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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unique Player Identifier Feature


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Please add unique player identifiers so that players can use whatever name and legacy name they wish while still maintaining an unique identity. Should such a change be made all players should be offered one free name change/legacy name change.


Several other MMO and OMG products already offer similar features which allow players to pick any name they wish while still having an "address" that makes them unique for the purpose of friends lists and in game mail. The more servers are consolidated the more there will be a desire for this kind of service

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Oh geeeez.. Is it really so hard to make up a new character name?? Do they really have to reprogram the game to allow you to have your name??


Perhaps you should have been more creative in your naming choices and picked a name that not everyone has.. Like both My wife and I have done..


People just need to learn to get creative with their names.. We don't need some identifier so we can have 90 'Duke Skytaller' on the same server.. Or 'Han Bolo' .. Seriously.. There are a ton of websites that can help with character names..

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Please add unique player identifiers so that players can use whatever name and legacy name they wish while still maintaining an unique identity. Should such a change be made all players should be offered one free name change/legacy name change.


Several other MMO and OMG products already offer similar features which allow players to pick any name they wish while still having an "address" that makes them unique for the purpose of friends lists and in game mail. The more servers are consolidated the more there will be a desire for this kind of service


I support this idea, I do think having an unique identity feature would be an interesting followup that would allow players to choice our desire user/legacy names.


much better than having a one name policy per server!

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Oh geeeez.. Is it really so hard to make up a new character name?? Do they really have to reprogram the game to allow you to have your name??


Perhaps you should have been more creative in your naming choices and picked a name that not everyone has.. Like both My wife and I have done..


People just need to learn to get creative with their names.. We don't need some identifier so we can have 90 'Duke Skytaller' on the same server.. Or 'Han Bolo' .. Seriously.. There are a ton of websites that can help with character names..


Yes, because those are not my name, I don't want some random name, I want my name, the name I have been using for over a decade of online gaming.

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Unique Legacy Name, but allow multiple first names?


Ex: Luke Skywalker then Luke Calhoon.

Two Luke on one server, but different legacies.


Of course, the problem w/ this is characters w/o a legacy. But they should make their own names until that time :)

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Unique Legacy Name, but allow multiple first names?


Ex: Luke Skywalker then Luke Calhoon.

Two Luke on one server, but different legacies.


Of course, the problem w/ this is characters w/o a legacy. But they should make their own names until that time :)


Well I think usernames and legacy names have both been a problem as of late, so both need to be addressed not one over the other.

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Please add unique player identifiers so that players can use whatever name and legacy name they wish while still maintaining an unique identity.


Please explain how, in this system, a person would send an email or a guild invite or a firend request to a character, if characters don't have unique names?

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I'm pretty sure we do have unique IDs. I'm Journeyman on Mind Trick, but I'm apparently actually Journeyman120 in the system (thanks to a mailbox bug early in the game's release that caused my name+number to appear in messages).


The larger problem is with player interaction and immersion. I mean, let's say you meet someone in game with a character name, but then to friend them or group with them, you have to put in their ID #. Or to /ignore them...


I guess what I'm saying is where would you draw the line between a name being the unique identifier and having players with ridiculous strings of numbers after their names? It doesn't seem like an easy compromise to work out.


Oh, and on the legacy thing--as I recall, they are considering certain things like player relationships and the impact that might have on legacy names..

Edited by Journeyer
added note about legacy
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I'm pretty sure we do have unique IDs. I'm Journeyman on Mind Trick, but I'm apparently actually Journeyman120 in the system (thanks to a mailbox bug early in the game's release that caused my name+number to appear in messages).


The larger problem is with player interaction and immersion. I mean, let's say you meet someone in game with a character name, but then to friend them or group with them, you have to put in their ID #. Or to /ignore them...


I guess what I'm saying is where would you draw the line between a name being the unique identifier and having players with ridiculous strings of numbers after their names? It doesn't seem like an easy compromise to work out.


Oh, and on the legacy thing--as I recall, they are considering certain things like player relationships and the impact that might have on legacy names..


