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Commandos in pvp


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I recently got a character transfer and I have been thinking about trying out my commando again. He is lvl 44, and is using a hybrid combat medic/gunnery spec. I enjoyed him when I was left to free cast, but when he gets under pressure I feel like he is somewhat useless. From what I have seen everyone seems to think commandos suck. I currently have a lvl 50 sorc and lvl 50 jedi shadow. My sorc is also playing a healy/dps hybrid spec. Should I just let my commando die? Can anyone recommend a good spec for pvp? It does not have to be a heal spec.
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It just seems like my commando has crap for utility.


My sorc can instant stun, instant whirlwind, knockback, sprint away, and bubble, pull friendlies to me, can heal and spam force lightning.


My lvl 40 powertech seems like he can kite better than my commando, and he is melee.

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Commandos have pretty much zero utility, especially when compared to Sages. I tried a Combat Medic/Gunnery hybrid for a while, but I just found it really boring. I enjoy Assault Specialist more, but the lack of utility is still downright depressing.
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Utility for commando is a constant discussion here in this section, however I feel it still comes down to what you enjoy the most. I am not someone who plays the 'best class' just to be better than someone else, I play commando because I love running around toting a giant gun shooting things. As far as commandos sucking, I wouldn't say that. Just some down sides that can hit a lot of players pretty hard (if not all) but the class remains with its ideals. So my answer would fall down to personal preference, if you enjoy playing the commando than its what you go with even with its short comings, you learn what they are and what you can do. It can be a royal pain but its a passion.
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