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Transfer questions


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Are we getting 90 days to decide before this free option is over? And, are we getting more than one server as an option to transfer to?



Also can I transfer several characters at the same time?


If I have mail, which I know is not useful since it is low level mail for a character, can I transfer anyways, but lose the items?


If I am transferring a character currently, can I log into the character, or other characters from the same server to check their mail?


Concurrently, the guild I am in seems to be MIA, with a message of the day considering which server to choose. So, waiting a few days is not a problem for me and waiting for them, but there would be no point in waiting if 1. There is only one planned free server transfer and 2. There is a limited time which is less than 90 days for me to choose.


edit: I would still like an answer to the question (would be useful for other characters and waiting for them), but the message of the day has changed to the available server for transfer.

Edited by VegaPhone
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Also, atm I can see that the server I transferred to has 2 characters when there is only 1. Whats up with that?


Also that name I used was generic that it was taken, my other questions is about the name change.


1. Firstly, if someone intentionally made a character named after we named our characters to force us to change our names does BW fix this form of exploit/harassment?


2. If the person has a high lvl character, and was named before me... then I will have to use the name change feature which I am guessing is used by logging in?


However, for point 1, what is the BW response to that situation?

Edited by VegaPhone
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