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Opinions on Killiks


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I love the Killiks because they are basically BioWare's interpretation of Star Wars "darkspawn," which were the mythical antagonists in their other game, Dragon Age: Origins.


I mean, look at the comparisons: the Killiks rise every few hundred years to plunge all of Alderaan's houses into war, only to be defeated by an "Order of Extermination" that leads the war against the Killiks and drives them underground before they take over the minds of innocents. In Dragon Age, the darkspawn come from underground every few centuries, attack everyone and turn them into darkspawn, and then are driven off by the Order of the Grey Wardens to bring them back to their lairs underground.


EDIT: IMO, the Killiks aren't considered neutral, but are rather a force of nature. They come back to attack every few centuries, and it is the job of the player to decide how to turn the tide of the threat - they act as a way for the player to express this.

Edited by Ravager
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I love the Killiks because they are basically BioWare's interpretation of Star Wars "darkspawn," which were the mythical antagonists in their other game, Dragon Age: Origins.


I mean, look at the comparisons: the Killiks rise every few hundred years to plunge all of Alderaan's houses into war, only to be defeated by an "Order of Extermination" that leads the war against the Killiks and drives them underground before they take over the minds of innocents. In Dragon Age, the darkspawn come from underground every few centuries, attack everyone and turn them into darkspawn, and then are driven off by the Order of the Grey Wardens to bring them back to their lairs underground.


EDIT: IMO, the Killiks aren't considered neutral, but are rather a force of nature. They come back to attack every few centuries, and it is the job of the player to decide how to turn the tide of the threat - they act as a way for the player to express this.


That is just the Black Hive. The rest of the Kiliks are always around although probably generally in less force as the Houses normally dedicate some of their resources to fighting them.

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I think like a lot of things in this game, whether you view something as "light" or "dark" all depends on which side of the fence you are on. The sith are assumed to be the evil ones, but the things the jedi do can be pretty darn creepy in their own way. The game often leaves grey areas and I like that.


Yes... the side of the fence.


Kaorn under siege... Light Side points for Republic: Do not kill the militia man (so your counciousness stays clean of murder and he transforms and attacks you)... but Dark Side points for Empire: Do not kill the militia man (so he suffers before he transforms and attacks you)

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then theres always the " we were here first, YOU are the invasive pest" argument


Pretty much. I find it hilarious that people keep being like, "We're doing the right thing by chasing them out of their homes!" on Aldaraan. ***? They were there first! And if they're moving across the galaxy like some unstoppable borg well...they're not doing anything differently than humans in that regard!

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