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Powertech PvP videos


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Im a Pyro Specced Powertech on Hydianway server EU. I am a keen pvper(warlord) and have recently been made pvp officer for my guild. The guild I am currently in Aeon are ranked no2 acording to guildprogress in PvE. I am currently trying to turn these PvE carebears into a good PvP team.


I have started making some videos that I would like to share and get some constructive feedback. I added some thoughts in the Hutball 2part video i did which my guild seemed to like and there is also a Civil war video up so far aswell. I am currently trying to get my players to see the value of playing objectively and not chasing kills, something which consistently you will see. Any advice or feedback is welcome and if i can help answer some things I will try my best also.


Hope you enjoy the videos


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Hey BCass, watched both your uploads and enjoyed them! First of all though congratulations on your guild promotion, you clearly have a decent understanding of your class, rotation & Warzone tactics. I noticed you using rapid shots alot while you're building heat, surprising how many Powertechs won't, probably thinking that heat generating moves are the only way to top damage charts....!? I didn't notice you using unload that much though, its great for activating your combustible gas cylinder along with your rapid shots ^^. I'm guessing your spec gives you a 16% chance to activate CGC with all blaster effects and your Unload hits many times, and decent damage to be fair. Try it out if you aren't already using it often in your rotation, its great!


As for these one line pearls of wisdom offered up by the Elite -^^- of our community, ignore them. After watching you play I've decided you're either using keymaps already or are very good at functioning without them. Either way you're a pretty dangerous customer!


I've uploaded a few videos myself recently and learnt that you will always come across people that just want to hate. I've been TOLD - not advised - to use keybindings by someone I don't know!? Truth is I map virtually my entire rotation through setpoint (20 buttons) on my mouse with a shift modifier, but because I have the 1-7 keys showing on my skillbar, apparently I need to learn how to play my class!?


My point being, ignore the muppets and keep uploading decent content that will be useful to 99% of the community here. Not everyone here has their heads up their own arse or wants to assume your playstyle or setup.


I've subbed and looking forward to the next upload, I especially liked your use of grapple on Huttball to vent some motherchuckers! Smart. I do think you should try out some commentary in future uploads though, would like to know what you're thinking while you're making moves! Thanks for posting here, always enjoy a good video!

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where was the clicking?


Around 4:45 it really looks as clicking.

To above poster, I didn't want to come off as a douche, but in hindsight it kinda did.

I'm doubting now you are clicking, sorry OP!

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After reading the first response to this thread I kinda just rolled my eyes and thought typical, I should of known better than to post on here.... this is the reason many people dont post on forums, but I want to say thankyou to you guys expessially Lorcen, for your very nice reply. I did want to post more defensive / objective based Powertech videos as with rated warzones comming I belive that this is a better way to play. It is easy enough as a Pyro Powertech to do alot of damage and solo kills and there are al ton of those type of videos allready.


As I said in my original post, I am trying to convert my guilds PvP mentality into more objective based. You probabily noticed them running off and leaving me alone to guard when It was clear (if you look and be aware) that we were about to be attacked. You may of also noticed I was calling East in chat when i was guarding West, PvP experiance tells you that when reinforcements stop attacking your point, ofc they are going else where...


In the Hutball video I decided to add notes to my thought pattern during the game, the guys in my guild seemed to like this eventhough to regular PvPers most would be common sense I know, but it gives you an idea of my thoughts during game. The biggest thing I try and do is not be drawn into fighting needlessly to often and to always be looking around or getting position.


@Lorcen Thx for nice words. Yes, I tell my bountyhunter guildies "rapidshots is your friend, learn to love it!" It actually makes a huge difference to your heat management. I see many BH's on full heat and they are easy kills every time. I also think that rapid shots is undervalued for damage. I can use it for free and do around 900damage+ proc CGC or I can use something like flameburst that costs 16heat and only does 1100damage.. I dont think the priority that some Powertechs give heat generating abilities should be as high as it is at all. Ofcourse FB does more damage but just because it is spammable doesnt mean it actually is spammable!!! ;)

Also the only times I regualarly use Unload is in voidstar, I tend to play with as much range as possible in here to avoid dieing and protect our doors longer. I use LoS and the pillars alot and only run out to rocketpunch for a rail proc then fire that as I get back to somthing like cover. Grapple there healers to me and shut them down also. I will give unload a try in a few other warzones more and see how it goes and let you know. It isnt an ability that would be on my PvE rotation but i can see the use for it in warzones for sure.


As for the "Use Hotkeys" comment. Yes i do allready use many hotkeys, and I also have core abilities bound to my mouse. I do click somethings also though, but dont see the issue with this and I do move abit using my keyboard to strafe, though if I need to turn or spin fast this is done using mouse turning as yes it is alot more effective. My closest and most used keybinds are mostly abilities that need quicker reaction times, like F-interupt. C-ccbreak, X-grapple, R-shield, \-kolto, Fkeys at top for medpacks and cooldowns ect. I belive skills that that an aim recticle are essential to keybind as the time saved is massive, for example I have DeathfromAbove on V and pass hutball on B. I find these easy to reach and being able to instantly press and aim essential to playing hutball.

One thing I dont understand is the elitism and mockery that people seem to feel they need to press on others for there control methods. What works is whatever that person can effectively use.


So DaFanG, you may of been correct if you saw a click or two but all in all i dont belive I am any less efficent or effective because of this and primarlily I do use mousebinds and keybinds.


Thankyou for watching the videos and i will try and get some more onto the channel if you wish to see more. :)

Edited by BCass
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