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Make your choice from these three options for ranged PvP DPS


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(Overall DPS is equal across all 3)


Option 1:

Light Armor

3k-4k damage absorb bubble

Ranged interrupt

Ranged stun

Ranged mez (instant cast through spec)

Run speed increase

Quick cast heal with no CD

2 ranged castable snares (1 is through dps ability)

Root on knockback (through spec)

Castable root (through spec)


Option 2:

Medium Armor

Ranged interrupt

Melee stun

Ranged AoE mez

Ranged castable root

Root on knockback

Ranged castable snare (through spec)

Immunity to interrupts, most leaps, and pulls (with passive ability)

Immunity to all types of CC (Instant cast with CD)


Option 3:

Heavy Armor (15% more damage reduction than Light Armor on Energy/Kinetic/Weapon damage abilities)

Quick cast heal on a CD

Ranged mez (2 sec cast)

Ranged stun

Knockback (2nd short single target knockback if specced)

Snare through dps ability (if specced)


I'm just wondering for the people who chose Merc when they first started playing if they would have made the same choice knowing this beforehand.

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I probably wouldn't have. The stand-out point of the merc was the raw brute force (of arsenal spec) before 1.2. Now that's gone we're just an inferior version of other classes.


Sniper does rooted nuking better with far better utility and control, plus way better survivability (immunity to charge is amazing).

Sorc does as good damage whilst having tons of utility, offhealing capabilities, great skills for objective play, etc.


Pyro is a decent enough spec, but seeing powertechs do it so much better is unfair and completely demoralizing.



......but yeah at least we have heavy armor! :D

Edited by Sinsavz
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