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Questions on what I'm doing wrong...


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So I want to get better at raiding Merc. I was asked to switch toons since we were short on Mercs...


So my merc presently has full rakata, 3 blackhole pieces, and 2 campagin pieces. He sits in raids at:

822 bonus dmg

35 crit

76 surge

109 accuracy


We use Mox parser, and often times on Toth and Zorn I am showing I am behind our top dps by 6-9% on 8man HM. Our top dps is a Sorcerer (because we don't have mauraders :( ) And his gear has him at:

916 bonus dmg

34 crit

78 surge


The rotation on a merc is pretty dull, unless I am missing something that I can be enlightned on...

3 casts of TM

pop my power relic


rail shot

proc-d unload


So thats just repeated throughout the fight, keeping HSM and rail shot on cooldown...


Some have suggested I use the dot AE missle (and so sometimes I do in conjunction with the two abiities that remove heat cost and make it insta-cast) Other people have said not to bother with this AE dot missle (unless obviously its an AE fight)


Other people have said to use that ability that removes heat cost in conjunction with a proc'd-unload (so you have time during that unload channel to vent as much heat as possible...)


My issue, outside of just not dpsing very well, is Heat. I cast TM nonstop, and I cannot cast another TM once unload procs....my heat gets too bad if I cast an extra TM after unload procs (which happens because I'm just chain casting TM so quickly back to back)...so I often take a step to interrupt that extra TM to hit the proc'd Unload. (Obviously I try to catch it super fast, so I'm not losing dps, and I do a pretty good job)


Thanks for any help.

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Wanna link your raid key for the mox parser? Would be helpful is seeing if it's something with your rotation, if you are about where most BH's are, etc.


Ultimately though, there are several other classes that are just going to put out better DPS than Merc's in 8man content right now.

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-You can lower you accuracy and add more power. Or if you have the +3% accuracy skll you can switch for the alacrity, nothing wrong with dropping from 1.5 tracer to 1.43. (Just keep eye on heat.)

I use the alacrity because a lot of fights require you to move, so I like to get my missles off faster but not shoot them so close together, so I don't over heat.


-Your popping your rail shot without having 5 stacks of its buff which is lowering its damage. Your rotation should be TM x3 --> HSM --> Unload --> TM x2 --> Rail Shot --> Unload --> Repeat.


-Not sure if you doing it but hit that relic and adrenal early, so that you can use it again towards the end of the fight.

(Unless the fight has a phase where you need to burn something FAST.)


-Missles should never loose to a glorified flashlight...

Edited by BPWyndon
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I'm popping rail shot without the tracer missle debuff? I guess its a bug that it still shows on the mob even after I hit HSM? So, anytime I use HSM I lose those 5 stacks and need to reapply them before I hit rail shot?



thats something I was not aware of...wonder how much of a dps killer that was for me...

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I'm popping rail shot without the tracer missle debuff? I guess its a bug that it still shows on the mob even after I hit HSM? So, anytime I use HSM I lose those 5 stacks and need to reapply them before I hit rail shot?



thats something I was not aware of...wonder how much of a dps killer that was for me...


Each TM gives a buff that shows on your bar to Rail Shot, stacks up to 5. The TM armor debuff is what is showing on the mob's bar, and doesn't get lost. But the Rail Shot buff on you goes back to 0 after you hit Rail Shot. And the Rail Shot buff stacks by one, not by two.

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Each TM gives a buff that shows on your bar to Rail Shot, stacks up to 5. The TM armor debuff is what is showing on the mob's bar, and doesn't get lost. But the Rail Shot buff on you goes back to 0 after you hit Rail Shot. And the Rail Shot buff stacks by one, not by two.


1.3 it will stack by 2, so this won't be a problem then. Can't wait.

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Each TM gives a buff that shows on your bar to Rail Shot, stacks up to 5. The TM armor debuff is what is showing on the mob's bar, and doesn't get lost. But the Rail Shot buff on you goes back to 0 after you hit Rail Shot. And the Rail Shot buff stacks by one, not by two.


gotcha...i hadn't been reading my spec abilities too well, all I watched was TM debuff on the mob...

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How much DPS are you doing?


In a fight like Toth and Zorn the key is really to keep up the damage while dodging red circles, and always being at the right range, etc. Your rotation may be perfect and you'll still loose heaps of DPS if you stop attacking because you have to run about.


Also, are you going over 39 heat? Don't! (unless you have Vent Heat up).

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