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Hi guys, im trying to improve my dps, currently on dummies around 1200


i keep reading in various places NOT to update cauterise until its gone, is there any specific reason for this?


I'd assume too allow the last tick of Cauterize to damage before refreshing it.

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I'd assume too allow the last tick of Cauterize to damage before refreshing it.


That is exactly right.


If you refresh the effect of it you will have spent 2 focus to add base dmg from cauterize + only what was gone from the dot. So if the dot for exapmle had 2 secs left, you'll only add 4 seconds of dmg instead of the 6 it usually does.


Also instead of spending 2 focus on cauterize you could have used it to (always situational) to gain some more focus or do a different dmg attack.

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