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Character Names on Transfer


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If there are other threads forgive the post, I didn't have time to pre-read everything.


A decade ago when EverQuest was merging servers for the first time they gave name priority to those that held the name the longest. They also had a function called /born which a player could see when they were created so I am betting they used that field.


I bought the Collectors edition of this game and with the exception of my Pure breed Sith Sage (Made when 1.2 released) my toons were named n Mid December when the collectors Edition Pre-Release started.


Since My server still hasn't transfered I am still waiting, however you can see what servers they are moving PVE East coasters to. So people are going out to reserver names or taking the name because they think it's cool and wasn't available on heir current server.


So I who created a name in Early December 2011 may lose my names to some yahoo that went out yesterday to one of the destination servers and created a level 1 toon with my name...


Please give naming priority to those that have held the name longest - not to those that are on the destination server.

We have been with you the longest and deserve a little respect for sticking around so long...

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Yup. Same problem here. Registered my name in first few minutes of EA. I think that Bio made some very bad joke with transfer strategy. I wasn't ever prepaired for searching new name and all names similar to mine are already taken.
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I am so frustrated and angry that this server merger, (and it was a merger), did not take into account character age or even account age to determine seniority for name retention.


My friends, family, and I all bought into the Early Adopter and took launch day off of work so that we could get the names we wanted. Now we are all but being forced to move to a place where we will lose those names forever.


The way this has been executed deeply breaks my heart because most of the people I play with would rather quit playing than be bullied into losing the names we all took significant steps to acquire. And why would I want to keep playing if my father, son, and friends aren't. So now we are virtually stranded on a server that has 5 people in fleet and they are currently in the process of transferring. So it appears that we have the entirety of Vrook Lamar pretty much to ourselves until players get funneled there, or the server gets closed. (I am personally hoping for the former.)


BioWare,from Baldur's Gate to Knights of the Old Republic, you have been my favorite game studio. I have had complete faith in you and believed that no matter what you would handle things appropriately, until today. Now I don't even know what to say that wouldn't get me banned except, thank you. :(:mad::(

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I am cancelling my account all because of this. I have had my toon names since first day of early access. Bought the Collector's Edition. I have 5 level 50 toons and 3 others all above 30. Never left the game like some people did when things got shaky. Now I am being forced to a now Heavy server where all that is left is crap names ......not gonna happen. So long SWTOR. It was fun while it lasted.
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Aion used age of character to determine right to the name, and they took the time to establish valid tie breakers - it is a small piece of logic compared to the overall server transfer, but yet again, EA BioWare (must have that EA there) seemed to have not covered their bases in the developing a feature and rushed it out.


Three of my toons I named as an early access player now must be renamed. For all I know, the owner of the names never got their toons beyond level 10 and do not even play anymore.

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There is no naming priority.. First come first serve.. That is how it is and how it should be..


For those of you willing to quit over this?? Can I have your stuff??


And oh.. Can you name any other game that took names from other people to give to you?? No?? Didn't think so..

Edited by MajikMyst
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I am so frustrated and angry that this server merger, (and it was a merger), did not take into account character age or even account age to determine seniority for name retention.


My friends, family, and I all bought into the Early Adopter and took launch day off of work so that we could get the names we wanted. Now we are all but being forced to move to a place where we will lose those names forever.


The way this has been executed deeply breaks my heart because most of the people I play with would rather quit playing than be bullied into losing the names we all took significant steps to acquire. And why would I want to keep playing if my father, son, and friends aren't. So now we are virtually stranded on a server that has 5 people in fleet and they are currently in the process of transferring. So it appears that we have the entirety of Vrook Lamar pretty much to ourselves until players get funneled there, or the server gets closed. (I am personally hoping for the former.)


BioWare,from Baldur's Gate to Knights of the Old Republic, you have been my favorite game studio. I have had complete faith in you and believed that no matter what you would handle things appropriately, until today. Now I don't even know what to say that wouldn't get me banned except, thank you. :(:mad::(


You know.. It I almost feel sorry for you?? My only question is, what are you going to do if something really bad happens like the wife or hubby burns the meat loaf??


Is there really something so hard about altering your name a smidge so you can still use it?? I mean do you really have to use your name exaclty as it is and no other way?? Are you really that inflexable??


Nobody is forcing you to do anything.. You are not the victim here.. There was no threat of Bioware banning your account if you didn't transfer.. You made the choice of your own free will to move to another server.. So there is nobody to blame but yourself..


But let's look at your idea.. Hypothetically..


