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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is Mako Bugged?


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Hi all....first off I sincerely apologize if this has been asked and/or addressed, but I failed to find anothing current on the topic. I have finally come full circle and am now playing a BH {was the very first toon I made back in early beta}....and I have a question about Mako. Simply is she bugged? She started out normal enough affectionwise, but after getting her mission on Nar she has never spokent to me again.


I am currently lvl 34 on Alderaan....and her affection is at 10K lol. Due in part to gifts mostly...since my BH is evil all I get is negatives from dialogs lol. Anyhow should she not have at least once since Nar wanted to chat? I kept telling myself that perhaps I was not far enough in my arch etc...but it just seems off/odd. I will further admit that this is literally the first companion that I overdosed with gifts since it was made so rediculously easy.....that and I have several 50s already so have a bank full of gifts. Before 1.2 I honestly never gave a rats *** about affection....but do now that it grants presence.


Anyhow it this normal, or do I need to for the first time ever submit a ticket on live? Is she bugged or should I just be patient and progress some more? Thanks.

Edited by Urantia
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You will get like 9 conversations in a row when you go your ship after completing the act. They linked the companion conversations to both your affection and the story acts at the same time so if you did like me and maxed out Mako half way through act 1 you have to wait to finish the act. It happens to a small extent on all characters but only if your affection is above what they planned you to be at during a given act. This used to also cause the bug where they kept telling you they wanted to talk and as soon as you got near your ship or a cantina the icon went away and no conversation.

Also a little spoiler about one of her missions


When you get her second mission check the quest level recommendation, it is accurate and should be believed.


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You will get like 9 conversations in a row when you go your ship after completing the act. They linked the companion conversations to both your affection and the story acts at the same time so if you did like me and maxed out Mako half way through act 1 you have to wait to finish the act. It happens to a small extent on all characters but only if your affection is above what they planned you to be at during a given act. This used to also cause the bug where they kept telling you they wanted to talk and as soon as you got near your ship or a cantina the icon went away and no conversation.

Also a little spoiler about one of her missions


When you get her second mission check the quest level recommendation, it is accurate and should be believed.


Thanks a lot for the reply. I figured it would be something like this.

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