.”


“Seems they planned on having me in custody a wee bit sooner than this, so why don’t you tell me who hired you and I will be on my merry way.” Her lips smile but her eyes show something dark in them. “I’ll give you this one chance.”


“Krif you….you *****.” He starts to yell and she places a shock rod to his crotch and zaps him with it. Spasms jolt his whole body and gags as if to throw up.


“Now… now… no screaming, what are you part female? Plus this is my party and I get to do the inviting. She moves her red eyes to a box about one foot by one and covered by a black cloth. The man’s eyes glance at it as he finally calms enough to catch his breath.


“You might as well kill me, because I won’t tell you anything,” his words coming through small sounds of pain.


Her hand goes out and she places her first two fingers on his wrist over were one would find a pulse. “Okay let’s start easy…” as she completely ignores him. “Is your real name Martix Gunster?”


He watches her for a long time and says yes. She silently sits and nods. “Known by an alias of Ropper?” This time his nod comes quicker.


“I won’t give you the name you want because if I do I’m just as dead as you are going to be.” Some of his bitterness has left his words causing him to sound defeated.


“Have you ever assassinated anyone?” she asks.


“No” he replies. And Kinkayd shakes her head her fingers feeling the change in his pulse.


“I really am trying to make this easy, my friend there wants to join our party and I don’t want him to….well that is if you’re honest with me.” Her words calm and toneless that Martix wonders what the hell he’s dealing with. “Okay did you kill Bai’stion, the chiss ambassador to Voss?”


He shifts as best he can and looks away from her, his eyes finding the ground. “No.”


“Okay” she stands her chair toppling over backward as she reaches for the black box. Martix eyes widen as she slip the black cloth from it. Inside of a transparasteel cage sits a small womp rat, a baby one. It snarls and bares its teeth to both of them. Kinkayd taps the cage as the small creature snarls again and darts at her finger. The cage is strange looking having some wide leather straps attached to it. “I don’t know if you know anything about baby womp rats.” Her red eyes look between the rat and Martix, and she continues, “The babies are extremely vicious, for them to live they must survive starvation, hazardous condition, and predators. As soon as their large enough to walk they are on their own.”


Kinkayd steps up in front of Martix and smiles down at him. Slowly and carefully she attaches the cage to his stomach area securing the straps around his back. Now the cage is right in front of him he can see a panel that can be removed on the side closest to his stomach.


“What are you doing? What is this?” his eyes looking at her show signs of panic.


“Okay I’m going to ask some more questions and I will have the answers I want.” She turns picking up a small burn torch, her finger clicks the switch and she waves the flame in front of his eyes. “Every time you give me an answer I don’t like I’m going to place this torch at the end of our friend’s cage.” She quickly sweeps the flame across the cages end opposite Martix and the small rodent quickly runs to the removable panel that holds it in the cage. “I’m done being nice. So if you want to survive I would urge you to answer quickly and honestly.”


His eyes are wildly looking from her to the cage and then the torch. “You kriffing nuts you *****.”


“I may be, but who are you to say I am. Now let’s just cut to the chase. Who hired you?” she takes the top of the removable panel in her hand and she waits.


His eyes watch her and he sits silently, Kinkayd slips the panel from the cage and the womp rat gets close to Martix stomach sniffing. She flicks the switch and lights the torch, she slowly moves it to the end of the cage causing the whole thing to heat up. “I really didn’t want it to go this way, but so be it.” The rat at first just sits there then as the cage starts getting hot in gets as close as it can to the man’s stomach. “Okay it’s now or never,” Kinkayd smirks


The man silently watches the rat as it slowly starts to dig at his shirt its tiny claws making small rips. It moves inside his shirt and Martix looks up at Kinkayd, eyes frantic now.” It was….” He winces in pain as the rat starts ripping at the flesh on his stomach. “It was the Sovert’wat family.” He starts to scream and she sticks her free hand over his mouth. Her eyes stare at him, and she smiles. “Thank you. Do you have any proof….data chips, holorecording?” He shakes his head.

“There is a safe in the wall over there.” He speaks frantically as she removes her hand for his answer. Which she had already found and looted, “Please, please stop it, it’s tearing through me,” his words filled with pain. She reaches for the black cloth and stuffs it into his mouth and securing it there. Kinkayd steps back to the end of the cage the torch still heating the transparasteel, she smirks down at the thrashing man.


“You’re going to die now. I want you to know that you’re dying because of what you did to Bai’stion.” She rigged a sling to hold the torch at the end of the cage, she knows it will only burn for another ten or fifteen minutes. But that will be long enough to encourage the baby womp rat to escape into the man. She walks to the door and stands for several minute to watching her hand resting on the knob, the man has started to thrash about wildly and the inside of the transparasteel cage is covered with blood. A smile slowly crosses her face and she leaves the apartment keying in the codes to the droid to come pick her up.

Edited by HeresHoping
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