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Scrapper PvP levelling rotation advice- post-20/pre-36


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I've started levelling a scrapper and I'm having fun with the build, with a couple of caveats.


Firstly, getting sucker punch at 20 has made my life easier, but I'm still a little while away from getting some game-changing abilities (disappearing act and tendon blast being the big two) and a long way away from 'shoot first'.


Basically, opening on people and killing them before they get away/their buddies take notice and atttack me, locking me in combat, is proving to be quite difficult for me. I'm trying to find an optimal rotation to burst people down and keep them from kiting me without the benefit of tendon blast or the shoot first stun.


My questions are these:


1) Should vital shot be worked into a scrapper's opening rotation? The DoT helps with whittling their health down if used early, but it's one GCD less for the other essentials.


2) I open with backblast, due to the positioning requirement. After that I'm not sure of the optimal rotation to be using to burst them down as quickly as possible. The essentials seem to be blaster whip, dirty kick, pugnacity, and sucker punch, but how should I be prioritising these? At the moment I tend to do this:


backblast>dirty kick>pistol whip> sucker punch/pugnacity...


I'm not sure whether it's more important to get pugnacity up as soon as possible, or work sucker punch in for the extra damage. As I mentioned above, I'll sometimes throw a vital shot in the there, as at the moment it takes me a while to whittle enemies down.

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Might be worth it to spend 2 points on UWM UH procs just so you can pop up Pug before the fight, and possibly 2 UHs before as well.


Also, you might know this already in which case just disregard it ,but, don't forget to work sabotage charge into your rotation.


As for Vital Shot, if you have the skill to proc an extra UH from flying fists, then it might be worth it, otherwise I wouldn't bother with it and save it for popping DoTs on retreating opponents.

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