You started playing Dec. 15th, 2011.. That was the start of early release.. So I am transfering to your server.. I have been playing since July 21st, 2011.. So by your rules, They should take the name off your character and give it to me.. Is that correct?? Am I understanding that correctly?? Yes, I am including the beta.. But even still as long as my account or character is older.. You lose.. Your toon will be stripped without warning.. You will login to a nice message that says, 'Your name has been removed to welcome someone new to the server.. His character and account is older than your by about 2 days, which means you have no rights at all and therefore lose your name..' Does that sound good to you??


Get a grip there.. That would be bad customer service and you know it.. But remember.. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.. What comes around goes around..


Make a new name and be happy.. It really isn't that big a deal.. Oh.. Go check the meat loaf..

Edited by MajikMyst
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I take it majikmyst won the lottery of destination servers.


These people have the right to not put up with things in a GAME they don't like. Whether your opinion agrees with them, or not, is not relevant. It's not up to you to tell them that they're wrong to want to keep their names, because they are not wrong. If it's important to them, then they can feel any way they like about it.

Edited by Hambunctious
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I take it majikmyst won the lottery of destination servers.


These people have the right to not put up with things in a GAME they don't like. Whether your opinion agrees with them, or not, is not relevant. It's not up to you to tell them that they're wrong to want to keep their names, because they are not wrong. If it's important to them, then they can feel any way they like about it.


Hmmm.. Where did I ever say that it was wrong to want to keep their name?? Please quote me on that will you??


What I said was, is that they are wrong to demand that someone else give up the name so they can use it..


I doubt any of them or even you would love to login and find that your character was stripped of it's name because someone transfered to your server.. But I guess if you want to make the claim that you would be all for that.. Because that is what people are arguing for.. Their right to keep their name even though someone else has it... Which means someone else has to lose it.. Cause and effect.. A basic concept..


Yes they are wrong.. Nobody has the right to demand that something be taken from someone else who had it first and be given to them..


Please, actually read my posts before you respond to them..


Oh.. I haven't transfered.. Not an option on my server.. But I transfered 5 times while playing WOW.. Never once did I demand that someone give me their name because mine was taken on the new server.. In fact?? In all the years that WOW has been offering server transfers.. I haven't seen anyone in their forums demanding that their name be stripped off someone else so they can use it.. I just don't know why people here have the delusion that it is even ok to ask such a thing..

Edited by MajikMyst
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You know.. It I almost feel sorry for you?? My only question is, what are you going to do if something really bad happens like the wife or hubby burns the meat loaf??


Is there really something so hard about altering your name a smidge so you can still use it?? I mean do you really have to use your name exaclty as it is and no other way?? Are you really that inflexable??


Nobody is forcing you to do anything.. You are not the victim here.. There was no threat of Bioware banning your account if you didn't transfer.. You made the choice of your own free will to move to another server.. So there is nobody to blame but yourself..


But let's look at your idea.. Hypothetically..


You started playing Dec. 15th, 2011.. That was the start of early release.. So I am transfering to your server.. I have been playing since July 21st, 2011.. So by your rules, They should take the name off your character and give it to me.. Is that correct?? Am I understanding that correctly?? Yes, I am including the beta.. But even still as long as my account or character is older.. You lose.. Your toon will be stripped without warning.. You will login to a nice message that says, 'Your name has been removed to welcome someone new to the server.. His character and account is older than your by about 2 days, which means you have no rights at all and therefore lose your name..' Does that sound good to you??


Get a grip there.. That would be bad customer service and you know it.. But remember.. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.. What comes around goes around..


Make a new name and be happy.. It really isn't that big a deal.. Oh.. Go check the meat loaf..


My names are very unusual so the gripe I posted was more for others than myself. After getting over the thought of the having to alter the identity of our characters we took the plunge and transferred. It ended up not being so bad. Only a couple of spelling modifications had to be made but phonetically everyone got to keep their names, even the awesome legacy names were still available. And I must say, the community at Begeren Colony is amazing. There were 144 at fleet at 3pm yesterday, PvP was poppin' like mad and finding a FP group was like finding doughnuts in a bakery. The small sacrifices we had to make in our naming pale in comparison to the overwhelming sense of community, and overall cohesiveness of our new home. Moving was, without a doubt, the right choice.


Oh, and just so ya know, the meatloaf came out just fine. :p

Edited by KonaiNobi
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I take it majikmyst won the lottery of destination servers.


He's an internet bully, he gets off bashing people for being upset they are losing their names, and he thinks unique names on these new super servers that have to be approaching 100k+ characters on them is reasonable and just a question of being more unique.

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