If Pirates of the Burning Sea and Guild Wars can pull it off so can SWTOR


Our ID's should be linked to our account database, therefore it shouldn't be a problem having any Usernames and Legacy name you want in-game.

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Yes, because those are not my name, I don't want some random name, I want my name, the name I have been using for over a decade of online gaming.


Well.. If you have been playing that long then you should have some alt names that you use.. I have about 6 of them that I can use.. Your name being taking is all part of the reality of online gaming.. You should know that and you should be prepared.. Again you only have yourself to blame..

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Well.. If you have been playing that long then you should have some alt names that you use.. I have about 6 of them that I can use.. Your name being taking is all part of the reality of online gaming.. You should know that and you should be prepared.. Again you only have yourself to blame..


Nobody should be blamed for anything but Bioware with their very poor naming policy, before they even introduced transfers they should of done something about the naming policy and re-code it, to a more suitable replacement where we can be any name or legacy name we want without the fear of losing something we worked so hard for.


It matters to alot of us who have been loyal to this game, maybe not to you but there are alot of players that do care! Some even canceling their subs because of it, it was a very poor call by bioware.

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Nobody should be blamed for anything but Bioware with their very poor naming policy, before they even introduced transfers they should of done something about the naming policy and re-code it, to a more suitable replacement where we can be any name or legacy name we want without the fear of losing something we worked so hard for.


It matters to alot of us who have been loyal to this game, maybe not to you but there are alot of players that do care! Some even canceling their subs because of it, it was a very poor call by bioware.


What is wrong with their naming policy?? How is it their job to provide you with a name or allow you to keep the same name when changing servers?? I think your request is a bit unreasonable.. You worked hard for your name?? Really?? Do you burn some calories typing it out and thinking of it that first time?? Come on.. It is a name.. It is not a big deal.. Make up a new one and move one.. Bioware has done nothing wrong..


If your loyalty to this game is based on whether or not you can keep your name?? Well.. You better move on.. If people are so bent out of shape over losing a video game character name that they would unsub?? Well.. I hope they mail me their stuff..


People with those kind of expectations probably shouldn't be playing an MMO.. The game doesn't revolve around them and their character names..

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What is wrong with their naming policy?? How is it their job to provide you with a name or allow you to keep the same name when changing servers?? I think your request is a bit unreasonable.. You worked hard for your name?? Really?? Do you burn some calories typing it out and thinking of it that first time?? Come on.. It is a name.. It is not a big deal.. Make up a new one and move one.. Bioware has done nothing wrong..


If your loyalty to this game is based on whether or not you can keep your name?? Well.. You better move on.. If people are so bent out of shape over losing a video game character name that they would unsub?? Well.. I hope they mail me their stuff..


People with those kind of expectations probably shouldn't be playing an MMO.. The game doesn't revolve around them and their character names..


First of all their naming policy is very flawed, it should have it's own unlimited system where names and legacy names aren't limited, my story is meaningless now, you shouldn't be forced out of your community and into another while being forced to change your identity. Names as a matter of fact mean a great deal to players, this isn't a console game this is a MMO, two complete different breeding grounds, and yes it does matter to those that have been here since day one, may it be roleplay reasons or simply Warzones/pvp.


The matter of the fact is you can't just go around and say change it --"easier said than done" I don't think that's happening.

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Well.. If you have been playing that long then you should have some alt names that you use.. I have about 6 of them that I can use.. Your name being taking is all part of the reality of online gaming.. You should know that and you should be prepared.. Again you only have yourself to blame..


I get it, you like being an internet bully and blaming people for things that aren't their fault. I'll make this easy for you, they are merging 1.3 million people from around 200 servers to about a dozen or so. There will be close to 100k characters on each sever. That is 100k totally unique names. That is a totally unreasonable expectation, people cannot pick names with any meaning, heck, the Random Name Generator will probably be picking names that are taken. I'm asking a major studio to make an option available that several minor studios with Free to Play titles have been doing for years.


You better start coming up with more alt names, cause the chances are that yours are all already taken.

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