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VIP Lounge


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okay. I got the DDE mail from swtor clicked on the wristband to transfer the vip bracelet and it vanished from my bags.


Is this normal or bugged?


I ran around looking for an entrance but couldnt find one, tried using the elevators but can only access the classs specific areas and I am thinking maybe it is bugged or maybe i am missing something?


can anyone help?


The wristband most likely went into your Mission Items tab. You can access the VIP Lounge via the elevators at the center of the Republic/Imperial fleet (look for a bouncer).

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Still hoping someone can tell me this.


There is a vehicle for sale upstairs I think it was like 1.5mil. I can't remember if it was called a STAP specifically and I am at work, but there is definitely a vehicle up there for sale.

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Is anyone else a little bit disappointed?


I mean, it's cool and everything. But I thought it would be a bit more. For example there's four things that could've been added:


1) Chairs. I mean, what's the point in having a drink if you can't sit down? :(

2) Alcohol. Instead of weird drinks that require you to level to level 40 before you can relax.

3) People. There's nobody there. Ever. :(

4) Just a bit.. more. There's only a couple of bartenders, a few dancers and a couple of tables. I expected the lounge be more like a full-on cantina.


Other than that though, loving the game so far. Just ripped myself from my PC to get an early night.




The lounge is okay, but yeah very very empty. One other player was in there when I logged out

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Still hoping someone can tell me this.


No, the vendors there do not sell the special items that come free. They mostly sell special armor, a pet, and some companion skins.


The skin for the T7 droid is cool. it actually changes the shape of your droid so he's more rectangular than circular, with a rust color.

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Once the players hit lv 50, they are more than likely going to stay there, waiting for their war-zones queue to pop.


*Picking up the pvp dailies


I did not notice a PvP bounty board up there, is there one?


Would also be nice if our wristband was a short timer (1hr seems fair) teleport back to the fleet, not like the 24 hour emergency fleet pass. It would also make the mil credit sink for the wrist band for the non DDE/CE orders more worthwhile as well.

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I think what we should really be talking about is the lack of anything worth buying in the VIP Lounge. My expectation was that I would be able to customize my gear up there. The costs for everything are very high and to be honest I second guess why I bothered with the CE. Seems like a huge waste of time.


What the heck is the point of the robot that follows me to take screenshots...I can do that by pressing print screen. Also thought I'd have a healing droid for all my toons.


All in all very disappointing.

Edited by DarthCrash
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the VIP lounge needs more of a few good details...


First, I want to say I love Bioware. Baldur's Gate, KOTOR I, Dragon Age, Mass Effect... just excellent. *Except*, there has always been some roleplay/immersion factor details that were missing in all of these otherwise wonderful games.


For comparison of what I'm talking about, the other great CRPG company, Bethesda, gets it. I *thought* the game designers at Bioware were starting to get it with Mass Effect 2: a bar on your ship at which you can actually pour yourself a drink and get a little ripped up! actual bathrooms (even a flushing toilet!) so that the interior of the ship is more believable. no food to buy, but at least there's a quest to get gourmet food for the crew and the crewmembers talk about it! you can lie down with your honey in the epilogue!


The combat, cinematic cutscenes/story, sense of exploration, and RPG elements (status, progression, Social bar, affection from crew, etc.) are all very good (these are the 4 areas that Bioware considers their core formula), but the Old Republic is *missing* key immersion details that many of us have come to expect, especially with the fantastic work that Bethesda has been doing over the last several years, along with their epic modding community.


Immersion downers in Star Wars the Old Republic:



- Lack of sittable chairs

- Some cantinas have vendors that sell nothing but a jukebox token (Tatooine?!? really??)

- Most vendors, if they do sell a drink, don't sell alcohol, they sell spiced bantha milk or something like that (taverns that only sell milk is why I quit playing DDO after a few weeks...it's an offensive kiddie-land thing with me)

- Inability to lie down on your bed in your ship (or anywhere else)

- Windows in your ship that don't match up to where your characters would need to see.

- 1 bed in the Jedi ship (guess it's a very close-knit crew!)

- no bathrooms, anywhere (I guess you could count the fountain in the Hutta plaza as a shower) - an example of the general concept for what I'd like to see for the Old Republic would be a cross between Mass Effect 2 and Mafia 2 - so, for example, a captain's stateroom bathroom like Mass Effect 2's, but with the additional details like Mafia 2 (working faucet/shower, towels, toiletries...) If you could somehow make this moddable that would be epic!

- some of the music in the cantinas is god-awful; it doesn't take a genius to figure out which

- lack separate (purchaseable?) containers from your ship's hold, accessible only on your ship (e.g., gun cabinet in the armory on your ship, social clothing locker in your stateroom, etc.)

- no one cooks food in the Star Wars galaxy? (no galley's, kitchens, ...?) huh?

- apparently the Empire's fleet center was constructed by the same contractor that built the Republic's. Or, it used to belong to the Republic and it was captured? or vice versa?

- lack of anti-aliasing


Immersion uppers in Star Wars the Old Republic:



- 2 out of 3 songs in the Tatooine cantina are AWESOME! .. you know, the one from the movie and any other which is the same style.

- all of the environmental and combat music is excellent!

- storylines for the quests, crew, romances, all of it is very very good

- Mayonnaise sandwiches!

- Cerulean Cocktails!

- Bantha steak!

- Your own starship with captain's stateroom!

- Bunk room on trooper's (and a few others?) starship!

- all of the characters

- the huge, believable cities and environments

- city backdrops, flying cars


- Slave girl top!

- Tons of different armor and weapons

- the whole crewmember crafting system, equipment mods... VERY well done

- I actually dig the movie-esque/touch of arcade starship battles and ship upgrades - nicely done

- hair that moves

- beautiful faces, sexy curves/more than one body type

- stims you jab in your leg

- recovery animations (especially the trooper ammo reload...this animation and the concept of ammo and effect, though you don't have to actually manage it through your inventory is fine by me)

- Many KOTOR references!





- Play pazaak in the casinos

- Play holo chess on your ship

- Swoop bike racing



Basically, just keep adding content, add pazaak and holo chess, de-cheese some of the cantina music, add some alcohol and additional other food (though steak and mayo sandwiches are a good start!), add some bathrooms, allow me to sit in chairs and lie down, and I will probably play this game for the rest of my life because the rest of this game is freaking awesome.

Edited by hardermob
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