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Which PvP Armor Set? Adrenals? Stims?


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Hey Guys I'm lvl 47 on The Fatman. I am a PvP Refugee from a dead Server called Jekk Jekk Tar where I have a War Hero combat Medic Commando and War Hero Focus Guardian.


So I will be going purely PvP watchmen spec. Should I be going for the Vindicator Set and pulling out the Mods to put into Medium Armor? With Str Augments to boot?


For the Adrenal and Stim should I go Willpower since I'm Watchmen Spec? Thanks in Advance for All of your help!

Edited by BrendaMoor
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Since Watchman is about Crit and Surge then just go Weaponmaster and swap mods, don't bother too much with Willpower as you can't stack enough of it to make a difference.


What about for the Augments, Stims and Adrenals?

Edited by BrendaMoor
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